Pregnancy underwear

Pregnant, how do I choose my lingerie?

Maternity lingerie


Better to choose them in cotton. This avoids the risk of allergies or fungal infections. The models for pregnant women are very comfortable, but nothing prevents us from wearing normal panties throughout our pregnancy. The main thing is to be comfortable and not to feel squeezed! There are all kinds of very pretty models, black or colored, which can be sexy and adapted to the shapes of pregnancy. We let go!


It will be necessary to change it three times, in each trimester of our pregnancy. (Sacred budget, it’s true, but what comfort!)

First trimester : our breasts have already taken a little volume. We keep our usual size, but increase the depth of the cups.

Second trimester : if we have already grown, we keep the same type of cup as in the first trimester, but we increase the size.

Third trimester : we take both a size and a cap more. Choose a model with wide straps and in a material that supports well.

If our breasts have gained a lot of volume, we can wear our bra at night. In the breasts, there is no muscle that prevents them from sagging. Especially at the end of pregnancy, when they get very heavy!

Want a touch of glamor? Many brands have thought of us (and our partner) and offer chic and comfortable underwear. Let’s go !

Also read: Your breast during pregnancy

Tights and socks


There are now models of tights specially designed for pregnant women everywhere now, with a large front pocket so that the belly has room to breathe. If we have heavy legs or a tendency to varicose veins, we buy “compression tights”, they are reimbursed by Social Security if they are prescribed by our doctor.


Say goodbye to socks with large elastic bands! Nothing worse to compress the legs and cause circulatory problems. We choose pairs of socks in which we feel comfortable. Material side, we prefer a soft fiber, more comfortable to wear.

Tip: Many pregnant women praise the merits of self-adhesive stockings. Their main advantage: an excellent quality-price ratio to sublimate your legs, without compressing them. And practical question, they really make the difference. No more gymnastics to take off your pantyhose at the gynecologist!

The swimsuit

The “one piece” model

For the pool or the beach, it is chosen in a dark and solid color to refine the silhouette as much as possible. Be careful, however, black “attracts” more sunlight than light colors. We avoid staying exposed to the sun to avoid the pregnancy mask.


The “two-piece” model

For fans, nothing prevents us from revealing our bottle, provided we protect ourselves effectively from the sun. We opt for low-waisted panties, ideal for feeling comfortable in the stomach area. For the top, choose a bra with good support, a few sizes above if necessary.

Read also: Pregnancy: 30 swimsuits for a chic and fashionable summer

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