Self-esteem disorders

Self-esteem disorders

Self-esteem disorders: what is it?

Self-esteem is a psychological concept which refers to judgment overall positive ou negative that a person has of himself.

L’valued that one is going to have of oneself will depend on many parameters. THE’surround, L ‘education personality, the physical abilitiess et intellectual, etc… are all variables that will influence the judgment we make of ourselves. Self-esteem is built during childhood and will evolve over the course of life with the experiences of success and D’failure.

A low self-esteem may cause discomfort and difficulties in relationships with other people. It will also be a risk factor for the development of psychological disorders. People who have low self-esteem never feel good enough, never measure up and suffer terribly.

On the contrary, a very high self-esteem may lead the person to have behaviors and attitudes that are often poorly perceived by others who will often see him as a haughty person and a little too sure of himself. A very high self-esteem can lead the person to behave at risk, thinking they are immune from everything.

Finally, a “good” self-esteem would correspond to a satisfactory self-esteem, neither too low nor too high, which promotes relational development and personal well-being.

For some time now, researchers and the media have been interested in near self-esteem and many health actions are organized to develop “good self-esteem”. This approach would allow children and people to flourish in many areas and would prevent them from developing disorders such as depression and certain anxiety disorders.

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