Not everyone knows about it, but mushrooms can be picked not only in summer or autumn, but at any time of the year. Naturally, for each season there is a range of varieties. In fact, seasonality is another basis for classifying mushrooms.

For example, spring mushrooms are those that grow only in spring. They can be found in the forest from mid-March to late May or early June. Some of the spring mushrooms are widely known (for example, lines and morels), while others are known only to true connoisseurs of “forest hunting” (collibia – spring honey agarics, May rows, spring grebes, lobes and some others).

Among spring mushrooms, a separate group of so-called “universal” spring mushrooms is also distinguished. For the first time from under the ground they appear in April and are found in the forests until September. “Universalists” can be both edible (yellow russula, flakes, deer mushrooms), as well as unsuitable and even dangerous specimens (the most beautiful cobweb, false tinder fungus and sulfur-yellow false burr).

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