Seaweed declassified

Back in the twentieth century, Franz Kafka, sitting at the aquarium and thinking about his own, said: “Now I can look at you calmly, I don’t eat you anymore.” Of course, he could not even imagine that it was his words that would turn into the world slogan of vegetarians – “I DO NOT EAT ANYONE.”

The undisputed champion of vegetarianism is India, where almost 80% of the population eats only plant foods. But in Europe and Russia, the vegetarian lifestyle is just beginning to gain momentum.

There are many benefits to being a vegan or vegetarian. But, no matter why you choose this lifestyle, every dedicated vegetarian should pay special attention to their health. Historically, humans have been accustomed to getting the right nutrients that support growth, hormone synthesis, bodily function, and a healthy immune system from animal products, so simply eliminating them from the daily diet without stressing the body is not an option. This is the reason why people who embark on the path of veganism experience problems with both physical and emotional health at the first stage. Lack of awareness of how the right substances can be obtained from alternative products that fit the vegan lifestyle, some of them have to give up their beliefs. Knowing about the substances that are essential for every vegan or vegetarian is not only necessary for beginners.

Let’s look at 7 vital substances and how you can get them.

         • Protein

When you tell people you don’t eat meat, the question that usually comes up is, “But what about protein?” In an ordinary person, protein is associated with meat, although it has been scientifically proven that the need for protein can also be met by plant foods. But, an important problem facing the scientific and medical community is precisely the usefulness of the consumed protein. The whole problem lies in the essential amino acids that our body cannot synthesize itself, but receives only from the outside. And here edible algae come to the rescue, because they not only have a lot of protein, but algae such as fucus also contain all the essential amino acids. Thus, by including the “right algae” in your diet, you will get rid of the problem of lack of protein – a building material.

         • Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin)

B-12 is responsible for the growth and development of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and for conducting nerve impulses and maintaining the nervous system. The need for this vitamin especially increases during pregnancy, increased mental activity and during physical exertion. The lack of this vitamin threatens with serious consequences – anemia, irreversible damage to the nerves and myelin fibers, fatigue and numbness of the limbs. B-12 is found in large quantities in meat! And to make sure you get enough of this vitamin, you need to include fortified cereals, soy milk and, of course, algae in your daily diet.

         • Calcium

If you are a vegan and do not eat dairy products, then you should think about the sources of calcium for your body. Everyone knows that the mineral calcium is needed for bones and teeth. With age, the rate of calcium intake increases from 1000 mg per day to 1200-1500 mg. Where can you get this amount? Look out for chickpeas, broccoli, figs, tofu and cereals, or turn to fucus jelly. After all, just one tablespoon of its calcium content can replace a whole glass of cow’s milk!

         • Vitamin D

Vitamin D is synthesized in our body if we are under the sun (ultraviolet) rays and eat a lot of fish, which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. As a rule, well-known “vegetarian products” are not a source of this vitamin. You can compensate for the lack of vitamin D by consuming expensive vitamins or such “exotic” plants as alfalfa and horsetail. Seaweed, like olive oil, is a plant-based source of Omega-3 and vitamin D, so adding it to your diet can be a viable alternative to both synthetic vitamins and fresh herbs at any time of the year.

         • Iron

Iron is an essential element of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to every cell in your body. Iron is of two types (divalent and trivalent, or digestible and indigestible). As a source of iron for vegetarians, legumes, nuts, prunes, raisins, cabbage and broccoli will help. It is recommended to consume these foods with vegetables rich in vitamin C (for better absorption of iron). Do not consume iron-rich foods with tea or coffee, as the tannins from these will precipitate the iron and interfere with absorption.

         • Zinc

Zinc is a direct participant in many processes occurring in the body, including healing and metabolic ones, and also participates in the formation of immunity. Zinc is very important for healthy and beautiful hair, clear skin. Zinc is necessary not only for women to maintain beauty and youth, but also for men for the synthesis of male hormones. Zinc can be obtained from (fucus), corn, broccoli, avocado, beans, mushrooms and lentils.

         • Vitamin A

It is believed that the best sources of vitamin A are fish oil, beef liver and butter. But, if you are a vegan or vegetarian, then you need to choose an alternative – carrots, pumpkin, spinach, rose hips, and, of course, seaweed. Vitamin A is not only an excellent cosmetic product (all girls know about this), but also participates in immune reactions and the fight against viruses, is a powerful antioxidant and is used in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

From the above, the erroneous conclusion suggests itself that being a vegetarian is very difficult, since veganism is not a banal rejection of animal products, but a whole science! But this is not at all the case if you have the right knowledge, and even better – ready-made solutions.

A Russian research company, in collaboration with scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, has developed a line of innovative products based on fucus, a seaweed that is not only allowed, but also necessary in the diet of vegans and vegetarians.

Products are presented in a molecular form (fucus jelly), which is well absorbed by the human body, since the chemical and biological composition of the jelly is close to human blood plasma.

Produced using innovative technology, without the use of chemicals and high temperatures, FUCO jelly with the addition of 100% organic fruits can compensate for the lack of vitamins, microelements, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is because the main substances that people who refuse food of animal origin may lack are contained in the “king-algae” -!

The company produces therapeutic and functional nutrition and cosmetics and actively supports all those who are on the path of veganism, or are just starting out. Therefore, for all vegans or vegetarians, a free consultation with a top category nutritionist is provided. You can consult a nutritionist and learn about products by calling toll-free 8(800) 550-53-39 or on the site

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