Scammers sell the secrets of losing weight Pugacheva, Gagarina, Pelageya

Alas, no one is immune from deception in this world. Even stars, and especially those who have managed to lose weight. As soon as a celebrity gains a slender figure, like bang – and then there are sellers of magic teas and pills, which Pugacheva herself allegedly took. The editorial staff of Woman’s Day learned how not to fall for the bait of scammers.

Premix and gel from Pugacheva and Orbakaite

Alla Pugacheva is 67 years old, and from year to year she is slimmer and more beautiful! The singer lost so much weight that she threw off her robes and now wears a mini, and her slender legs are envied by 30-year-olds.

Her daughter Kristina Orbakaite is 45, she has three children and a magnificent figure. Well, how can you not ask about the secret of their forms? This is what the scammers thought about – and let’s forge the iron while it’s hot.

How scammers see diet

“Once my daughter called me and told me about losing weight with the help of one drug. Said: “Try it! All our friends are so losing weight and happy! ” – with this phrase begins a diary about the weight loss of the Prima Donna on one of the sites, and then a recommendation to buy one premix and gel follows. A miracle remedy will cost 3300 rubles, and for the stock – only in 990… What a savings, and this is a diet from Pugacheva and Orbakaite!

In fact, the stars did not even know that someone was selling something on their behalf.

How to lose weight in reality

“My family has never used any pills or other drugs,” she commented “StarHit” Christina. – We are for a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, sports. The only thing that I once advised my mother was not to salt food. Therefore, a salt-free diet, yes, there was a place to be. “

Such an advertisement for the Pugacheva diet can be easily found on the net.

Ранее Christina already told Woman’s Day about her real secrets of harmony:

“Despite the genes, I have to keep fit. I’m doing fitness. There is no time for sports during the tour, but for the concert I spend a lot of energy. When on vacation, I try to lead an active lifestyle. I don’t go on diets, I just eat right. “

У Prima donnas the scheme turned out to be a little more complicated, in addition to proper nutrition, the singer is also constantly engaged in swimming.

– For the past few months, she has not eaten fried, fatty, peppery, she eats fractionally, six times a day, in portions of 150-200 grams, – Pugacheva’s friend told Woman’s Day designer Mila Stavitskaya… – I decided not to exclude a single favorite product from the diet, but carbohydrates – sweets, fruits and flour – she eats strictly until 4 pm. The last meal is at 7.

Pugacheva’s diet once again confirms the truth that everything ingenious is simple.

Seeds, berries and gum from Pelageya

When the singer turned from plump to skinny, cunning entrepreneurs did not keep themselves waiting. The scammers approached the matter responsibly and created a website that painfully resembles the official website of Channel One, where they posted an interview with Pelageya, in which she talks about the secrets of losing weight.

… and after losing weight

How scammers see diet

“A couple of months ago I went to my master to dye my hair and was surprised to find that it was reduced by exactly half. It turned out that chewing gum helped her, ”says pseudo-Pelageya.

“Thin gum” – this is the translation of the name of a miracle drug that promised speedy weight loss, almost a kilogram a day. And all this for 2999 rubles per block! Grace!

But the matter did not end there. To kill several birds with one stone, the scammers multiplied the interview, replacing the chewing gum with either goji berries or chia seeds. 999 rubles per packing. Apparently, this was a move for less wealthy clients who could not afford to spend 3 thousand rubles.

How to lose weight in reality

The singer was incredibly surprised when she read her own odes to magic seeds.

“I don’t eat any miracle berries, I don’t chew any special chewing gum or pastilles – there was nothing that people wrote about on the Internet,” she said. Pelagia in an interview with Woman’s Day. – Buckwheat – yes, but besides it, there are still a lot of right products. Once a week I arrange a fasting day for myself when I eat one product. – For example, I eat only apples, and I also drink a lot of water. Mono-diet turns out. I sit either on kefir, or on apples, or on cucumbers. Sometimes, if possible, I arrange detox days for myself: during the day they bring me special freshly squeezed juices. Eight bottles that I drink for 24 hours. And, of course, I eat neither mayonnaise, nor sausage, nor bread, nor flour, nor sweet, nor fried. I love steamed fish and vegetables. Unfortunately, there is no secret of how to lose weight. Only a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition!

Slimming spray from Polina Gagarina

Thousands of women dreamed of finding out the secret of the singer’s harmony. Is it a joke to lose 40 kg in a short time? Sellers of weight loss products immediately caught a wave of interest and invented a magic spray, which gave the performer seductive, but fragile forms.

How scammers see diet

The sites replicated the same information, a frank interview with Polina, in which she admits that if it were not for her husband Dmitry Iskhakov, who bought the miracle tube, she would not know what to do.

“My second husband, Dima Iskhakov, helped me. Once, when he came home, he gave me a yellow bottle and said: “Come on, lose weight.” It turned out to be a fat-burning phytospray, which began to be produced under the license of a well-known Swiss company specializing in weight loss products. Its natural composition includes extracts of mango, acai berry, goji, garcinia cambogia and green coffee. But perhaps the most important component of a slimming spray is L-Carnitine. It is used by athletes during the drying period, and few will deny its effectiveness in the fight against fat. It reduces blood cholesterol levels and promotes increased fat metabolism. Believe it or not, after LITERALLY THREE DAYS the weight began to decrease. I felt much lighter, the feeling of heaviness after eating disappeared, and it became noticeable from my clothes that centimeters were disappearing! I jumped on the scales, and there is less than 5 kg! ” – such a beautiful and detailed story was told by false Pauline.

The same spray was worth 990 rubles… Of course, for a special offer, usually for 1980 rubles for sale!

How I really lost weight

The fact that scammers are cashing in on her name, Polina told herself, referring to fans through social networks.

“Attention! Attention! Be sure to read! So, under my photo, I see a question about whether I used a slimming spray. My dear friends, no. These are scammers, fly-by-night sites who shamelessly use my name to advertise their creepy products of unknown origin! ” – wrote Polina.

And about the real secret of harmony Gagarina told in her interview to Andrei Malakhov after Eurovision.

“You know that I had to lose 40 kilograms. Now not a single extra fold, ”Polina admitted to Andrei.

The method of Gagarina’s successful diet is simple: every other day, alternate chicken, rice and vegetables, exclude flour, drink one and a half liters of water every day, and do not eat after six in the evening.

Now Polina is completely satisfied with her figure and is not going to lose weight anymore: “My main beauty recipe is to sleep at least eight hours a day. For a woman, sleep is necessary to look beautiful and fresh. And I especially note – for a good character! I lost a lot of weight after the birth of my son.

There were wild loads during my studies at the Moscow Art Theater, I limited myself to food, and all this helped me in my desire to lose weight. Now I don’t see such a need, I already have about ten concerts a month, and in two hours of jumps and acrobatic performances I lose at least a kilogram, that’s quite enough. Plus, of course, I go to cardio workouts to withstand the load. At the same time, I do not have my own coach, beautician, nutritionist and other specialists. I used to trust myself and my inner voice in everything. “

Garcinia Cambogia from Irina Dubtsova

Since you won’t surprise anyone with teas and goji berries, on behalf of Irina Dubtsova, the attackers decided to sell an equally exotic product – capsules with extracts of Garcinia Cambogia. True, the story of the singer’s acquaintance with the means that returned her harmony is not original.

How scammers see diet

“A couple of months ago I had a concert in Berlin. And there I met a wonderful woman (she was my makeup artist for the concert). She looked about 40 years old, but the figurine is just ah. Naturally, I asked her how and what she does to look so good. To which I received a simple answer: “Ira, no work, just a capsule of garcinia a day.” According to her, this is a new fruit, the properties of which have recently been discovered. It turns out that this is the best way to lose weight. There is something in it that does not allow the incoming calories to be absorbed. And these capsules accelerate the metabolism. I’m a terrible skeptic, but I ordered one jar in Berlin. Began to take literally the next day. Then I somehow wound myself up (but I still took the capsules), and after 2 weeks, when I returned home, I noticed that my favorite jeans began to hang on me. I jumped on the scales, and there is less than 8 kg! ” – Irina allegedly broadcasts in women’s blogs.

So, Pelageya was advised by a hairdresser, Dubtsova – a make-up artist, and she jumped on the scales just like Polina Gagarina! Guys, you would at least change the text, legends are duplicated!

But here at least the cost is different, not 990 rubles just today, because luck has smiled at you (in fact, it smiles every day). You will have to pay for 100 tablets of garcinia, which is commonly used as a curry seasoning in India. 1200 rubles with a 20% discount.

How did I really lose weight

The truth about the star’s weight loss turned out to be somewhat more prosaic. No seasoning.

“I don’t go to the gym,” said Irina Dubtsova Woman’s Day. – Unfortunately, I do not have enough time for this. Most recently, I did a saliva test, which determined everything I needed. It turns out that I am genetically forbidden to eat many products, for example, cereals. Now for several months I have been eating according to the system that I have written in a special book. “

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