Running training program for beginners

An entry-level running training program is designed for people who are sedentary, in injury rehabilitation, have physical limitations, or simply enjoy running at a moderate pace. In addition, the entry-level training program allows the body to gradually adapt to the physical activity required by the regular running training program.

An entry-level training program is ideal for people who do not want to run more than three times a week, or who want to diversify their existing training program with an additional type of load.

In addition, an entry-level workout program is well suited for people who want to lose a few extra pounds and at the same time increase cardiovascular endurance.

If a person has not had the opportunity to run regularly for a long time, then this program will help to safely regain shape and reach the usual level of stress. At the same time, the body will have enough time to get used to increasing loads, which minimizes the risk of injury.

The program consists of three workouts per week. For example, you can train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (or choose any other days with one rest day between workouts).

Running training program for beginners

If for a long time you have not had the opportunity to run regularly, then this program will help you safely regain your shape and reach the usual level of stress.

Week 1

1st, 2nd and 3rd workout:

5 minutes brisk walk. Then alternate walking and running for 20 minutes: jogging 60 seconds and walking 90 seconds.

Week 2

1st, 2nd and 3rd workout:

5 minutes brisk walk. Then alternate walking and running for 20 minutes: jogging 90 seconds and walking for 2 minutes.

Week 3

1st, 2nd and 3rd workout:

5 minutes brisk walk, then:

  • jogging 90 seconds

  • walking 90 seconds

  • jogging 3 minutes

  • walking 3 minutes

  • jogging 90 seconds

  • walking 90 seconds

  • jogging 3 minutes

  • walking 3 minutes

Week 4

1st, 2nd and 3rd workout:

5 minutes brisk walk, then:

  • jogging 3 minutes

  • walking 90 seconds

  • jogging 5 minutes

  • walking 2,5 minutes

  • jogging 3 minutes

  • walking 90 seconds

  • jogging 5 minutes

Week 5

1st workout:

5 minutes brisk walk, then:

  • jogging 5 minutes

  • walking 3 minutes

  • jogging 5 minutes

  • walking 3 minutes

  • jogging 5 minutes

2st workout:

5 minutes brisk walk, then:

  • jogging 8 minutes

  • walking 5 minutes

  • jogging 8 minutes

3st workout:

5 minutes of brisk walking, then jogging for 20 minutes.

Week 6

1st workout:

5 minutes brisk walk, then:

  • jogging 5 minutes

  • walking 3 minutes

  • jogging 8 minutes

  • walking 3 minutes

  • jogging 5 minutes

2st workout:

5 minutes brisk walk, then:

  • jogging 10 minutes

  • walking 3 minutes

  • jogging 10 minutes

3st workout:

5 minutes of brisk walking, then jogging for 25 minutes.

Week 7

1st, 2nd and 3rd workout:

5 minutes of brisk walking, then jogging for 25 minutes.

Week 8

1st, 2nd and 3rd workout:

5 minutes of brisk walking, then jogging for 28 minutes.

Week 9

1st, 2nd and 3rd workout:

5 minutes of brisk walking, then jogging for 30 minutes.

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