Protein for weight loss and muscle growth: all what you need to know

All lovers of fitness and training known axiom: protein – the building material for muscles. The more protein the athlete consumes, the faster it progresses in power performance and muscle mass.

With this in mind, athletes overlap in their diet on protein products and sports nutrition with a high content of various types of protein (proteins) and amino acid complexes. And, as a rule, make sure that the protein is indeed “working.” In addition anabolic effect that the protein has fat burning properties – this effect is known slightly less.

In the article in a popular form, you will learn what types of protein there are, in what products it most and how it is used.

PROPER NUTRITION: how to start step by step

General information about the protein

Protein is an organic substance, a molecule which is actually a chain of amino acids (although the protein molecule may enter and nominational elements of nature). Two dozen existing in nature amino acids in different combinations and make all the huge diversity of proteins in nature.

Eight amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine, histidine, Litin, methionine, threonine and tryptophan are indispensable, i.e. they must be ingested with food. There is also conditionally nonessential amino acids – tyrosine and cysteine, the body can only synthesize from indispensable. If essential amino acids are not entered into the body in sufficient quantity, and “produce” conditionally interchangeable nothing. There are still partly interchangeable – arginine and histidine, which the body synthesizes, though, but in insufficient quantity, i.e. a certain number of them must still be contained in the consumed food.

All this complicated classification leads to one thing: it’s not only the amount of protein consumed, but also its quality. That’s why plant protein to completely replace animal in the human diet is quite problematic.

The protein was initially obtained by Italian scientist beccari in the early 18th century from wheat flour (gluten – he is, vegetable protein). During the 19th century was discovered and studied most of the amino acids, however, the full awareness of the role of proteins in the living organisms has come in the 20th century.

Protein molecules can vary greatly in size. The protein titin, which consists of a contractile structure of muscle, has the largest molecule. For the sake of producing this protein by the body athletes and adhere to the high-protein diet, from Titina (as well as water and many more elements) is the “muscle mass”.

Why you need protein

The role of proteins in the body is huge and comprehensive. Below are only a brief list of the main functions that this performs this amazing group of substances:

  1. Proteins, called enzymes serve as catalysts to various biochemical reactions. With the participation of enzymes occur as the decomposition reaction of complex molecules (catabolism) and synthesis (anabolism). Without protein it is impossible to support and build muscle.
  2. Structural function: many kinds of proteins form the structural skeleton of cells, a kind of “rebar”. Famous athletes collagen protein is also the most that neither is structural, that it is the Foundation of connective tissue. Proteins maintains our cartilage, tendons, bones, joints healthy.
  3. Different types of proteins perform a protective function, and protection is carried out in all areas: immune, chemical, physical. This affects the General condition of the organism and its resistance to infections.
  4. With the help of proteins is the regulation of various processes inside the cell. Without proteins is impossible to regenerate cells and repair damaged tissues.
  5. A large part of the hormones (including anabolic such as insulin) are proteins or peptides. Proteins normalize the General condition of the hormonal system.
  6. Proteins carry out alarm function. Pass a kind of “team” throughout the body, what cells do.
  7. Transport proteins are “responsible” for the transfer of various substances into the cell, inside the cell, from the cell and through the circulatory system. This provides timely access to important minerals to all life threatening emergencies to the authorities.
  8. Some proteins serve as “extra” amino acids that are the cause, if the body for one reason or another feels they lack. It gives the chance to provide the body a kind of reserve.
  9. Motor function: the contraction of muscles occur due to the group of “motor proteins”. This has a direct impact on the normal life processes and the training process.
  10. Receptor function is due to protein receptors in the body responds to the effect of hormones, various chemicals, external stimuli, etc.

Who is especially important proteins

Protein in the required amount, of course, must be present in the diet of anyone, but there are categories of people who lack protein in the diet especially is contraindicated.

Among them are the following categories:

  • People experiencing high, much more than the average, exercise. It and people who engage in different sports, and people engaged in heavy physical labor (construction workers, miners, porters, etc.).
  • Children, adolescents and young adults, that is, all those whose body is still growing and evolving. How important is protein diet at a young age, can understand, comparing the population of North and South Korea. Southerners on average a head taller than their Northern neighbors.
  • Pregnant and lactating women. Here everything is clear: the emerging new life, you need good nutrition (however protein shakes are not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation).
  • People who have experienced serious injury and long periods of hunger and deprivation. Protein will help the body recover faster, heal wounds, improve failing health and return to normal life.

The daily rate of protein

Sporty in the literature of earlier years was often found following information: for muscle growth, you need 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight of the athlete (sometimes indicated range 2-2,5 g), but is sufficient for losing weight was considered to be the number about 1, is it really? In General Yes, but everything is more complicated.

According several later studies in sports “triggered” fairly wide range of dosages: from 1 to 1.5 g to 3.4 g per kilogram of body weight of the athlete. During one experiment, the participants of one group received 3-3,4 g of protein per kilogram of body weight and showed very good results in the strength and mass of muscles and in the reduction of body fat. The results of the second group who received “only” 2-2,2 g of protein per kg of body weight, was much more modest. However information on the potential side effects of long stay on this high protein diet (more than 3 g per kg) the authors of the experiment said.

Need girls in a protein is objectively lower than that of men, moreover, not all athletes strive for radical muscle hypertrophy. In addition, most of the trainees are quite satisfied and fitness “for health”. Accordingly, the amount of protein in the diet in different people, depending on their goals in sport, gender and age will vary.

The norm protein can result in the following approximate numbers:

  • Not training people 1-1. 5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight, that is enough.
  • When workouts focused on burning fat with moderate muscle growth: 1.5-2 g (in smaller doses fat burning properties of the protein may not be involved).
  • To set muscle mass and increase strength: 2-2. 5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.
  • With very high doses of protein (over 2.5 g) need to be careful, there’s so many athletes take protein at your own risk.

The percentage in the diet of a healthy person should be 15-20% protein, 25-30% fat, 50-60% carbohydrates. It is clear that the athletes, the protein content in the diet should be higher – 25-30%. From dropping excess weight increase the percentage of protein should occur by reducing the intake of fat and “fast” carbohydrates – a variety of sweets, pastries, etc.

What threatens shortage of protein during dieting

During exercise muscle fibers are the so-called microtrauma, simply put a small “tears” of the contractile structures. In order for muscle fibers not just healed these injuries, but have reached a stage of overcompensation, i.e. become stronger and thicker in areas of recent injuries, we need building blocks is protein.

What threatens the lack of protein in the diet is actively training athlete, it is easy to guess. Not only is the phase of overcompensation will not be achieved, but also the existing muscle mass will decrease. The body “eats” itself. From this state one way in overtraining. The first will “slip” the CNS and nervous system. Weight, which was submitted to easy seems too heavy colds, colds and sore throats will be the constant companions of the athlete. Hereinafter, problems with the cardiovascular system, hormonal disorders and other problems.

What are the risks of too much protein in the diet

There are potential health risks with prolonged use of very high doses of protein:

  • Excess protein is very often causes disruption of the digestive tract and constipation. Although a healthy body is fairly harmless and easily avoidable problem if the diet will be timely adjusted.
  • Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and larynx. Some studies show that some risk associated with high-protein diets available.
  • Intoxication (poisoning) of the liver and kidneys products of protein breakdown. This can occur in a healthy person with excessive protein intake.
  • There may be some connection between visogliano high-protein diet and a higher risk of developing diabetes of the second type.
  • There are opinions about the negative effects of high protein diet on bone and kidney (risk of kidney stones), but the information is contradictory. These potential problems require further study.

Proteins in foods

A natural source of high quality protein are primarily products of animal origin:

  • different varieties of meat animals and poultry
  • fish
  • seafood
  • eggs (chicken, quail, goose, etc.)
  • milk and dairy products.

Vegetable protein is much inferior to the animal’s amino acid composition. Plants that can serve as a source of protein:

  • soy (the main source of vegetable protein)
  • other legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas
  • cereals (a leader in protein is buckwheat)
  • various types of nuts and seeds
  • algae spirulina
  • mushrooms (although strictly speaking, mushrooms are not plants, but a completely separate group of living creatures)

Products-the leaders in protein content:

  1. Among the meat products lead veal and beef (28-30 grams of protein per 100 g of product); chicken and Turkey (about 25 g protein per 100 g) and rabbit (24-25 g / 100 g).
  2. In red caviar more than 30 g of protein per 100 g of product.
  3. Among the leaders are fish tuna and tuna – 23 grams of protein per 100 g of product.
  4. In solid varieties of cheese are about 30 g of protein per 100 g (Parmesan 33 g, in the Emmental 29 g).
  5. Low-fat cheese contains 22 grams of protein per 100 g of product.
  6. Among the leading legumes soybeans (36 g per 100 g and in some varieties and up to 50 g)
  7. Lentils contains 25 grams of protein per 100 g of product.
  8. Nuts cashews 25 g in peanuts 26 g per 100 g of product.
  9. In peanut paste 25 g protein per 100 g of product.
  10. Algae spirullina consists of 70% protein, this protein is sold in capsules and tablets.

Of course, the amount of protein is determined not all, its most important quality is amino acid composition. And on this indicator plant proteins greatly lose proteins of animal origin.

What is protein diet the best

For sports diet, involving increasing the strength and mass of muscles and burning of fat, animal protein is definitely better. Currently, this fact can be considered proven. Almost perfect amino acid composition and good digestibility has egg whites, and fish, eggs and white meat. In the diet of the athlete must also be present a variety of cheese and nuts. A good source of casein protein – low-fat cottage cheese, and digested it very slowly. It is from casein do “night” proteins for sports nutrition.

One of the leaders in protein content in plant foods is soy. For this reason, it is Central to the vegetarian menu, which is devoid of animal protein. Soy protein, used to make some types of sports nutrition has antioxidant and protivoopujolevy effect. But the amino acid composition of soy protein is much poorer than that of animal proteins.

Top 6 useful protein food for weight loss

Eat protein food and lose weight? Yes, this is possible! All the matter in the correct understanding of weight loss. To starve yourself with low calorie diets to exhaustion, but not engaging in the sport is wrong. And right is fitness, with a balanced and adequate meal and get the result efficiently toned body. This approach is definitely true for both men and women.

Here are the six protein food that help to lose weight, and get pleasure from food:

  1. Oven baked chicken breast. Marinate the meat in yogurt or soy sauce, add spices and send in the oven for 30-40 minutes. You can make incisions in the Breasts and add tomatoes and cheese.
  2. The fried chicken (better quail) eggs. Need to cook in a double boiler or multivarki in the “baking”, but not fry.
  3. The tuna salad. Take canned tuna, fresh greens, tomatoes, cucumbers and prepare a useful protein salad.
  4. Cheese soup with pieces of meat (beef or chicken). For lovers of soups – add the broth 50 g grated cheese and chopped 3-4 boiled eggs. This will make the dish really protein.
  5. Fruit curd. To low fat cottage cheese, add berries and chopped fruit, or a little nuts.
  6. The nut milk. Walnut crumbs (you can use different varieties of nuts) mix in a blender with low-fat milk. Looks something like regular milk, but with more “interesting” taste.

Consumption of sports protein standards protein

To get the right amount of protein from natural products can be difficult financially and physically. Here comes a special kind of sports nutrition – proteins, which are intended to Supplement the diet of an athlete protein.

Proteins are of the following types:

  • Whey (milk) protein is the most popular type of protein. Ideal for use after training and between meals. Can be purchased in concentrate (protein content up to 85%), or isolate is more highly purified concentrate (protein content of 90-95%).
  • Casein is also a protein-dairy origin, but obtained using a different technology, with the help of the enzyme has been curdled and strained milk. It melanosomal kind of protein, perfect for use before bedtime.
  • Egg protein is not just good, but excellent amino acid composition, but is not cheap.
  • Isolated soy protein has a inexpensive cost and is suitable for vegetarians but has a relatively “bad” amino acid profile.

Read more about types of protein

What protein is best absorbed

Very good digestibility has egg protein it leads in this indicator. Also among the leaders of the proteins of beef, cod. In addition, have a good digestibility of milk proteins, especially the proteins from dairy productsbecause they are already decomposed into amino acids.

In relation to sports nutrition, it is best to buy whey proteins – in terms of quality, digestibility, prices and sport the effectiveness of this type of protein is best. Egg proteins are very good, but expensive.


Protein for weight loss

Science conclusively proven that protein has fat burning properties. The very assimilation of the protein requires significant energy consumption, about a third more than the digestion of carbohydrates to compensate for this energy expenditure, the body begins to consume fat. Besides the process of digestion of fat and getting energy from it proceeds with the participation of amino acids.

Indirect effects of protein diet on weight loss is that the workouts will become more intense, which will also result in “burning” fat.

What can you say about the effect of protein on muscle growth? Protein is a building material for muscles (or rather its contractile structures), when the muscle is recovering after a training of micro and reaches a stage of overcompensation. Of course, the consumption of protein by itself does not guarantee automatic growth of muscle mass, for this we need more appropriate training load.

Compatibility of protein with carbohydrates and fats

It is believed that trapped in the stomach increases the acidity of the protein that “locks” the digestion of carbohydrates, which need an alkaline environment. It is undesirable to combine proteins with acidic fruits.

In the theory of separation of power is perfect and infallible. However, the human being is omnivorous, and throughout its evolution, has always maintained a mixed diet. If there aren’t any specific digestive problems, complicate life divided food makes no sense. “Pure” and “homogeneous” meals in the normal diet does not happen anyway – even lean meat contains a small amount of fat, even beef protein isolate contains about 1% lactose. What can we say about the lunch of first, second and third. It is obvious that there will be mixed to present proteins and fats, and carbohydrates.

The best time eat protein? Clear binding of protein consumption in the day time in General, then no, you can just highlight some recommendations:

  • All the daily amount of protein is preferably split into several small meals for proper absorption.
  • The basis of the Breakfast should be complex carbohydrates, but the protein must also be present in the first meal (for example, you can eat eggs, cheese).
  • For lunch is better to eat complex carbohydrates + protein (for example, side dish + meat or fish).
  • Dinner is better to eat protein + non-starchy vegetables (e.g., salad with eggs and chicken breast).
  • Very good to eat at night is cottage cheese, which contains a “slow” proteins: for several hours it will supply the body with amino acids.
  • If you use as a snack are protein foods like cheese and nuts, remember that they contain large amounts of protein, but also fat (and it is a very high-calorie foods).
  • After a workout drink a fast digestible protein (whey) when the body needs extra servings of amino acids.

Read more about whey protein

Protein diet: effective or harmful?

The question posed in the title of this short section can be considered rhetorical. Protein diet has proven its effectiveness when applied in sports and in order to burn fat, but also certain health risks, which have already been mentioned above, are also available.

Anyone who decided to try high protein diet, regardless of the purpose for which it is used, you should understand: common sense and caution cannot be automatically “embed” a diet and training program. Athletes should make an independent sober assessment of the real state of his health and the possible risks that could potentially carry protein diet.

Protein diet is absolutely contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding moderate protein intake will only benefit, but high-protein diet is strictly contraindicated.
  • Various diseases of the liver and kidney, gallstone disease is a high protein diet can aggravate the existing problem.
  • Chronic problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Various tumors and neoplasms, including Oncology, high-protein diet can accelerate the growth of tumors.

Once again we emphasize that all the necessary balance. If you want to lose weight, it is best to start to count calories and eat with a small deficit and a uniform distribution of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. If you are preparing for competition or sports records, but simply want to reduce body fat and improve your form, it is better to forget about high-protein diets. In the long term this makes no practical sense. Moreover, you run the risk of serious gastrointestinal disorders, kidney and liver due to excess protein. A moderate diet and regular exercise will help you shed excess pounds and improve the quality of a body without excesses in the diet.

Read more about counting calories and PFC

10 insights about the protein and its effect on the body

  1. Protein is a vital element that ensures the normal functioning of the body.
  2. Protein foods are the building blocks for growth and muscle support.
  3. The lack of protein in daily menu threatens to muscle damage and overtraining.
  4. An overabundance of protein in daily menu can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.
  5. Most protein is found in fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, seafood, mushrooms, nuts, bean products.
  6. Animal protein is much superior to vegetable amino acid composition.
  7. The daily intake of protein for necronemesis 1-1,5 g on 1 kg of weight, for training of 1.5-2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.
  8. In order to collect the daily requirement of protein, you can eat sport protein.
  9. It is better not to sit on high protein diets, and to give preference to a uniform distribution of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the menu.
  10. If you want to increase or at least maintain muscle mass, you should not only have protein, but and to exercise regularly.

Read also our articles on effective training:

  • TABATA workout: the complete guide
  • How to learn to catch up from scratch and tips
  • Ready training home for girls for 30-45 minutes without equipment

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