protein allergy in adults
When it comes to protein allergy, there are only 7 food allergens. Screening can determine which protein a person is allergic to. Let’s talk about these allergens, diagnosis, treatment

What is protein allergy

– The protein component can be in many products and in many other substances. Allergy occurs just on the protein part. This is either plant pollen, or any product that contains protein. For example, if it is pure sugar – a carbohydrate, then there will be no true allergy to it, and when the protein is contained in meat – an allergy can occur, – says allergist-immunologist Olesya Ivanova.

Can adults be allergic to protein?

Protein allergy in adults, of course, can be. And it can also appear at any age, especially in people who have relatives with an allergy to protein.

There are only seven foods whose protein is most often allergic:

Egg white. Allergy to egg protein occurs mainly when it is consumed raw. There is also an allergy to a boiled egg, because ovomucoid (egg allergen) is very resistant to heat, no cooking is terrible for him. Unfortunately, an allergy can occur not only to chicken egg protein, but also to duck, turkey, and goose protein. It is important to know that if you are allergic to egg protein, you need to be careful with vaccinations, because chicken eggs are used to obtain some vaccines.

Egg yolk. It has less allergenic properties, but nevertheless they are.

Cod. This fish contains up to 19% of proteins. They are so stable that they are preserved even when cooked. Usually, if a person is allergic to cod, then it also occurs on caviar, shrimp, crayfish and oysters.

Salmon family fish – salmon and salmon. These are highly allergenic foods. Allergens are stable and are not destroyed by heat treatment.

Pork. It rarely causes allergies. When processing this type of meat, allergic activity decreases. But some people can develop dermatitis after coming into contact with raw pork.

Beef. Its allergic activity also decreases during cooking, frying and freezing. But if beef crosses with cow’s milk, then allergies are guaranteed. If the patient has milk intolerance, then there will be an allergic reaction to beef.

A hen. This type of product is not included in the list of bright allergens, but an allergy to chicken meat is still found. The fact is that there is serum albumin in the chicken, which gives a reaction.

There is also an allergy to milk protein and plant pollen. People have allergies after drinking milk and during the flowering period.

How does protein allergy manifest in adults?

Allergy symptoms can be completely different. But note that if you experience redness and itching of the skin, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and pain in the abdomen, swelling of the larynx when using a product containing protein, then this is most likely an allergy to protein.

How to treat protein allergy in adults

As the specialist notes, it is very simple to cure an allergy to protein – you need to remove the allergen, carefully read the compositions, replace aggressive products.

If you need to cure the consequences in the form of itching, urticaria, etc., it is better to contact an allergist. He will select the necessary drugs for you, including ointments. Do not self-medicate!


Diagnosis of a protein allergy begins with a visit to the doctor. This is especially necessary for those people whose parents and close relatives suffered from allergic diseases. Your doctor will examine you, take a medical history, and order any tests you may need, including a blood test, prick test, and skin allergy test.

– Clinicians use in their practice 5 important attributes, – says the expert, – which have the abbreviation SOAPS:

  • S – the doctor must constantly monitor new publications;
  • A – the doctor must carefully collect complaints, a history of life and illness, conduct an examination (it is important to detect and make relevant small details) – hypotheses are developed based on this information, then a key is determined that will solve the problem;
  • A – the doctor must have access to databases – without this, in modern medicine there is no way;
  • P – emphasizing a personal empathic attitude – the doctor should always be attentive, support the patient and have a desire to help;
  • S – shared decision making – discuss the most difficult cases with colleagues.

Modern methods

To make it easier to observe changes in the body, the doctor may ask the patient to keep a diary in which he will write what he ate and how the body reacted to the product.

The treatment for a protein allergy is to avoid eating protein foods that contain the allergen. Symptoms can be removed with the help of drugs, they are prescribed strictly by a specialist.

Prevention of protein allergy in adults at home

Prevention of protein allergy is simple – do not eat foods that contain the allergen protein. Replace them in your diet. Take care during flowering if you are allergic to pollen (its protein).

Popular questions and answers

We were answered popular questions from readers about protein allergy allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, member of the European and Russian Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists Olesya Ivanova.

Can there be complications with a protein allergy?
Yes, it can be urticaria, angioedema and anaphylaxis. In their treatment, first of all, it is necessary to administer adrenaline. Secondly, hormonal preparations are injected, preferably into a vein (which, by the way, will not allow a “second wave” of an allergic reaction) and only in the third place – Suprastin or Tavegil intramuscularly (but it is necessary to take into account the fact that they can reduce pressure).

I am not talking about second-generation antihistamines, this is mandatory (unless, of course, at the time of the reaction, they are at hand).

How to replace protein if you are allergic to it?
If we are talking about milk protein, then milk should be excluded, and it can be replaced with a number of products – calcium and vitamin fortified soy drinks (in the absence of an allergy to soy), coconut and almond milk, vegetarian cheeses and yogurts.

If we are talking about eggs, then you need to eat legumes, meat. In baking, the egg can be replaced with a banana, chia seeds, ground flax or chickpeas.

If you are allergic to beef and fish, then it is better to choose chicken or turkey.

If you are also allergic to chicken, leave only the turkey.

If you are allergic to milk protein, you can not drink it at all?
It is worth limiting its intake if you are allergic to cow’s milk protein, you have an established lactose deficiency, you do not like the taste of these products.

There are no more reasons to stop including milk in your diet.

What advice can you give if you are allergic to a protein found in plant pollen?
During flowering:

● don’t shower after being outside – when you go outside, pollen can get on your skin and hair, and subsequently aggravate your symptoms;

● do not keep windows open during active dusting of plants – it is necessary to close windows, moisten mosquito nets, use air conditioners with a filter;

● do not consume large amounts of histamine liberator products – they can increase allergy symptoms;

● do not be near a person who excessively uses perfume or goes to the pool, where the water is disinfected with bleach – all this can irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and cause coughing and exacerbate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis;

● take antihistamines regularly – many medications work within 24 hours and must be taken regularly throughout the flowering period;

● do not eat foods that cause a cross-reaction with pollen (only if they worsen allergy symptoms): for example, if you are allergic to birch – apples, pears, peaches, hazelnuts and others; with an allergy to ragweed – bananas, melons, cucumbers, zucchini (in some cases they can be eaten thermally processed).

● do not walk in the same clothes for several days – during the period of active dusting it is necessary to leave shoes on the doorstep and immediately send the clothes to the laundry.

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