Pregnant during the Christmas holidays: what to eat?

Pregnant during the Christmas holidays: what to eat?

Alcohol: tolerance 0

Alcohol, even absorbed in minute quantities, passes instantly into the blood and is directly distributed to the baby via the placenta. Of course, the fetus is extremely sensitive to alcohol because its small, immature liver is not yet effective in filtering and eliminating it.

On the baby, alcohol acts like a real toxin and alters various stages of development, in particular the nervous system by affecting the neurons.

Durant les fêtes, comme durant tout le reste de la grossesse et de l’allaitement, il est donc préférable de proscrire totalement la consommation de boissons alcoolisées.

Pour trinquer comme il se doit durant les repas de famille, il existe une grande variété de boissons sans alcool qui imitent très bien les cocktails, les vins classiques ainsi que les vins les pétillants. Prévoyez donc votre bouteille !

Starters and cheese: vigilance is essential

Foie gras, seafood and salmon

Foie gras, saumon fumé, huitres… les traditionnelles entrées de Noël présentent des risques bactériologiques dont il est prudent de se protéger lors de la grossesse. Cependant, avec quelques précautions, vous pourrez profiter de ces entrées savoureuses et délicates sans prendre le moindre risque pour votre bébé.

Concerning fatty liver, there is great suspicion because it is often offered half-cooked, but if it is cooked, the risk of parasitic contamination (toxoplasmosis) or bacterial infection (listeriosis) is a priori low. However, rigorous measures are required when choosing foie gras to be sure not to take any risk: prefer sterilized foie gras, therefore cooked at over 100 ° C, canned or in an airtight jar with rubber because listeria is destroyed when the cooking temperature is above 70 ° C and traceability is more reliable. However, avoid homemade or artisanal foie gras and semi-cooked foie gras.

When it comes to seafood, again, cooking will be your ally. Whether they are fresh, canned or frozen, they are safe only if they have been stored in good conditions (no break in the cold chain) and if they are well cooked. If these conditions are met, you can perfectly opt for shrimp, langoustines, whelks or even lobster served cold, but well cooked. However, be careful with the mayonnaise which often accompanies these dishes, because of the eggs which present a risk of salmonella: forget the homemade mayonnaise and prefer during your pregnancy, industrial mayonnaise. For oysters, they should be avoided because they are often a source of contamination. But if you are crazy about them, it is possible to consume them if they are cooked. There are delicious recipes for baked and au gratin oysters.

Regarding salmon, whether raw or smoked, it is preferable to avoid it because the risk of contamination with listeria is not negligible. The same goes for all the products in the catering department, for raw fish and marinated fish or meats such as carpaccio or ceviche. However, if the festivities are in your home, you can serve your guests pasteurized smoked salmon.


Some cheeses present the risks of listeriosis and toxoplasmosis, two fatal diseases for the fetus. To be sure that you don’t expose yourself to any risk, forget about raw milk cheeses, cheeses with a bloomy rind as well as blue-veined cheeses such as Roquefort or Bleu d’Auvergne because they are among the most frequently contaminated foods.

However, other cheeses pose no risk to your unborn baby:

  • Les fromages au lait pasteurisé : vérifiez simplement que l’étiquette mentionne bien «lait pasteurisé» dans la liste des ingrédients.
  • Hard cheeses, also called cooked pressed cheeses – just avoid eating the rind -: Abondance, Beaufort, Comté, edam, emmental, gouda, gruyère, manchego, parmesan, pecorino, provolone, monk’s head
  • Les fromages à pâte molle et à pâte fondue : cancoillotte, carrés de fromage à la crème, crème de gruyère, féta, fromage à tartiner, fromage de chèvre sans croûte fleurie, fromage frais, mascarpone, mozzarella, ricotta

Meat or fish for the dish?


Traditional Christmas dish, capon and turkey are often the privileged guests on the New Year’s table. Just like goose and duck as well as all other meats, it would be a shame to deprive yourself of them. Just make sure the meat is cooked through. And possibly use the stuffing under this same condition.

However, remember that just because the meat is grilled on the surface doesn’t mean that it is well cooked on the inside. Always check the cooking of your piece of meat by checking its color inside: it should be pink or beige.

There are, however, a few exceptions to meat, even well cooked:

  • la viande de foie, à cause de la présence trop importante de Vitamine A (rétinol). Le foie gras, consommé de manière exceptionnelle pour les fêtes, et en quantité raisonnable reste toutefois possible
  • la viande de gibier : il s’agit d’un principe de précaution vis à vis des intoxications alimentaire étant donné qu’il est toujours difficile de connaitre sa provenance.

The fish

Les poissons, sont tous de précieux pourvoyeurs d’acides gras essentiels indispensables au bon développement du système nerveux de votre futur bébé. Si certains sont à limiter durant votre grossesse du fait de leur teneur en mercure (il s’agit des gros prédateurs tels que le thon, le requin et l’espadon par exemple), tous les poissons en début et en milieu de chaine alimentaire peuvent être consommés : saumon, truite, bar, sole, turbot. etc. Les noix de Saint-Jacques, souvent à l’honneur lors des festivités de fin d’année, peuvent aussi être consommées, pourvu là encore, qu’elles soient bien cuites.

Un dessert sans oeuf cru

Good news: the frozen log, queen of Christmas desserts, is absolutely allowed! Whether it’s chestnut, fruit or chocolate, treat yourself! The cold chain must however have been respected, as always.

On the other hand, avoid pastry logs whose foam contains raw eggs which present a high risk of contamination with salmonella.

To make it original, if you are the host of New Year’s Eve, think of pan-fried exotic fruits, possibly accompanied by a delicate sorbet. Here are some examples :

  • Mangue rôtie au pain d’épices
  • Caramelized pineapple with vanilla beans and crunchy almonds
  • Mini bananas in a 4 spice caramel dress

Les verrines et les desserts présentés en bocaux sont également très tendance :

  • Mango-apricot verrine
  • Lychee-mango terrine and cinnamon shortbread
  • French toast gingerbread and vanilla ice cream
  • Mango-banana, white chocolate and coconut crumble

Examples of special pregnancy party menus

Examples of appetizers and starters:

  • Toast of foie gras (sterilized) on toasted gingerbread and redcurrant or apple jelly
  • Smoked salmon (pasteurized) with lemon zest and tarragon
  • Brochettes de langoustines et de Saint-Jacques
  • Avocado, shrimp and cream cheese verrines
  • Parmesan Oysters Gratin

Examples of dishes:

  • Dos de cabillaud en croûte d’amandes et basilic
  • Crusted salmon with sorrel cream
  • Roasted capon, bundles of green beans and chestnuts
  • Seared duck breast in agave syrup, roasted figs and crushed almonds
  • Roast beef in a morel crust and mashed potatoes with truffle
  • Turkey stuffed with apples and tender chestnuts

Examples of desserts:

  • Chocolate and raspberry ice cream log, with nougatine
  • Pineapple ravioli with mascarpone and salted butter caramel
  • Mini bananas in a 4 spice caramel dress
  • Verrine pineapple, speculoos and mascarpone
  • Exotic Fruit Gratin
  • Mango-banana, white chocolate and coconut crumble

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