Return from motherhood: I take care of myself!

A young mother is always eager to be home with her child. But we will live even better these first three days if we can take advantage of our stay in the maternity ward to think about the best way to organize ourselves at home.

Prepare for your return home

Before leaving the maternity ward, we will see the gynecologist, the midwife and the pediatrician. At the time of departure, we make sure that we have been given all the essential documents: guides and practical sheets for taking care of our baby, and feeding him well with the breast or bottle, the contraception prescription, possibly a prescription for perineal rehabilitation and, if applicable, prescription for treatment (painkiller, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, etc.).

Afraid of not being able to take on everything? Certain steps can be taken before the exit. We can confide our anxieties to the care team, and ask them to plan for us the visit of a nursery nurse from the PMI center closest to our home. His help will be invaluable these first days.

We try to get out of the maternity ward after lunch, so as not to have to prepare the meal as soon as we arrive home. We ask the dad or, failing that, our mother or a friend, to do all the essential shopping for us.

Our baby’s room must be ready, and that we do not have to worry about diapers, toiletries… If we are not breastfeeding, we provide mineral water and everything needed to prepare the bottles for the first few days.

Find your rhythm to recover

During the stay in the maternity ward, all we had to do was take care of ourselves and our child. And above all, the healthcare team was constantly watching over both of us. At home, everything changes: it’s just us and daddy. If for a few days you feel like you can’t do it, it’s normal and it won’t last. You must first succeed in sleeping because the lack of sleep counts for a lot. And the first months, a newborn often wakes up at night!

We follow our baby’s schedules. As soon as he falls asleep, we sleep with him. In the evening, we go to bed early. And we don’t hesitate to lie down during the day, the ideal being to take two short naps the first weeks. To avoid being bothered by the phone, we turn off our cell phone. And we ask our loved ones to join us only at times that don’t bother us.

We prepare meals at night. To save time, we think of having in advance in the room the change and the necessary care products. Be careful, if you prepare the bottle before going to bed, it is imperative to keep it in the refrigerator and only take it out when it is consumed. Because of the risk of the proliferation of microbes, we do not allow the milk to warm to room temperature, we use a bottle warmer.

We ask the daddy for help. If we are not breastfeeding, he can take over by giving the bottle. He was also asked to become more involved in household chores. He can do the shopping, cleaning, washing dishes, even cooking. If in addition to the three days granted by the employer, he benefits from paternity leave (to be taken during the first four months following the birth), we can rely on him for fifteen days. We take advantage of it!

We do not hesitate to ask for support, pros are there to help us. We ask the town hall about the possibilities of obtaining a housekeeper. Its cost varies according to income. If we do not know how to deal with our baby, we get in touch with the nursing team of the maternity ward, who will refer us to the nearest PMI center. Some of them even offer the assistance of a home nursery nurse to guide in the care of the newborn. In addition, for the very first days, one can ask for the help of a liberal midwife. She comes home and her intervention is reimbursed by Social Security. 

If we don’t get any help, we postpone non-essential material tasks. We shop on the Internet and have as many things as possible delivered. And we ask our girlfriends a hand! Their visits will do us the greatest good. Simply, we ask them not to come unexpectedly.

A birth is always experienced in ambivalence. We are happy to be a mother. However, at times, the crying of our baby attacks us, and can feel at the end of their nerves. In these cases, we do not hesitate to pass the hand and keep it for an hour or two, time to breathe.

If you have another child who is already in kindergarten, now is the time to accept invitations from the parents of their boyfriends. This will relieve us a little.

Respond well to childbirth

The biggest risks are now far away. In particular the risk of bleeding, which becomes exceptional after the second week. If you notice that the usual bleeding increases a bit after a tiring day, don’t worry. On the other hand, if we have to change the filling several times in a few hours and the lochia are very red, we warn the doctor.

Because of the many upheavals it has undergone, our body remains tired. We are still fragile and we must take care of ourselves, dealing without delay with the most common postpartum problems.

UTIs are common during this time. In prevention, we drink a lot of water, it is essential to drain the bladder. If we often want to urinate and urination is accompanied by burning, we go to the doctor. He will prescribe an antibiotic.

If you are prone to vaginal yeast infection, we adopt a toilet bar or an ultra-soft shower gel for your personal hygiene, and we are wary of acid soaps which promote the proliferation of fungi. To prevent this benign condition, we wear cotton briefs that are washed at high temperature (around 70 ° C). And we prefer skirts to pants that are too tight.

Maybe we suffered from hemorrhoids during our pregnancy. Pregnant, multiple factors contribute to their onset (constipation, pelvic venous engorgement and blood vessels weakened by estrogen). The healthcare team will then have prescribed analgesics, venous tonics and anti-inflammatory ointments. If you still suffer from hemorrhoids, you will have to continue the treatment for the necessary time. At the same time, we monitor our diet to prevent constipation, which is often involved. Indeed, constipation is a recurring disorder. During pregnancy, transit is often slowed down. During birth, the epidural accentuates this dysfunction, as do the weakness of the intestinal muscles, and certain sedatives.

To stimulate transit, we eat fiber. It is found in dried fruits, green vegetables and wholemeal bread. If this is not enough, we ask our doctor or pharmacist for advice, without waiting too long. The longer we delay, the more difficult it will be to resolve this problem.

In case of heavy legs, edema of permanent pain in the calves or when stretching the leg, we consult our doctor without delay. He will prescribe the appropriate treatments and, if necessary, refer us to a phlebologist.

The episiotomy scar may remain painful. It is then necessary to speak about it to the doctor, because an infiltration can relieve. The Caesarean scar will be tender for at least six to eight weeks. We scrupulously respect the hygiene advice given before leaving the maternity ward. If you suffer from annoying itching, you continue with the prescribed treatment.

More than half of young people who give birth have back pain. There are many reasons for this: bad posture for nine months, poorly controlled pushing efforts during childbirth, frequent muscle wasting at the end of pregnancy … To relieve this back pain, we continue to take the treatment recommended in the maternity ward. . And we spare our back by adopting the right gestures in everyday life:

  • to lift our child or a heavy object, we do not bend down. You bend your knees and straighten yourself up, keeping your back straight;
  • we adjust our newborn’s bed mattress to the highest notch, if possible;
  • the changing table is placed at the right height so as not to have to stay constantly leaning;
  • we avoid too high heels: we would be too arched when carrying baby;
  • to lie down, we start by sitting on the edge of the bed. We raise both legs by pivoting on the buttocks, we rock on the side while keeping the knees bent, then we lie on the back and we lengthen the legs;
  • to get up, we roll onto our side, knees bent, and we help each other to sit up. On the other hand, we avoid lifting ourselves on the elbows.

Maintain a balanced diet

Throughout our pregnancy, we placed a lot of importance on what we ate. We must continue because our body is weakened. Now is not the time to put him on a diet!

If you have not gained too much weight, you will lose it gently by adopting a balanced diet, low in saturated fats and fast sugars, but rich in beneficial nutrients.

Each day must be on the menu the different food families which provide the necessary intake of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. All are essential for nutritional balance, but some are to be consumed in moderation, others to be preferred.

Carbohydrates provide energy. They are the body’s real fuels. They are classified into two categories:

  • Simple carbohydrates. They are also called fast sugars because they are quickly absorbed by the digestive mucosa. They have a sweet flavor. Present in many foods, in varying amounts, they are found especially in fruits, pastries, jams … Fruits, like vegetables, are among the foods to be favored: the National Health Nutrition Program recommends eating at at least five fruits and vegetables a day.
  • Complex carbohydrates. These are the famous slow sugars. They provide energy that diffuses slowly, avoiding “pump strokes”. It should be consumed at each meal in the form of cereal products (bread, rice, pasta, etc.), potatoes or pulses (lentils, split peas, beans, etc.).

Proteins are an essential component of the body. Animal proteins are mainly provided by meat, fish and eggs. To be consumed once or twice a day, alternately. As for meat, choose a variety of species and the least fatty pieces: poultry, white meats, rump steak, defatted white ham… We also think of offal such as liver, which is rich in iron. Another source of protein: dairy products (yogurts, cheeses). We can eat three a day. In this case again, we favor the variety, as well as the cheeses richest in calcium and less salty.

Lipids contribute to energy intake. They are necessary for the functioning of the body and the brain. So, there is no question of ignoring them, especially when breastfeeding. On the other hand, it is necessary to respect a balance and to select the good fats. There are in fact two categories of lipids:

  • Saturated fatty acids, the excess of which is harmful because they tend to deposit on the wall of the arteries. They are very present in industrial foods: cream desserts, pastries, pizzas, cakes, chocolate bars, ready-made meals… We must therefore try to eat less. Meats and cheeses are also very rich.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids are the allies of good cardiovascular health. They lower bad cholesterol levels. Among them are the monounsaturated ones, which are present in vegetable oils (olive oil in particular) and the polyunsaturated ones – including the famous omega 3 and omega 6 – provided by certain oils (rapeseed and walnuts) and oily fish. (salmon, tuna, mackerel…).

They must therefore feature prominently in your menus. Another way to restore the balance of good fats: vary seasonings and alternate oils.

Always essential nutrients

Throughout pregnancy, we took care of the intake of mineral salts and trace elements in our diet. After childbirth, we continue!

Iron is essential for the transport of oxygen in the blood. We now know that many young women have very low iron levels, even before pregnancy. After childbirth, new mothers usually suffer from a real deficit. In fact, the more blood we lose, the more iron stock is depleted. There is a risk of anemia and especially extreme fatigue.

To prevent deficiencies, it is necessary to adopt a diet rich in iron. In some cases, the doctor considers it necessary to prescribe supplementation in the form of drugs or food supplements. The iron present in plants is difficult to assimilate by the body. Better to favor the one found in meats, 25% of which are assimilated by the body (against 10% of iron of plant origin). In addition, to promote its absorption, it is essential to consume enough vitamin C (present in particular in citrus fruits and kiwi). On the other hand, beware of tea which accelerates its elimination in the urine. Even if it’s your favorite drink, limit yourself to two cups a day.

Calcium is used for the consolidation of the skeleton and the teeth. It is also involved in the functioning of nerves, muscles and the heart as well as in blood clotting. Main sources of dietary calcium, milk and dairy products provide two-thirds of daily intake. Hard cheeses (Comté, Emmental, etc.) are more concentrated in calcium than soft cheeses (Camembert, goat cheese, brie, etc.). Note, for example, that 1 bowl of milk is worth 2 yogurts, 30 g of hard cheese or 10 Petits-Suisses. We must also think of highly mineralized waters such as Contrex or Hépar.

Warning: coffee and alcohol inhibit the absorption of calcium.

Magnesium plays an essential role in all major cellular metabolisms. It regulates the heart rate, reduces anxiety, fights insomnia and fatigue, acts on cramps, constipation and muscle pain. Young mothers have an increased need for it. The foods highest in magnesium are chocolate, whole grains, dried vegetables and fruits, and oilseeds. To refuel, you can also drink mineral waters that contain it; they will also know how to stimulate transit, often lazy after a birth.

On the sexuality side, a smooth recovery

When you return from maternity, you don’t necessarily have to worry about that! Neither does the body. This is not surprising since the genital area remains sore and distended for some time. In addition, the decrease in hormonal secretions often causes vaginal dryness, which makes intercourse difficult. In addition, when breastfeeding, prolactin delays the onset of desire.

It is undoubtedly for all these reasons that certain religions recommend an abstinence of 40 days after the childbirth. This corresponds moreover to the time necessary for the reconstitution of the uterine lining. In any case, it is better to wait for the disappearance of the lochia and the total healing of the episiotomy, a possible tear or the cesarean section. Together, we must show patience, redouble our tenderness and above all do not rush anything. In any case, we follow our desires and we do not force ourselves! 

We can anticipate the return of diapers to resume contraception. Even if it is rare (90% of women do not ovulate before the return of diapers), ovulation is theoretically possible from the fourth week following childbirth. Your doctor will be able to advise you on which method is best for you.

In video: Back home: 3 tips for getting organized

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