Six petals diet

The six-petal diet is an original weight loss technique based on the principles of separate mono-nutrition and strict alternation of protein and carbohydrate diets.

Today, people who are passionate about losing weight have high hopes for a new diet that helps to lose 3-5 kg ​​in 6 days. Positive reviews of those who have lost weight with the help of this nutrition system can be read on many sites. And this is already an important reason to learn more about what the 6 petal diet is.

The Six Petals, or Anna Johansson’s weight loss program, was developed in Sweden, and many Europeans have already managed to lose weight with it. Flower, or as it is also called – the diet “Petal” allows you not to focus on dietary restrictions, but focuses attention on another. The flower symbolizes the days of the week, and each of its petals – a delicious, unique menu.

Many sources claim that the six petal diet was created in Sweden and developed by nutritionist Anna Johansson. True, it has not yet been possible to find documentary evidence of the existence of this woman. It is also unknown whether she experienced the effect of the “flower” system on herself and how much she managed to lose. Well, and, moreover, no one knows the exact date of birth of the diet. But something else is known – more important when it comes to a system for losing weight – this effective diet allows you to lose daily from half a kilogram to 800 grams of excess weight. And women all over the world have already seen this. So what is the secret of the system that promises super weight loss?

What you need to know about diet

Anna Johansson’s program is an example of a typical meal plan. The essence of the 6 petal diet is that a person who loses weight during the week adheres to several mono-diets that change every 24 hours. Recall that a mono-diet is the use of products that are identical in chemical composition for a certain time, thus avoiding mixing incompatible dishes, which is especially bad for the digestive system, and therefore, in the end, for the figure. Traditionally, the “flower” diet is made up of 6 mono-diets, and such a nutrition system allows you to lose weight more quickly. According to nutritionists, the Swedish diet of Anna Johansson is considered to be effective, primarily due to the rules of separate feeding. This principle, as already noted, prohibits combining incompatible products on a plate, namely their “tandem” leads to an increase in subcutaneous fat. A mono-diet involves taking one type of product throughout the day. And this frees you from the need to memorize a list of compatible and incompatible dishes.

The mono-diet also has another amazing property that accelerates weight loss. A monotonous diet for 24 hours also leads to weight loss. But nutritionists warn: monotonous nutrition should last no longer than a day, the next day the mono-diet can be continued, but with a different diet. The secret of losing weight is that the human body is not capable of digesting and extracting nutrients from only one food product for days on end. That is, from cottage cheese eaten for breakfast, the body absorbs all the useful elements it needs and then waits for other products. If during the day you provide him with the same cottage cheese, the digestive system will begin to digest it almost “for nothing”. The effect necessary for weight loss is created: there is no feeling of hunger, you can eat as much as you like, but the body still does not convert calories into fat, but, on the contrary, begins to look for the energy necessary for life in the “bins” – “reserves” on the stomach, hips … But it’s worth remind: this trick is only effective for the first 24 hours, then the product should be changed.

Another important principle of the 6 petals diet is the alternation of carbohydrates and proteins, which is also an important rule for effective weight loss.

If you fluently analyze the menu for each day (let’s talk about the diet in more detail below), then an interesting scheme emerges:

  • 1 day – protein (fish diet);
  • 2 day – carbohydrate (vegetable);
  • 3 day – protein (chicken menu);
  • 4 day – carbohydrate (cereals);
  • 5 day – protein (cottage cheese);
  • 6 day – carbohydrate (fruit).

This tactic is known among nutritionists as the most effective, allowing you to fool the body and force you to use your own energy reserves. At the same time, the menu of the 6 diet of petals is balanced, since during the week the slimming person gets all the necessary elements.

The benefits of mono-diets and psychological techniques in her work

In addition to daily weight loss, monodiet has other useful properties:

  • perfectly cleans the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diet – very nutritious;
  • “mono” food allows you to save time in the morning, as there is no need to make fancy breakfasts;
  • learns to listen to your own body;
  • A great way to pamper yourself with your favorite product all day long;
  • no feeling of hunger, which makes it easy to stick to a dietary diet.

Psychologists have long proved that a job well done is one that is done with love and interest. You can not enjoy the result of what in the process brought only torment. And diet is no exception. A tasteless menu, a constant feeling of hunger, will undoubtedly provoke a breakdown, followed by a jump in weight. That’s why the Swedish Johansson diet is more like a game than a traditional weight loss with calorie counting and a menu scheduled by the hour.

In addition to certain products, for a flower diet you will need paper, scissors, pencils or paints and … a mischievous mood. To begin with, draw a flower with 6 petals on a sheet – it can be a chamomile or another favorite plant. Color the petals in different colors and write the name of the mono-diet on each. Now that the flower miracle is ready, attach it in a prominent place. And under the veil of the day, tear off a petal in a chamomile, noting how the weight “melts” before our eyes.

A diet with the elegant name 6 of petals teaches us to focus not on dietary restrictions, but on the beauty of a flowering plant — its tenderness and elegance.

The Scandinavian nutritionist recalls in this way: every woman is a beautiful and bright flower, and only 6 days are enough to fully reveal her own beauty.

About the sequence of days

As already noted, a diet for slimming 6 petals is a combination of several mono-rations, which together create a carbohydrate-protein separate diet. Based on this, many have a question: is it possible to change the days in the diet, their sequence or products.

According to nutritionists, the diet of each previous day of nutrition according to Johansson is selected in such a way as to prepare the body for the menu of the next day.

Therefore, changing the sequence of days in the flower diet is not advised. Well, unless you want to turn an effective diet into a fruitless delicious weekly meal.

But still, why is the sequence of days in the chamomile diet just that? Let’s take a look at the menu for 6 petals for a week.

  • The fish day (also known as the starting day) provides the body with essential omega-3 fatty acids. This healthy fat is not able to turn into subcutaneous deposits, so it should not cause concern for those who are losing weight. On the other hand, fish is a storehouse of easily digestible protein, a low-calorie food. It turns out a real protein diet for one day. Consequently, the result of the first day is an inspiring plumb line and an organism prepared for a plant mono-diet.
  • A vegetable day will provide healthy carbohydrates, the calorie content of the diet will decrease even more, which also guarantees plumb lines. Many vegetables have a so-called “minus” calorie content. This means that the body uses more calories to process them than it receives. Vegetable unloading gives the most active result after exclusively protein nutrition.
  • Chicken day will replenish protein reserves of the body – building material for muscles. The next day without carbohydrates again lead to the use of energy from subcutaneous reserves.
  • Cereal day again will delight the correct carbohydrates. As in the case of vegetable mono-ration, digestion of cereals requires a lot of energy from the body (subcutaneous fat stores are used again).
  • The cottage cheese day will replenish the body’s reserves with minerals, in particular, calcium and phosphorus, as well as high-quality, so-called ideal protein, since cottage cheese contains essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized in our body. At the same time, the diet remains low in calories, which involves the use of energy from reserves.
  • Fruit Day is a menu based on eating fruits that bring variety and taste to our diet, contain many vitamins, minerals and fluids. Despite the fact that fruits contain fast carbohydrates, namely the monosaccharide – fructose, due to the high content of fiber in whole fruits, which slows down the absorption of fast carbohydrates, eating them does not lead to fatty liver, but rather, on the contrary, it prevents, which means – the process of losing weight will continue.

The combination of mono-diets is the links of an integral chain of the flower diet, and, as you already understood, you should not change their places. This order was developed by professional nutritionists, and who, if not them, better know what, when and in what doses to eat in order to lose weight.

What to eat to lose weight

The weight loss system of Anna Johansson, like the magic flower of seven flowers, fulfills desires. Suffice to say to yourself: “I want to lose weight quickly” and the chamomile diet will help with this. So, the colorful flower is ready, it’s time to stock up on products for a week. On 6 days it will take:

  • fish of any kind;
  • vegetables (any, but not starchy);
  • chicken breast;
  • bran, groats, raw seeds;
  • low fat milk;
  • fruits (except bananas, grapes).

But it is important to remember: the allowed amount of products per day is not unlimited. On protein days, the weight of fish, cottage cheese, chicken should not exceed half a kilogram. Fruits and vegetables can be eaten within a kilo and a half. Cereals – 200 grams of dry product.

However, permitted foods can be slightly salted, and sugar must be completely abandoned. Many are interested in the question of whether honey is possible on a diet of petals. There is no single answer to the question. Although this product is not mentioned on the menu, you can afford honey in small quantities for tea, especially since it is rich in many useful trace elements. It is also important not to forget that you need to drink plenty of water (2 liters per day). It is also acceptable – green tea and coffee once a day.

It is permissible to “improve” cottage cheese days with low-fat kefir, and vegetable days – with a small dose of oil (better than olive oil). But you should not think about what to replace fish with, as it contains unique elements that are important for effective weight loss. Fish, like chicken, should preferably be boiled, stewed or baked without oil. You should also forget about frying during the diet. The abuse of spices will not have the best effect on the effectiveness of the diet – they provoke appetite, retain excess fluid in the body (cause swelling). What is really welcome is sports activities. Losing weight on a 6 petal diet will be even easier if you do outdoor walking, running, swimming, strength or cardio.

Prohibited products:

  • bread;
  • sugar;
  • sweets;
  • butter;
  • spices and flavor enhancers.

How many petals are in a daisy?

The classic weight loss system of Anna Johansson provides for a duration of 6 days. But, given that the Scandinavian system is fairly balanced, you can always create your own chamomile, to get, for example, the diet of 10 petals or shorten its duration – then you get, say, the diet of 5 petals.

But if there is a desire to change the duration of the “Petal”, it is recommended to make the program circle 2 twice in 6 days. 7 diet day (intermediate) can be two options: unloading or day of normal food.

In the first variant, it is possible to “unload” on non-carbonated mineral water before entering the second round. Also, the “water” day can be completed after the “Petal”. Then get a diet of 7 petals.

In the second version, if there is a desire to continue losing weight, and ahead are waiting for new circles of “flower” nutrition, on 7 day make “rest”. Eat like a diet, however, limit salt, sugar, fat, do not lash out at pastry. In this embodiment, you can also get by with a weekly weight loss and again get a diet “Seven petals”, the last day of which will serve as preparation for the transition to a normal diet.

The scheme of “expansion” diet chamomile:

  • 7 day – transitional;
  • 8 day – fish;
  • 9 day – vegetable;
  • 10 day – chicken;
  • 11 day – cereal;
  • 12 day – cottage cheese;
  • 13 day – fruit.

Who will suit the Swedish diet. Advantages and disadvantages

First. The weight loss system from Anna Johansson is unique in that, based on the development of a nutritionist from Sweden, it is easy to create your own, determining its duration as you wish. This is how the 8 petal diet can appear – effective and nutritious.

Second. The Petal nutrition system is not accompanied by a feeling of hunger, since the protein-carbohydrate alternation allows you to saturate the body without exceeding the limits of permissible caloric content.

Third. Chamomile is an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight quickly. For many, the determining factor when choosing a diet is the answer to the question of how much can be reset on one or another nutrition system. The Swedish program in this regard is unique: every day it goes from a pound to 800 grams. And the result after a few laps – 10 kg and more.

Six pluses “Six petals”

  1. Protein-carbohydrate nutrition has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract, causes the excretion of toxins from the body.
  2. Quick effect in a short time.
  3. Lack of hunger.
  4. Variety of menus.
  5. Does not require additional cooking complex dishes.
  6. Safety for health.

Six cons of the diet

  1. If you do not play sports during the diet, at the end of it you can find loose muscles and loose skin.
  2. Protein days may be accompanied by a feeling of weakness (caused by a lack of carbohydrates).
  3. According to doctors, losing weight without compromising health is not more than 150 grams per day. The Swedish system provides for faster weight loss.
  4. Banned for diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems, kidney disease, diabetes.
  5. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
  6. It is impossible with a weakened immunity, acute respiratory infections, after operations.

All about dietary “petal” menu

An exemplary diet menu developed in Sweden is no different from other weight loss systems. It is important to adhere to elementary general rules, reducing the amount of consumption and increasing the number of calories burned. How much you can throw off by adhering to this system is an individual question and depends on the characteristics of the body. But the fact that it will be possible to lose weight on such a diet quite quickly, and the result will be noticeable immediately, is a fact.

Another argument in favor of Petal is that the diet menu does not need to be thought out in advance, it will not be necessary to prepare unusual dishes, after looking for the ingredients for them. Everything is much easier. You need to remember only six words: fish, vegetables, chicken, cereals, cottage cheese and fruits. It is not difficult to get these products in our latitudes, and in what form to use them is up to you. At least the nutritionist does give some tips and recommendations.

  • Fish day menu. The first “petal” of the diet, as we already know, is fish. And this means that the menu for the first day must be made from it. Varieties can be very different. Way of preparation: boiled, steamed, stewed or baked. It is also allowed to cook fish soup, soup (but, of course, without potatoes and other hearty vegetables). During cooking, you can add a little salt and herbs to improve the taste. But for a day in total it is not advisable to eat more than half a kilogram of the product. From the liquid, be sure to drink water, tea is allowed, preferably green.
  • Menu of the vegetable day. The menu of the second day of the dietary flower consists of raw vegetables or after heat treatment. It is allowed to steam vegetables, boil, stew, bake. Avoid starchy varieties and canned foods. Alternatively, you can supplement the menu with freshly squeezed vegetable juices. On this day, the amount eaten should not exceed one and a half kilograms.
  • Chicken day menu. So, the 3rd day of the diet lasts, 4 petals are left on our colorful flower. And this means that today the diet consists of skinless chicken breast. It can be boiled, baked or steamed. The weight of the fillet (daily portion) should not exceed half a kilogram. This is quite enough to replenish the protein reserves of the body, getting rid of the feeling of hunger. You can season the dish with salt (very little) and herbs. As an option, it is allowed to cook chicken soup, but only without vegetables (maximum – add a few sprigs of greens).
  • Celebration menu. Day 4 of weight loss – cereal mono-diet. 3 out of XNUMX petals are left on the magic flower. Scales by this time show significant plumb lines. And in order for the process of losing weight to continue, and the results to please, we must continue. A cereal diet can consist of cereals, as in the buckwheat diet, sprouted wheat, raw seeds, nuts, bran, whole grain bread. But on the advice of nutritionists, it is better to opt for wild rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. About a glass of cereals (in dry form) is allowed per day, in grams it is about 200-300. The method of preparing cereal dishes is boiling. As spices, a small amount of salt and herbs are allowed. You can supplement the menu with kvass.
  • Menu of the curd day. Day 5 of the diet, developed by Anna Johansson, involves the use of cottage cheese. But portions of the product, as well as its fat content, are limited: no more than half a kilogram and with a fat percentage not exceeding 9. But it would be best if there is a completely fat-free cheese. After all, the menu of this day is a protein, not a fat mono-diet. 0% milk and fermented milk drinks will help dilute the curd diet.
  • Menu of the fruit day. The diet is coming to an end. The magic flower has already dropped five petals, which means that the 6th day of losing weight has come. It is also the last, unless, of course, your flower has seven petals or even more. But whatever the decision is to continue or stop losing weight, the menu of the sixth day is unchanged – fruits. On this day, you can treat yourself to apples, grapefruits, cherries and other sweet and sour garden gifts. But it is better to refrain from bananas and grapes. If you really miss sweets, then it is advisable to consume more high-calorie fruits up to 12 hours. For the whole day, you can eat no more than one and a half kilograms of raw or baked fruit. Gourmets can finally treat themselves to fruit salads dressed with vanilla (not sugar), cinnamon, cardamom, lemon juice and citrus zest.

Detailed menu

Above, we studied the main rules of the diet: in what quantity and form you can use the allowed monoproduct. But eating only baked fish or boiled chicken breast all day, you see, is boring. By the evening, on such a mono-ration, the appetite may disappear, and once a favorite product in just 24 hours, turn into a hated one. But it is not for nothing that the chamomile diet is compared to an exciting game. This also applies to nutrition. Don’t believe? Then study the detailed menu – original recipes turn a mono-diet into a real restaurant food.

Petal 1

  1. Breakfast: boiled fish with spices and salt.
  2. Snack 1: fish baked with herbs and salt in its own juice.
  3. Dinner: an ear without vegetables.
  4. Snack 2: steamed fish with spices.
  5. Dinner: fish, boiled in salted water.
  6. Drink green tea, fish broth.

Petal 2

  1. Breakfast: shredded carrots.
  2. Snack 1: jacket potatoes.
  3. Lunch: vegetables, stewed with salt.
  4. Snack 2: vegetables from a double boiler.
  5. Dinner: a salad of raw vegetables.
  6. Drink green tea, fresh vegetables.

Petal 3

  1. Breakfast: boiled chicken fillet.
  2. Snack 1: chicken breast baked in a foil with spicy herbs.
  3. Lunch: chicken soup without vegetables with greens.
  4. Snack 2: grilled chicken skin without skin.
  5. Dinner: boiled chicken.
  6. Drink green tea, broth.

Petal 4

  1. Breakfast: boiled sprouted wheat.
  2. Snack 1: buckwheat with herbs.
  3. Lunch: boiled wild rice.
  4. Snack 2: boiled oatmeal with nuts and seeds.
  5. Dinner: buckwheat with greens.
  6. Drink herbal tea, natural kvass.

Petal 5

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese, dressed with a spoon of yogurt (natural).
  2. Snack 1: cottage cheese with a small amount of milk.
  3. Lunch: low fat cottage cheese.
  4. Snack 2: mix of cottage cheese and milk.
  5. Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.
  6. Drink green tea, a glass of milk.

Petal 6

  1. Breakfast: an apple.
  2. Snack 1: grapefruit.
  3. Lunch: orange.
  4. Snack 2: pineapple and kiwi.
  5. Dinner: sour apples.
  6. Drink herbal tea, fresh fruit.

If your weight loss program is the 7 diet of petals, the last day menu is unloading on water or a smooth transition to normal nutrition.

Every day weight loss recipes

No matter how long the diet lasts – 9 petals or standard 6, the “flower” diet – always remains tasty and nutritious. And losing weight on the system of Anna Johansson regularly replenish the menu with new dietary dishes. There is even a certain classification: recipes for vegetable day, fish, fruit, vegetable … Below we offer the most interesting of them and a detailed description of the cooking process.

Fish diet

Fishmeat Meatballs

You will need:

  • white fish (trout, pollock) – up to a kilogram;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Chop fish meat (chop, mince or blender), salt and add chopped greens. From the mixture to form meatballs. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees.

Fish soup “Petal”

You will need:

  • a fish;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • greens.

Fish (hake or other low-fat varieties) boil the fillet in salt water until tender. Drain some of the liquid. Grind in a blender fish soup, adding fresh herbs.

Fish with basil

You will need:

  • fish fillets;
  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • basil.

Stir in chopped basil and garlic, season with salt and lemon juice. On a sheet of foil lay out the fish fillet, above – a mass of garlic and basil. Carefully wrap up the fish and bake 5 minutes.

Pollock from the oven

You will need:

  • pollock;
  • salt;
  • greens.

Peeled fish with salt. Bake in the oven until a crust forms. To improve the taste can be put inside a few sprigs of dill and parsley.

Chum in a double boiler

You will need:

  • chum;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Cut the carcass fish into pieces. Salt Cook in a double boiler with sprigs of greens.

Spicy fish

You will need:

  • low-fat fish;
  • garlic clove;
  • mustard;
  • soy sauce;
  • olive oil.

For 20 minutes, marinate the fish in a mixture of butter, soy sauce, mustard and garlic. Fry the fish (without oil) until golden crust. Pour the finished dish with fresh sauce (from those ingredients in which they were pickled before frying).

Vegetable diet

Vegetable dish “Lazy cabbage rolls”

You will need:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • bow;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • salt.

Stew sliced ​​onions and carrots. Add chopped tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. Stew, stirring. Add chopped cabbage. Pour a little water, salt. Bring to readiness.

Vegetables in peppers

You will need:

  • 4 bell peppers;
  • carrot;
  • tomato;
  • zucchini;
  • garlic and onions.

Stew grated carrots, chopped onions, garlic and chopped tomatoes. Add to the resulting mass zucchini. Continue to simmer. Salt, add greens. Ready stuffing vegetable stuff peppers. Cook in a slow cooker or saucepan.

Tomato Soup

You will need:

  • tomatoes – 500 g;
  • onion;
  • garlic clove;
  • basil or other greens.

Saute onion and garlic in a saucepan. Add diced tomatoes. Cook, stirring, 5-7 minutes. Add some water (to cover the tomatoes). Boil 10 minutes. Cool and beat in a blender. Serve with greens.

Curd Diet

Curd casserole

You will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • protein;
  • some skimmed milk.

All ingredients mix in a blender. Lay out and bake until golden crust.


You will need:

  • low fat cottage cheese (300 g);
  • psyllium (15 g);
  • egg.

Mix the chopped cottage cheese with the egg. Form balls from the resulting mass, bake until cooked in the oven.

Curd and coffee diet dessert

You will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • instant coffee (about a teaspoon);
  • sugar substitute;
  • water.

Cottage cheese, coffee dissolved in water and sweetener mix blender. Beat until a homogeneous air mass is formed.

Cottage cheese dessert “Mono”

You will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • skimmed milk;
  • sugar substitute;
  • cinnamon.

Put all the ingredients into the blender bowl. Beat until air mass is formed.

Chicken Diet

Dietary chicken cutlets

You will need:

  • chicken fillet;
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • greens.

Chicken chop with a knife into small cubes. Add salt, egg, greens. Formed patties bake or cook in a double boiler.

Cereal diet

Buckwheat cutlet

You will need:

  • Xnumx buckwheat;
  • salt;
  • greens.

Cool boiled buckwheat boiled in salted water. Grind with a blender. Add greens. Form the patties. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Low-fat oatmeal cookies

You will need:

  • oatmeal – 160 g;
  • non-fat milk – a glass;
  • vanillin (not sugar);
  • soda – a third of a teaspoon;
  • honey – 10

Oatmeal pour boiling milk. Add vanillin, extinguished vinegar soda and honey. Stir, leave to infuse for a few minutes. On a sheet of foil to form cookies. Cook in a hot oven.

After examining examples of dishes allowed by the “petals”, it becomes clear why this diet is loved by many women around the world. And this is far from all the sweets that you can pamper yourself with, while rapidly losing weight day after day. That is why reviews of those who are losing weight according to the “flower” system are not only replies about plumb lines, but also recipes for new dishes invented on a diet. After all, a delicious diet is a great treasure, and it’s not a sin to share a treasure with friends.

Rules for exiting the diet “6 petals”

In fact, there are not many weight loss programs, the duration of which is allowed to be determined independently. The “flower” diet in the classic version lasts exactly 6 days – that’s how many petals are in Anna Johansson’s chamomile. But even this is not a canonical rule.

The author of the system allows you to independently decide how much you can sit on the “flower” food.

For many, this diet is favorite – there can be as many petals as you like. The only condition: before starting the second or third round of slimming, it is important to recall the contraindications for the Six Petals and to consult with your doctor on whether you can continue to lose weight. No matter how much others are dieting, it’s important that she bring you beauty without harm.

But even the “flower” food can not last forever – the petals on the daisy will end sooner or later … The diet comes to an end: three petals, two, one … There is no more magic daisy, no menu is painted. This day frightens many after the diet, because now we must independently decide what to eat.

But nutritionists in unison repeat the same thing: only the correct way out of the diet will fix the result.

But how to get out of weight loss correctly and how less to eat?

  • Rule No. 1. To save the results of the diet for a long time, a few days after it, it is desirable to eat the same foods. The calorie intake of the daily ration is also important to increase gradually, bringing to 1600-1800 kilocalories.
  • Rule No. 2. After a mono-nutrition, it is important to carefully select products for a post-diet diet, since during the Six Petals the body is used to high-quality sparing food.
  • Rule No. 3. In order not to harm the body, diets (any) can be repeated again no earlier than a month later. This rule also applies to the “flower” system. After a gradual increase in the daily calorie content of the diet, it is necessary to give the body a few weeks of respite. Then, if desired, the mono-diet can be repeated.
  • Rule No. 4. If during a week or more, losing weight adhered to the principles of separate feeding (and the “Six petals” are based on them), then the first days after the diet, you must follow the same rules, gradually introducing new products into the daily diet. By the way, doctors’ reviews of any monodiets most often concern this particular item.
  • Rule No. 5. At the end of the diet, in order to preserve the achieved results, it is also important not to forget about the benefits of sports and the effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage. This set of procedures will help restore muscle tone, tighten the skin, avoid laxity after losing weight.

Medical reviews about the “flower” diet

Most of those who have experienced the effectiveness of the six-petal diet, leave positive feedback about it and the results confirm with their photos before and after losing weight. Want to brag about your achievements and you? Leave pictures in the comments to the article! Let your experience be an inspiration to someone. In the meantime, let’s find out what the doctors think about the Swedish monodiet?

Reviews of nutritionists about the “Six Petals”, oddly enough, are not always positive, although many sources claim that the author of this system is a professional nutritionist. To begin with, it is worth noting that rapid weight loss worries doctors. Nutritionists are wary of the daily weights of half a kilo promised by the mono-diet. From the point of view of biochemical processes, 1 kilogram of subcutaneous fat cannot be broken down even in a week, not to mention the 2 days promised by the diet. If such a result is observed, then it is possible only due to a decrease in muscle mass and dehydration. And the less muscle in the human body, the slower the fat goes away. In addition, mono-diets often provoke metabolic disorders, diarrhea or constipation.

In general, the word “diet” itself provides for a time frame, in this case, it is 6 days. Even with the most successful version of the effect of this system on weight, it is impossible to predict the reaction of the body after its termination, namely: there is a high probability of a rebound weight gain. Especially if you understand that any dietary restrictions in people who are overweight, and even more so, obese, only exacerbate eating disorders, while such patients need a long-term formation of proper eating habits.

However, whether he goes on a six-petal diet or not is up to everyone to decide on their own after reading the reviews about it. This weight loss system, like most others, can harm even a healthy body, if you do not approach it wisely, and even more so if there are any concomitant diseases that are often found in overweight and obese people. Of course, exhaustion by hunger for months, refusal of a full-fledged balanced diet, lack of vital microelements and vitamins can cause serious illnesses. But if there are no contraindications, then one week of such dietary nutrition will most likely not disrupt the body’s work, and can become quite effective and safe for reducing weight gained, for example, during a vacation or when changing lifestyle (change of work and lack of regular meals, refusal from walking in favor of personal vehicles, etc.). Moreover, even doctors agree: a week of separate nutrition is an excellent cleansing for the body, and a well-thought-out sports program will help you quickly get back in shape, hone the graceful contours of your new slender body.

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