‘s low impact workout from Natalya Papusoi in Russian: Pilates, yoga, stretching, muscle tone

If you are looking for not just an effective workout for the home environment, but prefer to live in Russian, then this article is for you. We offer you a great selection of various programs from the trainer Natalia Popusoi by which you can train effectively from the comfort of home.

Natalia Popusoi is a certified trainer in fitness aerobics (specialization in Pilates and yoga). It offers a number of effective training in a number of areas: Pilates, yoga, stretching, TABATA Protocol, getting rid of problem areas and weight loss, set of exercises for morning and evening classes. Videos are in Russian, so you are guaranteed to consider all the recommendations and training tips.

Workout Pilates

Most live Natalia Popusoi is in the direction of Pilates (more than 30). Pilates – it’s low impact set of exercises aimed at the elaboration of muscles and legs, getting rid of problem areas and improve posture. The most important thing in Pilates is a technical exercise with a focus on quality, not on speed.

Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and levels who want to improve body tone and strengthen muscles. Also Pilates is a perfect workout for the reconstruction after injuries and for getting rid of back problems. Natalia offers Pilates for beginners, so if you’re in this area of training, you can safely start.

Pilates for beginners No. 1

Пилатес для начинающих №1 от Натальи Папушой

Pilates for beginners No. 2

Пилатес для начинающих №3 от Натальи Папушой

Pilates for beginners No. 3

Пилатес для начинающих №4 от Натальи Папушой

Whole playlist with Pilates from Natalya Papusoi see here.

Pilates for posture

This set of exercises suitable for the correction of kyphotic type posture or in other words “round” back. If you are inclined to stoop, then this complex you absolutely shown. Natalia recommends to do daily, and within a month you will see a tremendous change! Posture straightened, and the tension in my back go away.

Пилатес для начинающих №2. Комплекс для коррекции кифотического типа осанки от Натальи Папушой

Pilates for the legs

Basically, the system of Pilates was developed to strengthen the muscle corset and elaboration of deep muscles of the abdomen. But over the muscles of the thighs and buttocks you will be able to work very effectively. Especially for the lower body Natalia Papusa offers two effective compound exercises. For the second workout you will need a fitness band.

Pilates for the legs No. 1 (40 minutes)

Стройные ноги №1! Комплекс от Натальи Папушой

Pilates for the legs and No. 2 (37 minutes)

Стройные ноги №2. Комплекс от Натальи Папушой

Pilates with fitball

The fitball is a large rubber ball for exercise. With fitball, you can efficiently work on muscular corset without any harmful loads on the spine. The first training aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and the muscular system. The second workout focuses on strengthening the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Training with an exercise ball, No. 1 (25 minutes)

Тренировка с фитболом №1

Training with fitball No. 2 (25 minutes)

Тренировка с фитболом №2 от Натальи Папушой

Workouts for stretching and yoga in the morning/evening

Regular stretching will not only improve your stretch and flexibility, but will have a beneficial effect on the body. For example, stretching exercises increases blood flow in muscles, which promotes rapid recovery. Also stretching helps improve the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments, which reduces the risk of injury. In addition, you will get rid of back pain, improve coordination, straighten posture, will make the gait more confident and graceful.

Natalia Popusoi offers two options for beginners stretching for 30 minutes. You can run them in a single day, and can do after training. After active stretching, you relax the body, and thus will feel a surge of strength and energy. You may need a strap or a towel and blocks.

Stretching for beginners No. 1 (30 minutes)

Растяжка для начинающих №1 от Натальи Папушой

Stretching for beginners No. 2 (30 minutes)

Растяжка для начинающих №2 от Натальи Папушой

Morning exercises

Morning exercises on the basis of yoga helps you to awaken the body, to make morning fresh and pleasant. Video short (10-15 minutes), so even busy people can make time to workout. Natalia offers simple morning complexes to soft Wake-up and charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

Morning complex 1 (15 minutes)

Утренний комплекс упражнений №1

Morning complex 2 (15 minutes)

Утренний комплекс №2 от Натальи Папушой

Charging (10 minutes)

Зарядка от Натальи Папушой

Evening exercises

Evening of exercises based on yoga will help you relieve stress, ease tension, relax the body and prepare for sleep. Such programs are especially useful for those who suffer from insomnia and restless sleep. The workouts are based on the asanas of yoga are performed on the floor. The first two sets more dynamic third video more relaxing.

The evening complex number 1 (25 minutes)

Вечерний комплекс упражнений №1

Evening complex 2 (20 minutes)

Вечерний комплекс №2 от Натальи Папушой

Relaxing evening sector (22 minutes)

Вечерний расслабляющий комплекс от Натальи Папушой

Training for the girls during menstruation (27 minutes)

To the critical days passed easily and painlessly Natalia Popusoi offers special training for girls during menstruation. A set of exercises will help you to reduce cramping and tension in the abdomen and lower back. And also to reduce emotional tension, to gain a sense of peace and relaxation.

Тренировка для девушек во время месячных

Workout for weight loss

TABATA is one of the most effective types of exercises for weight loss. The sessions were held under the scheme of 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest TABATA single-cycle includes 8 approaches and lasts 4 minutes. Natalia Popusoi offers short TABATA workout 2 TABATA-cycle (i.e. 8 minutes). The workout’s low impact (or shown’s low impact modification), therefore suitable even for beginners. Can be combined into one session 2 TABATA-workout.

TABATA training №1 (15 minutes)

Video warm-up. Exercises: squats with jumping + static squat (first TABATA), burpee + splitting in the strap (second TABATA).

Табата, тренировка №1

TABATA-workout No. 2 (15 minutes)

Video warm-up. Exercises: swallow + swallow static (first TABATA), push-UPS + Superman (second TABATA).

Табата, тренировка №2

TABATA-workout No. 3 (10 minutes)

Live without a warm-up. Exercise: squat + static squat (first TABATA), Russian twist + lift torso lying on the floor (second TABATA).

Табата, тренировка №3

TABATA-workout No. 4 (15 minutes)

Live without a warm-up. Exercise: gluteal bridge with chair + raising the legs on the floor (first TABATA), squats + reverse push-UPS (TABATA second).

Табата, тренировка №4

Slender arms (50 minutes)

This exercise for toned arms with elastic tape. Don’t be fooled by the video length, the main part lasts 30 minutes, in the second half you have a relaxing stretch.

Стройные руки! Комплекс от Натальи Папушой

Legs and press with dumbbells (20 minutes)

A short set of exercises for muscle tone and deliverance from female problem areas on the legs and abdomen. The class includes a good warm-up, squats and lunges for thighs and buttocks, trims crust and stretching. You will need dumbbells and bodybar. Instead bodybare you can use dumbbells.

Ноги и пресс с гантелями

Also read: 10 interval training from Ekaterina Kononova (in Russian).

For beginners, the workout’s low impact, Back and waist

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