Prevention and treatment of Morton’s disease

Prevention and treatment of Morton’s disease


Morton’s neuroma cannot always be prevented, but you can reduce the risk of occurrence and recurrence by wearing comfortable shoes which have low heels, plenty of toe room and good arch support.


Prevention and treatment of Morton’s disease: understand it all in 2 min


 Acupuncture, reflexology

Acupuncture, reflexology, or certain foot massage techniques may reduce pain in some people with Morton’s neuroma. However, no scientific study has demonstrated the true effects of these therapies.

Medical treatments

The earlier Morton’s neuroma is treated, the more effective treatment including one or more of these options;

  • Wearing shoes wider with low heels and stiff soles helps reduce pressure on the nerve and heal. Avoid high heels or narrow shoes;
  • Le wearing orthotics helps relieve irritation by lifting and separating bones, to reduce the pressure on the nerve ;
  • benefits anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) or naproxen (Aleve®, Naprosyn®) for pain relief;
  • The application of ice to relieve pain;
  • Reducing or stopping activities such as running, aerobic exercise or dancing that subject the feet to strong impacts;
  • In several cases, cortisone injections can reduce nerve swelling and relieve pain.

These treatments are effective in 80% of cases. If the combination of these treatments is ineffective after 9-12 months, surgery may be necessary. The compressed nerve is either released (neurolysis or decompression surgery) or a portion of the affected nerve is severed (neurectomy). The operation is usually done under local anesthesia and requires 4 to 6 weeks of recovery. The surgery is 80 to 90% successful. However, it is an intervention of last resort because, particularly with regard to neurectomy, the severing of the nerve can cause a permanent numbness of the toes.

Our doctor’s opinion

As part of its quality approach, Passeportsanté.net invites you to discover the opinion of a health professional. Dr Jacques Allard, general practitioner, gives you his opinion on the Morton’s neuroma :

Morton’s neuroma is not a very common pathology but it can sometimes be very inconvenient. Fortunately, the diagnosis is easy to make and the treatment is simple and effective. You must surely first apply a conservative treatment such as changing shoes, wearing orthotics, ice, reducing certain activities and finally cortisone injections, if necessary. These measures will give you relief most of the time.

Dr Jacques Allard M.D. FCMFC



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