Sandra Lou’s new life

How did you choose your daughter’s first name?

The choice of the first name was very complicated. I left for a very original name. Elves, trolls, mythology… Everything is there! My husband thought I was crazy. He wanted something very simple. Lila Rose, at first, eventually transformed into Lily. It’s hard to choose a first name! We chose her in May, just a few days before the birth.

Does your role as Mom sound like what you imagined yourself to be?

When you are pregnant, you will be told: “You’ll see, that’s great! But I didn’t think it would be so amazing! Overnight, all the fears and tears are gone. I haven’t had a baby blues. It all came naturally. My daughter has been sleeping 14 hours a night since she was 1 month old. She’s cool, she smiles. It was the best experience I have ever had. You have to live it! It’s crazy the love we have for our child. Today, when I see reports on children, it upsets me even more.

Did you have any difficulties with Lily?

I had a problem with breastfeeding. I was left with my daughter for two hours on each breast. Then, I had blockages and cracks. I had to stop. But the switch to artificial milk went smoothly. From this experience, I tried to keep skin-to-skin contact.

Otherwise, Lily usually doesn’t reject anything. I have never encountered anything complicated before.

Any advice for new mothers?

Do not hesitate to go to the osteopath one week after childbirth. Homeopathy is also very effective, if done seriously, for colic and teeth. His teeth grew without fever or crying. This alternative medicine also helped me sleep during my pregnancy. I treat myself a lot with homeopathy.

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