Raisins: benefits and harms to the body
Raisins are dried grapes. The benefits of raisins for the human body are well known. It is an antioxidant rich in vitamins and minerals. But we hear much less about the dangers of raisins …

The fact that dried fruits are a very useful product for humans has long been proven. Raisins are just one of the most favorite treats among dried fruits for both adults and children. No wonder it occupies such a leading position, because it has a large number of useful properties and has a lot of advantages. Raisins perfectly replace sweets, have a wide range of applications in cooking and traditional medicine, and also have a positive strengthening effect on the human body.

The history of the appearance of raisins in nutrition

Since ancient times, grapes have been used primarily to create such a famous drink as wine. Raisins were made quite by accident, as a result of the fact that someone forgot to remove the remains of grapes, covered with a cloth and set aside specifically for the preparation of this popular drink. When, after some time, grapes were discovered, they had already turned into a delicacy known to us with a sweet taste and aroma. 

For the first time, raisins were made specifically for sale in 300 BC. the Phoenicians. Raisins did not have fame in central Europe, despite its popularity in the Mediterranean. They began to learn about this delicacy only in the XNUMXth century, when the knights began to bring it to Europe from the Crusades. Raisins came to America along with the colonists who brought grape seeds there. In Our Country, raisins were also known for a long time, back in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, when the Mongol-Tatar yoke brought them from Central Asia. However, there are opinions that this happened earlier, during the time of Kievan Rus, through Byzantium. 

The very word “raisin” is borrowed from the language of the Crimean Tatars, namely from the word “juzum”, which means “grapes”. In , this word appeared in the XNUMXth century and meant “dried grapes”, since this product was originally supplied to us in this form.

The benefits of raisins 

The benefits of dried fruits were known even to our distant ancestors, who widely used it both in cooking and in folk medicine. And for good reason, because raisins have a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. 

“At first glance, raisins are a great snack option, but if you’re counting calories, you need to be careful with portion sizes. 

By itself, raisins contain a small amount of useful elements: potassium, magnesium and iron. Also, raisins are an antioxidant. Despite the positive properties, it is important to pay attention to the process of “drying” raisins. For example, white raisins retain their golden color only thanks to preservatives such as sulfur dioxide, there can be no talk of benefits here. 

Let’s get back to calories. A handful of raisins contains about 120 kcal, but does not saturate for a long time, but only gives a short-term burst of energy. What can not be said, for example, about a whole banana, which is an order of magnitude lower in calories. 

It is best to combine raisins with other products: with cottage cheese or with porridge. 

As a source of fast energy, raisins will come in handy before an exam, competition, workout or a long walk, ”says fitness trainer, nutrition consultant Shigontseva Toma.

100 grams of raisins contain about 860 mg of potassium. In addition, it contains macronutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B5 and PP (nicotinic acid). 

Raisins have a very beneficial effect on the body and have a bactericidal, immunostimulating, sedative and diuretic effect. 

The sedative effect of raisins is easily explained by the content of nicotinic acid and vitamins B1, B2 and B5 in it, which have a relaxing effect on the nervous system and even improve sleep. 

Potassium, which is so rich in raisins, has a beneficial effect on kidney function and skin condition. It has a diuretic effect, which helps to remove toxic substances from the body.

A decoction of raisins is very useful for respiratory diseases, because the substances contained in it have an immunostimulating and bactericidal effect on the body, thereby accelerating recovery. 

Raisins cleanse the blood, help with heart diseases, restore athletes after serious stress, activate the brain and speed up the passage of nerve impulses. Moreover, the use of raisins helps to activate the production of hemoglobin, normalize the process of hematopoiesis, restore the functioning of the heart, strengthen blood vessels, prevent the development of caries, and strengthen tooth enamel. 

And yet, thanks to raisins, you can get rid of migraines and depression, improve sleep and improve the general condition of the body. 

The composition and calorie content of raisins

Caloric content for 100 grams264 kcal
Proteins2,9 g
Fats0,6 g
Carbohydrates66 g

Harm of raisins

Raisins have a huge number of benefits and useful properties. However, this product is very high in calories, so you need to carefully control the amount of consumption. This is especially true for people who carefully monitor their weight. 

People with diabetes should also not consume raisins in large quantities, since this product has a rather high sugar content. 

It is not recommended to take raisins and those who have stomach ulcers, heart failure or enterocolitis. 

It is also worth remembering that raisins can cause allergic reactions, so if you plan to use raisins often, you should definitely consult a specialist. 

It must be remembered that during industrial drying, raisins can be treated with special harmful agents that must be thoroughly washed off the product before use. 

Application in medicine 

Raisins are widely used in folk medicine. Most often it is used in the form of a decoction, since this concentrated vitamin complex is much better absorbed by the body. Moreover, even children can take it. 

Due to the high content of potassium and other minerals, a decoction of raisins helps to restore the water-salt balance of the body. A similar imbalance in the body occurs with certain diseases, but it can also appear in people who do not monitor their diet and lifestyle, create excessive physical activity for themselves, have bad habits, or are elderly people. 

In this case, a decoction of raisins can help restore the body, as it has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and the nervous system. 

The use of raisins for pneumonia or other diseases of the respiratory organs contributes to a better discharge of sputum. 

With rotavirus infection, or other intestinal diseases that are accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, it is useful to take raisins in order to prevent the process of dehydration. 

Raisins are also used to cleanse the body, because it perfectly removes toxins due to its diuretic effect.

Cooking application 

The taste qualities of raisins set off and complement so many dishes. For example, it is used in the preparation of pastries, desserts, hot and cold dishes, salads.

Cottage cheese cookies with raisins 

Curd 5%400 g
Raisins3 century. l.
Oat flour1 glass
Egg2 piece.
Baking powder1 tsp.
Sweetenerto taste

Soak the raisins for 30 minutes in hot water until soft. In the meantime, mix all the ingredients and beat them in a blender until smooth. We spread the dried raisins to the dough and mix well. We spread our cookies with a tablespoon and send them to a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. 

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Homemade granola with raisins 

Oat flakes200 g
Honey4 century. l.
Cinnamon1 tsp.
Walnuts30 g
Peanut50 g
Raisins50 g
Dried50 g

In a bowl, mix oatmeal and chopped nuts. In a separate container, heat honey to a liquid state and mix it with cinnamon. Add the resulting mixture to the flakes, mix and spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180°C, stirring occasionally. Add raisins and finely chopped dried apricots to the finished granola.

How to choose and store 

When buying raisins, pay attention to their appearance. Raisins should be shriveled and fleshy. The color of natural raisins is brown or light brown. 

When choosing this dried fruit, pay attention to the presence of petioles. If they are on the berries, you can safely take such raisins. Thanks to the petioles, the integrity of the product is preserved, and such a berry is of high quality. 

The shelf life of raisins is 12 months. When stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, raisins will last up to 18 months. 

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