Preventing menopause

Preventing menopause

Menopause is the result of natural evolution. However, studies from around the world show that differences in lifestyle, diet and physical activities can influence the intensity and type of symptoms that women experience during menopause.1.

In general, we will put all the chances on our side by adopting the following preventive measures before age 50, particularly during the quarantine.

  • Favor foods that promote good bone and heart health: rich in calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, silica, vitamin K and essential fatty acids (omega-3 in particular), but low in saturated fat, and providing vegetable proteins instead of animal protein;
  • Eat foods rich in phytoestrogens (soy, flax seeds, chickpeas, onions, etc.);
  • If needed, take calcium and vitamin D supplements;
  • Regularly engage in physical activity that works the heart and joints, as well as flexibility and balance exercises;
  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards life;
  • Remain sexually active;
  • Practice Kegel exercises, both to combat stress urinary incontinence and to improve sex life by increasing the tone of the vaginal muscles;
  • No smoking. In addition to harming bones and the heart, tobacco destroys estrogen.

In addition, as explained above, women, due to the fact that they are menopausal, but especially because they are advancing in age, are at greater risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, cancer of the endometrium and breast cancer. Care will therefore be taken to apply the preventive measures associated with these diseases.



Preventing menopause: understand everything in 2 min

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