Slimming treatments – what are the effects?

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There are many methods for losing weight, but they do not always meet our expectations. Even consistent dietary compliance and physical activity do not guarantee getting rid of unnecessary kilograms. When the desired effect is the loss of centimeters in specific parts of the body or the elimination of cellulite, slimming treatments come to the rescue.

Slimming treatments, i.e. weight loss support

At the outset, it should be noted that slimming treatments – despite their name – are not a slimming method in themselves. They are not a substitute for a balanced diet and exercise, but they can enhance their effect. When undertaking a slimming treatment, however, we cannot choose which parts of the body we will get rid of excess fat from. This is exactly what cosmetology and aesthetic medicine enable us to do.

Who are slimming treatments intended for? Primarily for people who want to get rid of excess body fat, cellulite, stretch marks and sagging skin. The ills associated with the figure vary depending on the type of figure. When choosing a slimming treatment, we will deal with problematic parts of the body that we cannot model with exercises alone. In this way, we will get rid of the belly, as well as excess fat accumulating in the waist, hips, thighs, arms or back.

Some treatments are also designed to slim down and lift the face, get rid of the double chin, as well as smooth the skin of the neckline, neck, cheeks and forehead.

Better metabolism

Primary the purpose of slimming treatments is to help remove excess body fat from the patient. It becomes possible by breaking down fat cells or accelerating metabolism, and sometimes a combination of these methods.

The reduction of subcutaneous fat can be accelerated by improving blood and lymph circulation. The result is a more efficient metabolism and faster fat removal. For this reason, high efficiency is ensured by treatments such as liposuction, cryolipolysis and endermology, as they break down fat cells. In this way, their metabolism is facilitated, and the treated person loses even a few centimeters in the waist or thigh circumference.

  1. Also read: Exercise in slimming capsules. How does vacuum training work?

Modeled silhouette

Losing kilos is not an automatic result of slimming treatments, although some actually give an immediate visual effect (e.g. Exilis treatment and ultrasonic liposuction). In most cases, we gradually get rid of unwanted centimeters from selected parts of the body. It requires the constant work of the body, which metabolizes fat cells, thanks to which we are getting step by step towards our dream figure. Slimming treatments are therefore used to shape the figure. They make it possible to slim the calves, hips, thighs, waist, buttocks, abdomen, arms, back, as well as the cleavage, neck and face.

Body shaping i reducing the amount of adipose tissue takes time, so you usually need to undergo several treatments of a given type.

Cellulite reduction

Many women find cellulite on the way to self-confidence and a perfect figure. Orange peel, which becomes an aesthetic problem especially in the later stages of advancement, is extremely troublesome. Exercise, drinking water, and other methods of combating cellulite are not always effective.

Tall effectiveness in the fight against cellulite Instead, they exhibit negative pressure treatments (endermology, slimming capsules), lymphatic drainage and cryolipolysis.

  1. Also check what ultrasonic liposuction is about.

Flexible and firm skin

Various forms of massage also have a positive effect on skin firmness, making even flabby parts elastic. This effect is the result of stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. We can also get it around the face by choosing the Exilis treatment – this way we will reduce wrinkles.

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