Rounding Numbers in Microsoft Excel

The functionality of Microsoft Excel is huge, and one of the main features of the program is working with numerical data. Sometimes during arithmetic operations or when working with fractions, the program rounds these numbers. On the one hand, this is practical, since in the overwhelming majority of cases, high accuracy of calculations is not needed, and a lot of extra characters only take up additional space on the screen. In addition, there are numbers whose fractional part is infinite, so they have to be reduced a little to display on the screen. On the other hand, there are calculations where it is simply necessary to maintain accuracy, and rounding leads to unpleasant consequences.

To solve such issues, Excel offers the following solution – the user can set the rounding accuracy on his own. Thus, the program can be configured for all types of calculations, allowing each time to find the optimal balance between the convenience of displaying information and the required accuracy of calculations.

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