Foods that interfere with sleep

If your insomnia does not have a good reason, you should pay attention to your diet. Some products can significantly affect the process of falling asleep and sleep. Eliminate them from dinner, and you will return to a healthy night’s sleep.


Obviously, the human nervous system is overexcited because of the high caffeine content, and sleep becomes more difficult. Each of us has a different degree of susceptibility to caffeine. Still definitely, coffee refers to the thick layer of drinks, and it is better to use it in the morning in limited quantities.


Chocolate also contains caffeine, plus many calories, which create an additional burden on the body, forcing it to expend energy and stay in shape. In chocolate is theobromine, a substance that stimulates the nervous system increases your heart rate, and interferes with sleep.


Alcohol falsely relaxes the nervous system, but in fact, forcing you to Wake up several times a night. In the morning, there is a feeling of weakness; intoxication is manifested. Hence the bad mood, the desire to sleep, and poor work activity.

Energy Drinks

These drinks also contain caffeine, even more than chocolate—the energy created by such a danger on no sleep. It would help if you had them and drink, not getting enough sleep again. And to break this vicious circle can only complete them from failure. Energy drinks cause the nervous system to work hard, and with time, there is a more significant problem than just a chronic lack of sleep.

Foods that interfere with sleep

Hot spices

These spices stimulate the internal organs and cause unpleasant heartburn or indigestion that will definitely interfere with your sleep. Cooking dinner gave preference to fresh dishes and peppered eat lunch.

Fast food

Most heavy is fast food, it brings stomach pain, blisters, and the time on the digestion of heavy foods have on the night – hence insomnia. The caloric demands of consumption, so if you do not work for the night, give up fast food for dinner and before bedtime.

Be healthy!

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