Pregnant in the mountains, how to benefit from it?

Move, yes, but with caution!

We move, yes, but without taking any risks! Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything! In addition, regular physical exercise is recommended at all stages of pregnancy. On the other hand, all specialists advise against sliding sports.

We put skis and ice skates in the closet. Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and skating are prohibited at all stages of pregnancy. The risk of falling is too great, and trauma greatly increases the risk of miscarriage or premature labor. In addition, even if the fetus is well attached and resists shock, in the event of an accident, it will be necessary to undergo a number of examinations, in particular X-rays, which are harmful to its health.

We take walks and snowshoes. As long as you cover yourself enough not to catch cold and wear good shoes that support your ankle, you can easily take a short walk on the trails. Athletes and women in perfect physical condition can even plan a snowshoe trip until the 5th or 6th month of pregnancy. But beware, this ultimate endurance sport calls on all muscle groups, and fatigue is quickly evident.

We avoid going over 2 meters. Do not forget that oxygen becomes scarce with altitude and that when you are pregnant, you run out of steam faster than usual. So, we warn the guide and we avoid leaving for a hike that is too long and / or at too high an altitude.

Maintain a balanced diet

Who says snow holidays says mulled wine, dried meats, Savoyard fondues, tartiflettes and other raclettes. If you are pregnant, you should be careful.

We are wary of too rich dishes. No fondue, raclette or tartiflette without cheese. A food particularly rich in calcium and therefore recommended for pregnant women. But if these high calorie dishes are perfect for rebuilding your health when you spend your days on the slopes and the energy expenditure is important, as soon as you move less, you gain weight quickly, which is not desirable during pregnancy. And then you risk digesting badly, feeling heavy and nauseous. To not be too frustrated, start the meal with a vegetable soup with appetite suppressant effects which will also have the advantage of hydrating you. And then serve yourself sparingly with the richer dishes you want. Finally, skip the white wine altogether. Yes, it’s zero alcohol during pregnancy.

Avoid raw milk cheeses (unless they are cooked as in raclette) and unpasteurized products. Pregnant, listeriosis oblige, beware of unpasteurized meats. In the mountains, where everything is still very traditional, we meet them more frequently than elsewhere. Ditto for raw milk cheeses. So, before you crack, educate yourself.

Protect yourself from the sun

We protect ourselves from the sun’s rays. At altitude, it’s cold and we tend not to be wary of the sun. And yet, it burns! So do not forget to spread yourself generously with a very high index sunscreen to avoid the appearance of pregnancy mask. For more safety, avoid exposing your face because UV rays are much more harmful at altitude than in the plains.

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