Film «Julius Caesar»

Apollonius may be wrong, but he acts like a person.

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Film «Napoleon»

Napoleon and Josephine, as individuals, deserve each other.

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Film «Major Payne»

Cadet Stone, taking responsibility for the misconduct, showed himself as a person. Major Payne respects those who know how to be a person.

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Film «Liquidation»

The smallest person can be a person.

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At all times, people who stood out from the masses due to their inner qualities attracted attention. A person is always a person who stands out, although not everyone who stands out is a person. Despite the fact that each of us has personal characteristics, not everyone is called a “personality”. They say about a person with respect: “This is a personality!” when he stands out among other people with his inner features that make him worthy.

A person is called a person who is not just strong, but internally strong. Not just a person who knows a lot, but a smart person. Not just interesting in communication, but a person with a rich inner world. Not just gifted by nature, but «self made» — a person who made himself. Not just lucky, but able to be successful.

Women respect not just rich men, they respect and consider men who have the energy and will to do business as personalities.

Personality is always a product of culture, the result of education or self-education. As in any field, to achieve outstanding results, you need both talent, the presence of innate inclinations, and diligence, activities to develop the inclinations in the ability. In this case, the ability to be a Personality.

It is curious that the male and female view of «being a person» often differs. For women who value more feelings and everything natural, a person is a person with a rich inner world who knows how to feel, love and forgive. A caring woman’s heart is more apt than a demanding man’s mind to see personality in a man prone to deep suffering and in a sweet child crying out for his rights. A woman with the title of personality often rewards the one she simply loves …

In fairness, not every person and not always deserves to be called a “person”, on the other hand, the belief that any person is a person by definition contributes to mutual respect between people. When the exclamation “Any child is already a person!” sounds, the meaning of this statement is: “A child must be treated with respect, taking into account his characteristics and needs.”

Men are stricter. Men more often appreciate actions, deeds and what they have done themselves, therefore, in accordance with the male view, a developed personality is a person with an inner core who has chosen freedom and his own path. This is a person who builds and controls his own life, a person as a responsible subject of will. If a person stands out from the masses due to his inner qualities that allow him to stand out from the masses, resist the pressure of the masses, promote his own to the masses — men say that this person is a person.

Since books are more often written by men and science is done mainly according to male patterns, it is the male view of personality that is predominant …

According to this view, not everyone is a person, not from birth, and different people have a different level of personality development. The first sprouts of personality are the stubbornness of the baby “I myself”, the next steps are the upholding of independence by a teenager and the development of independence in youth, later growing up, and all the way the development of mind and will. A developed personality is a person with an inner core who has chosen freedom and his own path. This is a person who builds and controls his own life, a person as a responsible subject of will.

Such people are respected, sometimes they are admired, but living next to a person-personality is not always convenient. Chekhov’s Darling can hardly be called a personality, but her husband cherished her. But Buddha is a person, but for the sake of spiritual search, he left his young wife with a child. And the very life path of a person-personality, ready to disagree with the environment and insist on his own, is not calm and not simple, especially when the inner world of the individual is disharmonic, and life is not socially arranged. On the other hand, a person who is internally harmonious, successful in his personal life and business sphere, causes real respect, and the person himself has every reason to be proud of his life — and of himself, as the author of such a life.

A person is not born, they become a person! Or they don’t become… A more dramatic option: a personality can break down, a personality can be broken, and then a person becomes extinct, lives like a vegetable, ceases to be a personality… to break a person as a person, to destroy him as a person.

“A person can leave this colony in only two states — either embittered and wanting to take revenge, hating everything, or a broken person, who, perhaps, is even more dangerous than an embittered one. Because the embittered — at least, this is the one who did not break down, retained his personality in himself. And a broken person is a person who can be pushed into anything, intimidating, frightening, there, putting him on a dose, something else like that. — Maksim Shevchenko, Special Opinion.

It is clear that in this case, the person is not spoken of as a person and subject (according to the passport, the person remains the same), not as a person with special features (the person retains his personality type) and not as an element of the person’s inner life (the person remains internally integral, the control link of the psyche does not disappear anywhere). Disappears — personality as a title.

Not everyone lives as a person. A person as a person is one who lives in his own way, builds life with the help of his mind and will, thinks and makes decisions.

Feelings, emotions and needs for a person are just a background that can help or hinder, but no more. Feelings can flare up and go out, but a person, a person, is responsible for his actions. A person controls his emotions, feelings and needs, and not vice versa. It is not enough for a person-personality to be aware of his inner life, it needs to be adjusted. Emotions can and should be controlled, needs — to educate and build in the hierarchy that corresponds to his idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe proper.

Man-organism seeks energy in himself, man-personality creates it. The man-organism understands what he wants, the man-personality looks at what is needed now, and takes care of how this “should” be backed up with the energy of desire.

Note that, as a rule, this is a simple matter.

A developed personality has something that is dear to her: her values, her goals flow from them, goals unfold into plans, plans are concretized into the order of affairs, after which the personality acts. It is natural for a person-personality to set high goals for himself, to solve big problems. Personalities live more like Artisans, they do not seek, but do, create, form. What they do for themselves, they will have.

Values ​​are the stars that determine the direction of a person’s life as an individual. Values ​​are always external: his home or country, his parents or children, beloved or beloved. And also his projects, his work, his mission — that big thing for which he lives, which gives his life meaning, and not just satisfaction.

The body feels satisfaction when it consumes what it needs. When a person does what he considers proper, he begins to respect himself and experiences pride. The tasks of freedom, development and creation are understandable only to a person as an individual. She can set goals that go beyond her existence.

Signs of personality — the presence of reason and will, the ability to manage their emotions, to be not just an organism with needs, but to have their own goals in life and achieve them. The potential of the individual is the ability of a person to multiply his internal capabilities, first of all, the ability to develop. The strength of personality is the ability of a person to resist external or internal influences, realizing their own aspirations and plans. The magnitude, measure of personality — how much a person with his personality influences people and life.

She went about in a black dress with plaits and had already abandoned her hat and gloves forever, rarely left the house, only to church or to her husband’s grave, and lived at home like a nun. And only when six months had passed did she take off her blinds and began to open the shutters on the windows. Sometimes they had already seen in the morning how she went to the market with her cook for provisions, but one could only guess how she lived now and what was done in her house. From the fact, for example, they guessed that they had seen her drinking tea with a veterinarian in her garden, and he read a newspaper aloud to her, and also from the fact that, meeting at the post office with a lady she knew, she said:

“We don’t have proper veterinary supervision in the city, and this causes a lot of diseases. Every now and then you hear people get sick from milk and get infected from horses and cows. In essence, the health of pets should be taken care of in the same way as the health of people.

She repeated the thoughts of the veterinarian and now was of the same opinion about everything as he was. It was clear that she could not live without affection even for one year and found her new happiness in her wing. The other would have been condemned for this, but no one could think badly of Olenka, and everything was so clear in her life. She and the veterinarian did not tell anyone about the change that had taken place in their relationship, and tried to hide it, but they did not succeed, because Olenka could not have secrets. When guests came to him, his colleagues in the regiment, she, pouring tea for them or serving them dinner, began to talk about the plague on cattle, about pearl disease, about city slaughter, and he was terribly embarrassed and, when the guests left, he grabbed her by the hand. hand and hissed angrily:

«I told you not to talk about things you don’t understand!» When we veterinarians talk among ourselves, please don’t interfere. It’s finally boring!

And she looked at him with amazement and anxiety and asked:

“Volodichka, what should I talk about?!

And she embraced him with tears in her eyes, begged him not to be angry, and both were happy.

However, this happiness did not last long. The veterinarian left with the regiment, left forever, as the regiment was transferred somewhere very far away, almost to Siberia. And Olenka was left alone.

Now she was completely alone. My father had died long ago, and his chair was lying in the attic, dusty, without one leg. She had grown thinner and uglier, and people on the street no longer looked at her, as before, and did not smile at her; obviously, the best years had already passed, left behind, and now some new life began, unknown, about which it is better not to think. In the evenings, Olenka sat on the porch, and she could hear music playing in the Tivoli and rockets bursting, but this no longer aroused any thoughts. She looked blankly at her empty yard, thought of nothing, wanted nothing, and then, when night fell, she went to sleep and dreamed of her empty yard. She ate and drank, as if involuntarily.

And worst of all, she no longer had any opinions. She saw objects all around her and understood everything that was going on around her, but she could not form an opinion about anything and did not know what to talk about. And how terrible it is to have no opinion! You see, for example, how a bottle is standing, or it is raining, or a man is riding a cart, but why this bottle, or rain, or a man, what is the meaning of them, you can’t say, and even for a thousand dollars you didn’t tell her anything would. Under Kukin and Pustovalov, and then under the veterinarian, Olenka could explain everything and would say her opinion about anything, but now both in her thoughts and in her heart she had the same emptiness as in the yard. And so terribly, and so bitterly, as if she had eaten too much wormwood.

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