Phrases about love

Phrases about love

At random meetings or readings,

A phrase, sometimes, resonates in us,

Finding an echo, a conjecture,

Who, all-de-go, pick locks.

Below is a collection of these phrases about love that opens the mind, invites reflection and triggers.

« The more time passes, the less I understand that we so commonly identify love with the sole fires, or excess, of its beginnings, and the more I am tempted to sing about the beauties, and the benefits, of peaceful love unfolding in the long duration of a common life » Denis moreau

« There are people who are so full of themselves that when they are in love, they find a way to take care of themselves without being taken care of by the person they love. » La Rochefoucauld.

« People think a soul mate is their perfect match, and everyone is chasing after them. In fact, the real soul mate is a mirror, it is the person who shows you everything that gets in your way, who brings you to contemplate yourself so that you can change things in your life. . » Elizabeth Gilbert

« The happy couple who recognize each other in love defies the universe and time, It is enough, they realize the absolute ». Simone de Beauvoir, The second sex.

« If we do not know how to make love this absolute beside which all other history disappears, we should never venture to love, not even if we were married ten times. » Kierkegaard

“Undoubtedly few people understand the purely subjective character of the phenomenon of love, and the kind of creation it is of an additional person, distinct from the one who bears the same name in the world, and whose most of the elements are taken from ourselves ” Proust

« Experience should have taught me – if she ever learned anything – that loving is a bad fate like those in fairy tales, against which nothing can be done until the enchantment has ceased. » Proust

« To love a being is to accept to grow old with him » Camus

“What looks like love is always love. “ Tristan Bernard.

“Lhe most important is not what we give to others but what we awaken and allow in them ” Jacques Salomé

« When love regularly sends us doubt and suffering, it is undoubtedly that we have been abusing it for a long time. » Mr. Ouarda

“A natural law is that we desire our opposite, but that we get along with our fellow man. Love implies differences. Friendship presupposes equality, a similarity of tastes, strength and temperament. “ Françoise Parturier

“We talk a lot about homosexuality, but sometimes it’s just homo-sentimentality. ” Laurence Maron

“Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and lights fire. “ La Rochefoucauld

“To love is not to look at each other, it is to look together in the same direction. ” Saint-Exupéry

“To love is to find, thanks to another, his truth and to help this other to find his own. It’s creating a passionate complicity. “ Jacques de Bourbon Busset.

“When passion-love ends between 2 enlightened beings, it then opens up to even richer and more satisfying Mature-Love. “ Laurence Maron.

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