Self-massage: how to benefit from all its benefits?

Self-massage: how to benefit from all its benefits?

What is self-massage?

You may not be aware of it, but you practice self-massage on a daily basis. For example, when you have a headache and massage your temples or scalp, when you press on the inner corner of your eyes right after waking up, or before going to work when you rub your hands to stimulate your energy… These gestures provide rapid relief and stimulate all the major functions of the body.

Digitopuncture (also called “acupressure” or “acupressure”) is a self-massage technique integrated into traditional oriental medicine. It is based on the manual stimulation of acupuncture points, also called energy points. It aims to ensure the proper functioning of the general metabolism of the body by acting in prevention and treatment. More than a simple technique, it is also defined as an art of daily living in the traditional Chinese medicine.

This method is suitable for everyone, whether children, adults or the elderly. It is aimed as much at hyperactive people who need to find calm, as at tired people who want to recharge their batteries.

However, there are specific practices depending on each:

  • You can practice digitopuncture on babies and children, or show them how. Their energetic body being different (because they are in full growth), the practice mainly focuses on the hands and the face.
  • For the old people, moxibustion is more widely used. This technique, which is based on the heat stimulation of certain key points, allows an effective general toning of the body thanks to a plant: mugwort.
  • Pendant the pregnancy, digitopuncture helps fight against certain minor ailments specific to this period, such as morning sickness. However, care must be taken never to stimulate certain points which may be contraceptive.

The benefits of self-massage

The benefits of this method are numerous, it allows in particular:

  • Eliminate physical and emotional blockages causing pain or illness;
  • To strengthen your health by stimulating its immune system and fighting infections
  • To develop flexibility via the strengthening of ligaments and joints. This reinforcement gives more strength and physical resistance, and also promotes better resistance to disease;
  • To remove tension ;
  • Eliminate toxins ;
  • Increase longevity ;
  • To find peace and serenity.
  • Improve sleep : a study showed that the stimulation of acupuncture points thanks to self-massage had made it possible to decrease the arousal and to increase the time of sleep of the participants tested.
  • Reduce the frequency of nausea pregnant women
  • Improve symptoms of Constipation : Self-massage increases the frequency of defecation and reduces the severity of constipation.

How to perform a self-massage?

Self-massages are dynamic and aim not only at the harmony of body and mind, but also at a general state of well-being and relaxation. They accompany meditation, visualization and creativity.

Self-massage can be practiced using the fingertips or the palms of the hands, massage crystals, suction cups or even sticks of mugwort with which the points and / or areas to be stimulated are heated. .

Self-massages can be practiced standing, seated, moving or static, and practically anywhere. It is recommended to be in a quiet place and to disconnect your mobile to spend a moment with yourself in the “sacred” order, and also to wear loose clothes that will allow you to be comfortable. in order to support the circulation of Qi and Blood through self-massage.

You can put essential oils in a diffuser or an incense stick, with music of your choice, to create a relaxing atmosphere conducive to practice, and derive the best benefits.

Preparation: It is necessary to warm up the hands by rubbing them against each other, stretching the phalanges, pressing and smoothing each of them. It is also necessary to squeeze and rub the hollow of each palm of the hands. Preparing the hands will help you create heat, which is conducive to stimulation of the body.

Self-massage of the face

The face reflects our internal balance. The freshness of the complexion, the abundance of hair or the wrinkles are all signs of the state of our body that we can improve or maintain by a daily self-massage.

When you get up, stimulate the inner corner of the eye. This acupuncture point influences the state of awakening and tonicity of the body. Stimulating this point activates movement as well as clarity of the eyes and gaze. First, apply pressure to the top of the head, then tap it with the pads of your fingers. Then smooth your forehead skin from the inside to the outside 3 times in a row.

Then apply pressure to the eyebrows, also from the inside to the outside before migrating to the wings of the nose. Finish by going around the cheekbones 3 times in a row. Then finish with a rubbing of the ears, a massage of the throat and the neck.

Self-massage of the shoulders

The shoulders are the site of possible tension showing a disorder of the liver or the intestines.

Massage your shoulders with your right hand on your left shoulder and vice versa, 3 times in a row, then gently rotate your shoulders in the greatest possible amplitude, about twenty times back and forth. It is important not to move your shoulders.

Then, by inhaling, stimulate your trapezoids by feeling them and pulling hard, both at the same time. To do this, hook the hands on either side on the trapezius between the scapula and the spine. As you exhale, lower both elbows and keep your head straight, then raise your elbows on the inhale.

Self-massage for arms and hands

Pat the inside of your arms from the top of the shoulder, 3 times to the right, 3 times to the left, and then from the outside of the upper arms in the same process. Squeeze the hollow at the fold of the outer elbow to stimulate the point of the large intestine which harmonizes the circulation of the arms.

On the internal part, using two fingers from the fold of the wrist between the extensor tendon, stimulate and squeeze the Pericardium 6 which is a point of harmonization of the Heart.

Massage your hands as if you were kneading plasticine, insisting on the sensitive parts, a sign that there is stagnation that it is good to circulate. Stretch the phalanges one after the other and end up rubbing your hands in order to energize the active energy.

Self-massage of the back

Back massage can relax and relax the trapezius and angular muscles and also soften the area between the shoulder blades, which is the site of a lot of tension.

The shoulder blades are part of the so-called “ungrateful” area because it is a difficult region to self-massage. In addition, this surface of the body is not often mobilized and tends to harden and become blocked more easily than other parts of the body.

Put one of your hands over your opposite shoulder and hold the groove below the bony crest of the scapula with your fingers. Next, lower the elbow to stretch the lower trapezius muscle insertion, then bring the elbow up while inhaling and continue all the way up the bone ridge. You can repeat this movement 3 times, on both sides.

To reduce tension on the scapula, there is the “take off” protocol. Position your right hand in the back and direct it towards the left shoulder blade, grab your right wrist with the left hand and push the right forearm so that all the fingers enter under your shoulder blade as deeply as possible.

To act on the tensions of the lower back, it is necessary to untie the blockages: with the pulps of the thumbs, apply pressure all along the iliac crest, start at the lumbosacral attachment and finish on the most important parts. external parts of the iliac crest, to be repeated for 3 passages.

Self-massage of the legs

Pat the top of your thighs with light percussion using your fingertips, evenly and regularly for 3 minutes from the bottom up towards the knee. Repeat this operation on the outer side and then on the inner side, finish from the back without insisting on the bottom.

Gently massage your knees, apply gentle pressure to the sides of the knees, places of the gallbladder and stomach. If there are sensitive areas, massage them, it is a sign that the body needs to be stimulated. Stay there until you feel like you need to continue your workout along the ankle area on the outer side. Repeat the operation on the inner side of the knees, ditto, when you feel painful sensitive areas or points. Linger by pressing them gently or strongly, depending on how you feel, until you feel relief and then continue your journey on the back of the knee, in the popliteal fossa. Go down to a hollow between the two twins, at the calf level, it is an often sensitive point, which is in relation with the meridian of the bladder and which acts on the hemorrhoids. Stimulate this point until you feel a pleasant sensation and the need to continue your session to finish with the feet.

Self-massage of the feet

Take your foot with each hand flat and shake it from side to side. This movement will relax the ankle. Knead the soles of the feet with your thumbs, from the heel to the toes. Stretch your toes one after the other and perform gentle rotations. Then stretch them, then massage the soles of the feet with the pulp of your thumbs.

Massage your heel, the hollow of your foot, ankle and the tops of your feet with your knuckles in small circles. Finish relaxing your feet by massaging the top, then the malleoli and Achilles’ tendon. Finish with pressure all over the foot.

You can finish the self-massage by applying a mixture oforganic essential oil of fine lavender and a few drops of vegetable oil of your choice to harmonize the general relaxation of your massage, the foot being a reflexological zone.

When to practice self-massage?

In China, the practice of acupressure is usually done in the morning but it can also take place at any time of the day:

  • Before getting up in the morning in order to tone up;
  • When arriving at work, to stimulate concentration;
  • Sitting in public transport to maintain its shape and well-being;
  • Before going to bed, to have a restful night.

The opinion of specialist Laurent Turlin

Digitopuncture is a method that you can practice on yourself or on others. It is safe and risk-free, as long as you adhere to the following basic precautions:

  • Sick people, who are undergoing medical treatment, are encouraged to consult their doctor before performing these self-massages. If you suffer from certain serious illnesses (intestinal cancer, tuberculosis, heart disease, leukemia, epilepsy, severe neurological and nervous disorders), avoid performing digitopuncture on the abdominal area. This also applies to individuals with a pacemaker.
  • If you are pregnant, do not practice self-massages on certain areas, especially the abdominal area. Be gentle in your movements and always listen to your body.
  • Touch and pressure must be done gentler on lymphatic areas : throat, groin, ears, outer chest (near armpits).
  • If you suffer from severe burn, do not press directly on the affected area until complete healing.
  • Never perform digitopuncture on a newly formed scar or on a tumor.
  • After injury or surgery, do not apply direct pressure to the affected area for a month. After this time, gradually apply finger pressure to allow the layers of tissue to respond in a healing manner. If an area is very responsive when you apply pressure, use softer pressure.
  • Don’t practice acupressure on yourself or others if you are under the influence of a strong anger, alcohol or drugs.

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