rod at power frame with the expander
  • Muscle group: lower back
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Hips, Quads, Forearms, Trapezoid, Buttocks
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Power rack, Barbell
  • Level of difficulty: Medium
Тяга в силовой раме с эспандером Тяга в силовой раме с эспандером
Тяга в силовой раме с эспандером Тяга в силовой раме с эспандером

Rod at power frame with the expander — technique exercises:

  1. Stand in a power rack. Grif is on the racks. The rack is adjusted to the required height. They can be placed just above the knees, below, or at the level of the mid thigh. Throw expander on the neck, having fixed it with dumbbells or attaching it to the rack.
  2. Become in position for the deadlift. Feet are on one line with the hips. Head neck medium grip (palms on width of shoulders). Back bend in the lower back, pelvis retracted. If the weight is large, you can use the grip lock mixed grip or use straps for wrists.
  3. Head raised. Start to straighten up, lifting the neck up. During the movement keep the shoulders pulled back. Put the stamp on the rack and repeat the exercise.
deadlifts exercises for lower back exercises for back exercises with chest expander exercises with a barbell
  • Muscle group: lower back
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Hips, Quads, Forearms, Trapezoid, Buttocks
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Power rack, Barbell
  • Level of difficulty: Medium

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