Plant a tree – do a good deed in honor of Victory Day

The idea of ​​planting trees on their own in different parts of Russia came to one of the project coordinators, environmentalist Ildar Bagmanov, in 2012, when he asked himself: What can be changed right now to take care of nature? Now the “Future of the Earth depends on you” in the social network “VKontakte” has more than 6000 people. Among them are Russians and residents of neighboring countries – Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and other countries that are actively involved in planting trees in their cities.

New scaffolding by children’s hands

According to the project coordinators, it is especially important to involve young children in planting:

“When a person plants a tree, he comes into contact with the Earth, begins to feel it (and after all, almost all children living in cities and not only are deprived of this – practice has shown that even residents of villages do not know how to plant a tree). Also, a person connects with nature, and this is especially important for the city dwellers! Few people know, but if a person has planted a tree, then it has a connection with him all his life – it begins to grow and increase the energy with which it was planted in the ground, ”says the program explaining the essence of the project.

Therefore, no less important in the project is the mood with which a person will be taken to plant a tree. A plant is a link between the earth and people, so you can’t turn to it in a state of irritation, feeling angry, because nothing good will come of it. The main thing in this matter, according to the project volunteers, is awareness and creative thoughts, then the tree will grow strong, strong, and bring maximum benefits to nature.

Activists of the project “The Future of the Earth Depends on You” work in many cities and countries of the CIS, visiting general education schools, orphanages, and preschool institutions. At their ecological holidays, they tell the younger generation about the state of our planet, the importance of greening cities, teach them how to properly handle seedlings, distribute everything necessary for children to plant a tree on their own right now.

Family business

In our time, when family values ​​often fade into the background, and more divorces than unions are registered in the registry offices, it is especially important to take care of the unity of one’s kind. That is why whole families take part in the project “The Future of the Earth Depends on You”! Parents go out into nature with their children, explain what the Earth is, trees, how vividly it reacts to human intervention in the form of weather and climate changes.

“Now forests are being cut down in huge quantities, which is why the amount of oxygen produced is sharply reduced, while exhaust emissions are becoming more and more. Springs go underground, rivers and lakes dry up in thousands, rains stop falling, drought begins, strong winds walk in bare places, plants accustomed to warm protected areas freeze, soil erosion occurs, insects and animals die. In other words, the Earth is sick and suffering. Be sure to tell the children that they can change everything, that the future depends on them, because the earth will recover from each planted tree,” the project volunteers address their parents.

Good deed in honor of Victory Day

“The future of the Earth depends on you” is not only an environmental project, but also a patriotic one. Since 2015, activists have been organizing a general planting of gardens, parks, squares and alleys in gratitude to those who fought for our country in 1941-1945. “In the name of love, eternity and life” this year is held in 20 regions of Russia. As part of this work, it is planned to plant 45 million trees throughout the country.

“People who fought for peace for us sacrificed themselves, often did not even have time to understand that they were dying, so in a sense they are still in an intermediate state between heaven and earth. And the tree planted in the name of their life and eternity strengthens their energy, becomes a link between us and our ancestors-heroes, does not let us forget about their exploits,” says Ildar Bagmanov.

You can take part in the action dedicated to the Victory Day in different ways, for example, by joining the initiative group of the project in your area. You can also independently organize a lesson-conversation at the nearest school in order to interest a large number of children and adults in holding the event.

Or you can just plant a tree in your hometown, village, inviting the whole family, friends and acquaintances to participate in this, attracting children. If necessary, planting should be coordinated with the administration, the housing office or other institutions that regulate the landscaping of your area. Volunteers recommend planting fruit trees, cedars or oaks – these are the plants that the earth and the people themselves need today.


1. Place an apple, pear, cherry (and other fruit) pit, or nut in a pot of soil. If you regularly water the soil in a bowl with clean water, after a while a sprout will appear. When it gets stronger, it can be transplanted into open ground.

2. Dig up the growth around already mature trees (usually they are uprooted as unnecessary) and transplant them to other places. Thus, you will protect young shoots from destruction, turning them into strong large trees.

FROM THE EDITOR: We congratulate all VEGETARIAN readers on the Great Victory Day! We wish you peace and urge you to take part in the action “In the name of love, eternity and life” in your city.

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