Pectoral muscle training program

Don’t think building powerful chest muscles is like having brain surgery. Get back to basics, train to a sweat and use five time-tested exercises.

Author: Stephanie Lee

Creating the chest of your dreams shouldn’t be treated like nuclear physics – too complex a process not too tough for many. James Greyge, the program author and VP of BPI Sports, prefers to stick to the basics, using different angles and rep ranges to target each pectoral fiber and force maximum growth.

The exercises themselves may seem simple enough, but your goal is to train as efficiently as possible and leave as little time as possible to rest. “I like the pauses between sets as short as possible,” says Greyge and recommends resting 15-20 seconds between sets.

Practice is not the best time for idle chatter. Great results don’t come to those who wait; they go to those who work. Arm yourself with these five simple yet fantastically effective exercises and build your pectoral muscles worthy of the gods!

Exercise 1. Bench press

Pectoral muscle training program

On chest workout day, the bench press becomes the undisputed favorite. “This is the most powerful muscle growth detonator,” says Greyge. He prefers a wide grip and uses the first set of 20 reps as a warm-up. Add weight as you get closer to the final set, in which you only do 10 reps, but with a load that will really put your muscles to the test.

Tip: “It’s not just counting reps that are important here. You have to work hard and really drain your muscles. “

Exercise 2. Incline Dumbbell Press

Pectoral muscle training program

The advantage of working on a bench with a positive bias is the ability to shift the focus to the upper bundles of the pectoral muscles. Take heavy dumbbells and do 10-12 reps on the first set. In the second set, use the same working weight, but carry it to muscle failure. In each repetition, make sure that the elbows do not drop below the shoulders, and squeeze everything out of the chest muscles without a trace.

Tip: “Try to do quality reps. All this is not for the sake of lifting weights. And not for the sake of satisfying ambitions. Your goal is to create a beautiful body. “

Exercise 3. Lying dumbbell reduction

Pectoral muscle training program

The dumbbell curl helps to engage more muscle fibers around the chest than the bench press, and improves the “neuromuscular connection” in newcomers to strength training, allowing them to use their chest muscles more actively in other exercises.

You will need two sets of dumbbell mixing. In the first set, stop at 10-12 reps, and in the second, you must again bring the muscles to failure. According to James, you should “try to spread your arms really wide and achieve a stretch. Feel it at the bottom and squeeze all the juices out of the muscles on the way up. Don’t be afraid to push the dumbbells together. “

Tip: “Do everything slowly and in a controlled manner.”

Exercise 4. Dips on the uneven bars

Pectoral muscle training program

This is an exercise that is heavily underrated and forgotten by many. Greyge’s push-up option focuses on the bottom of the movement to maximize stress and isolate the chest muscles.

Start with the widest grip possible. Descend as slowly as possible, and rise only halfway. Bring your feet back a little, and tilt your body forward as far as possible. Work to failure on each set.

Tip: “I don’t use additional weights, but focus exclusively on technique.”

Exercise 5. Push-ups

Pectoral muscle training program

Push-ups are bodyweight exercises for a worthy end to your workout.

James uses push-ups as the final chord and does 100 reps in the minimum number of sets. Do push-ups as many times as you can, take short rest breaks as needed, and then keep moving towards success. I must say that James is a tough guy, and pushing up on his fists is not a problem for him.

Tip: “Push up as you see fit until you complete 100 reps. It will really burn your muscles to the ground, so you will provide additional blood flow to the muscles and powerful pumping. “

Pectoral muscle training program

Pectoral muscle training program

3 approach to 20, 15, 10 repetitions

Pectoral muscle training program

2 approach to 10, max. repetitions

Pectoral muscle training program

2 approach to 10, max. repetitions

Pectoral muscle training program

3 approach to Max. repetitions

Pectoral muscle training program

1 approach on 100 repetitions

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