Prevention of premature (pre-term) labor

Prevention of premature (pre-term) labor

Why prevent?

Premature labor is a common problem in pregnancy. It is attributed 75% of deaths in babies born without birth defects.

Babies born before term are more fragile and can sometimes suffer throughout their life from problems related to prematurity.

In general, the more prematurely a baby is born, the more serious the health problems can be. Babies born before 25e week usually do not survive without problems.

Can we prevent?

It is important for the pregnant woman to know if the symptoms she identifies are related to preterm labor, as it can be stopped or slowed down sufficiently. A woman who sees the early signs of a premature labor can alert her doctor in time to intervene. Medicines can be given to slow down or stop labor for several hours and allow the fetus to develop for as long as possible.

Women who have already had a child born prematurely (less than 37 weeks pregnant) can, with a medical prescription, take a progesterone supplement (Prometrium®) by injection or vaginal gel as a preventive measure.

Basic preventive measures

  • Avoid or stop smoking.
  • Eat healthy. If necessary, consult a registered dietitian about your eating habits.
  • If you are being abused, seek help.
  • Take time to rest. Schedule a time of day to rest or take a nap without feeling guilty about it. Rest is essential during pregnancy.
  • Reduce your stress. Share your feelings with someone you trust. Familiarize yourself with relaxation techniques like meditation, massage, yoga, etc.
  • Avoid strenuous work.
  • Don’t exhaust yourself when you exercise. Even if you are very fit, there are times when you are pregnant that you should not increase the intensity of the training sessions.
  • Learn to recognize the warning signs of preterm labor. Know what to do in case of preterm labor. Prenatal meetings at the hospital or with your doctor are also meant to inform you: do not hesitate to ask questions.
  • Make regular visits to a healthcare professional to ensure pregnancy follow-up. The doctor will be able to detect the signs which indicate a threat of preterm labor and thus intervene to avoid it.


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