Raw food: pros and cons

Our distant ancestors mainly ate food in its natural form and not thermally processed

This is true, but we also know that despite this, their lifespan was much shorter. Heat treatment of food has become an evolutionary breakthrough in the development of mankind and the easiest way to get rid of harmful substances and microorganisms in raw foods. In addition, many foods, fish and meat, for example, have become much better absorbed.

Heat treatment leads to the appearance of harmful and even carcinogenic compounds in food

True, but not always. If you fry fish, meat and vegetables in large amounts of oil or fat, abuse smoked meats and deep-fried foods, if such dishes form the basis of your diet, then you cannot avoid health problems. Steaming, grilling and baking in the oven are safe ways for the health conscious! Raw-food vegetarians often suffer from a lack of calcium and animal protein: fragility of bones, osteoporosis, and in women, amenorrhea (a violation of the cycle).

Raw vegetables and fruits contain “live” vitamins that are lost during heat treatment

True, raw vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamins, fiber and other nutrients. But these properties are sometimes even enhanced after heat treatment. This, for example, happens with tomatoes: their antioxidant substances in a concentrated form are found in fruits subjected to rapid heat treatment, baking, for example. After all, some vegetables are unlikely to be eaten raw, such as potatoes. And eggplant can cause indigestion! In addition, vegetables often contain residues of chemical fertilizers.


A raw food diet promotes proper gastrointestinal function, lowers cholesterol and detoxifies blood vessels

Due to the high fiber content, raw vegetables and fruits serve as a kind of “broom” that cleanses our body of toxins, stimulates the intestines. Most fruits contain vitamin C, which can help lower cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis. But you can do without fanaticism – you just have to regularly eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

A raw food diet is the healthiest diet, allows you to maintain a normal weight and has no contraindications

Indeed, raw plant foods are low in calories and high in fiber – they give you a long feeling of fullness. There are no problems with weight in raw foodists. But no one has yet proven that raw foodists are healthier than those who eat a balanced diet. But for children, pregnant women and people with various diseases, a raw food diet can cause serious harm!

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