Silicone lures for pike

The variety of catchy baits for a predator is sometimes amazing, but silicone baits for pike are always in the ranking of the most popular. Which ones should be chosen for a toothy predator and what are their main differences will be clarified further.

The benefits of silicone

Soft silicone baits are very popular among spinners, they are used successfully regardless of weather conditions. The main indicator is open water on the reservoir, although some anglers with experience are no less successful in catching a predator from the ice.

Anglers with experience emphasize excellent aerodynamic characteristics, and this is very important for accurate and long-range casts. It is worth noting the possibility of minor repairs to the lure right at the fishing spot, a small tear in the tail can be corrected by simply heating the problem area with a lighter and gluing the gap.

Silicone lures for pike

A big plus of this type of bait is the almost complete imitation of a natural fish, the pike instantly reacts to the natural representatives of its diet. Attacks are made even by a passive predator, and often at a completely unexpected moment for the angler.

The subtleties of choice

Silicone lures for pike

It is not at all problematic for an experienced spinner to choose silicone fish for pike. He has known all the subtleties for a long time and goes shopping purposefully, having reviewed his stock before that. It will be more difficult for a beginner to understand this, because each store will offer a decent assortment of this bait. What should be the best rubber for a predator, in particular for a pike, we will find out by the parameters further.

When selecting fish, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • size and shape;
  • Colour;
  • edible or not.

Based on these characteristics, the most successful are selected, now we will consider in detail each of them.

Size and shape

Silicone lures for pike

To choose the best of the best silicone baits for pike, you first need to decide on the shape. Soft baits come in a variety of shapes, according to anglers with experience, preference should be given:

  • vibratostam;
  • twister;
  • frogs;
  • worms.

Slugs will also work well, this concept includes options in the form of crustaceans, various insect larvae. At certain periods, models that visually very much resemble rodents will be in demand, but not all even experienced spinningists use them.

All of the above options will perfectly attract the predator and, with the right wiring, I can activate even passive fish.

As for the size, for a toothy inhabitant of a reservoir, it is not worth grinding. As you know, she is able to swallow a fish in 2/3 of its length without problems. Anglers know that during the zhora, post-spawning and autumn, large individuals will peck at silicone of a decent size, but small perch and other inhabitants of the reservoir will covet small ones.

Silicone lures for pike

In autumn, large baits from 12 cm or more are used, and in the spring, 8 cm will be enough.


It is impossible to say unequivocally which color is best for pike silicone, here a lot depends on weather conditions and water quality in the reservoir chosen for fishing. The subtleties of choosing a color are best presented in the form of a table:

colorunder what conditions apply
naturalwill work on clean, clear water both in reservoirs with stagnant water and over
bright soursused in muddy water immediately after the ice melts and until the water warms up

Additionally, silicone for catching a predator may contain a variety of sparkles and other inclusions in its body. Some manufacturers add fluorescent and light-accumulative elements to the solution during casting, which later work perfectly at decent depths or on cloudy days.

Edible or not

Edible rubber for pike went on sale relatively recently. It is distinguished from the usual soft bait by a special impregnation, the smell of which the predator likes. Silicone of this type comes in different sizes and shapes, it is used to catch not only a toothy inhabitant of a reservoir, but also large perch and pike perch.

Knowing the size and color is not enough; to catch a trophy copy of a predator, you must be able to choose according to the shape of the body.

Types of silicone

Silicone lures for pike

Anglers with some experience distinguish between several types of silicone lures for pike fishing. They will work in the same way at different times of the year, the main thing is that the reservoir is ice-free. It is worth clarifying that every spinner should have a variety of types of bait in his arsenal, because fishing for a predator can be very unpredictable.

Vibration tails

Vibrotails from 8 cm or more are suitable for pike. It is not difficult to visually distinguish this bait from others, one has characteristic features that are unique to it:

  • the body can be of different shapes from spindle-shaped to rectangular;
  • the tail has an ending in the form of a horse’s hoof, and it is quite massive;
  • a “leg” will pass between the body and tail, which will fasten them together.


This type of silicone bait is immediately noticeable, it is characterized by a spindle-shaped body and a crescent-shaped tail. Moreover, for pike, they choose models with a long one, not less than the size of the calf itself.

Another feature is the corrugation of the body, when conducting in the water column, such a bait will create vibrations that will attract the attention of a predator even at a decent distance. Rubber in the form of a twister in the spring for pike and perch works best. In summer, a passive predator is attracted by the same type of bait, and in autumn it will work perfectly in any reservoir.

Passive Lures

This type includes worms and silicone similar in shape. A distinctive feature of this type is the absence of an active constituent element. In most cases, such baits are edible, it is the smell that will attract the attention of fish in the pond.


Artificial bait in the form of a frog has long been used with success. Previously, anglers made it on their own, but now you can buy it in the store. The size and color are simply amazing, you can find from miniature models of a couple of centimeters to real giants.

The most popular are baits 10-15 cm long, and already shipped. This bait option is somewhat reminiscent of a ripper in terms of characteristics, the built-in hooks and weight make them similar.

Silicone lures for pike

A feature of the frog is its active hind legs, there are models with Lurex, and there are also very mobile silicone inserts. It should be understood that a pike will peck at a frog in the post-spawning zhor and throughout the summer at low air temperatures. On such a bait they catch trophy specimens, therefore it is worth equipping with hooks of good quality and large size.

There are other types of soft lures, but they are less popular among anglers.

Mounting options

To catch a toothy predator, one silicone bait is not enough. Equipment is also important, which can be done in several ways.

jig head

The standard version with a jig head is known to every spinner. For a beginner, this method will be the easiest. The main thing here is to get the hang of it, having previously looked at how more experienced comrades do it. The weight of the head is selected in relation to the test on the spinning blank and the depths assumed for fishing. The hook should be long enough, the optimal size is determined by attaching the jig head to the silicone. The sting should come out just at the end of the calf in front of the very leg of the tail. This type of installation will allow you to fish at different depths with a relatively clean bottom; snags and grass cannot be avoided.

offset hook

Installation on offset hooks will allow you to fish without problems in the vegetation, including between the water lily. Due to the deflection of the hook itself, the sting comes out on the back of the bait so that it does not catch anything when wiring. Additionally, a detachable load of cheburashka is used, which can be changed depending on the depths.

Retractor Leash

Silicone lures for pike

A retractable leash using a drop-shot sinker is used quite often, the installation will differ from the two described above. Silicone is placed on an offset hook or a regular one, but with a long forearm, the sinker does not catch here at all. A drop-shot, a weight with a swivel, which will be placed a little lower on the leash, will help to place the silicone in the desired water column.


It is not difficult to assemble the installation, having looked at this process once, and then after a little practice, even a child can cope with this task. It remains only to go to the reservoir and test the selected and equipped bait.

Silicone lures for pike should be in every angler’s box. You can use them to catch a predator at different times of the year, and it is important to choose fish of different sizes and types in order to definitely interest a toothy resident.

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