

How is pallor defined?

Pallor is an abnormally light color of the skin (and / or mucous membranes), compared to the usual complexion. It can occur suddenly for a few minutes, for example in case of discomfort or emotional shock. It can also persist, and is then a sign of a more permanent health problem.

If the pallor is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, tiredness, shortness of breath, or if the heart rate increases and it becomes difficult to breathe, you should see your doctor immediately. It could be a heart problem.

What are the causes of pallor?

There are several factors that can cause the face to become pale. You should know that the color of the skin depends of course on the concentration of melanin (the “brown” pigment of the skin and hair), but also:

  • the thickness of the epidermis
  • the number of blood vessels on the surface (which give a more or less pinkish color)
  • the amount of hemoglobin in the blood (= red pigment in red blood cells).

Changes in the blood or blood flow are often the cause of pallor. More rarely, melanin disorders (skin discoloration) may be involved – pallor is often present from birth.

Some of the causes that can affect blood circulation under the skin and lead to pallor include:

  • intense physical stress (injury, shock, etc.)
  • emotional shock or psychological stress (fear, anxiety, etc.)
  • an infection
  • vagal discomfort or low blood sugar
  • temporary fatigue
  • a lack of exposure to the great outdoors
  • hypothermia (the blood vessels retract and the skin is less irrigated) or on the contrary a heat stroke
  • anemia

Anemia is one of the most common causes of persistent pallor. It corresponds to a drop in the level of heÌ ?? moglobin in the blood.

In this case, the paleness is generalized but it is seen especially on the nails, face and eyelids, the folds of the palms, etc.

The mucous membranes also appear paler: the lips, the inside of the eyes, the inner face of the cheeks, etc.

Anemia itself can be caused by many diseases. Blood tests and a medical examination must therefore be carried out to find out the exact cause.

Endocrine disorders, in particular pituitary insufficiency (= hypopituitarism), can also have an influence on the color of the skin.

What are the consequences of pallor?

Pallor is not a disease in itself, but perhaps a sign of discomfort or pathology.

To assess the patient’s condition, the doctor will ask about the time of appearance of the pale complexion (suddenly or not), on the conditions of occurrence (after a shock?), On the location of the pallor (a foot or a hand whole, a spot on the skin, etc.), on the associated symptoms, etc.

Most often, the pallor is transient and reflects fatigue or a small infection. When it persists and is accompanied by paleness of the lips, tongue, palms of the hands and the inside of the eyes, it may be a sign of anemia. It is necessary to consult to understand where the blood problem comes from, which can have serious long-term consequences (in addition to fatigue and lack of oxygenation of the blood).

What are the solutions in case of pallor?

The solutions obviously depend on the underlying causes. If the pallor is temporary, resuming physical exercise or regular outings in the fresh air will promote blood circulation and give a better look.

If the problem is related to anemia, it will be necessary to find the cause of the anemia and remedy it (transfusions in severe cases, iron or vitamin B12 supplements, taking corticosteroids, etc.: the cases are very varied ).

In the event of an endocrine problem, it will again be necessary to find the source and try to restore a hormonal balance.

Read also :

Our fact sheet on anemia

Our dossier on vagal discomfort


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