
What is otology?

Otology is the medical specialty devoted to affections and abnormalities of the ear and hearing. It is a subspecialty of otolaryngology or “ENT”.

Otology takes care of the affections of the ear:

  • external, consisting of the pinna and the external auditory canal;
  • medium, made up of the tympanum, the chain of bones (hammer, anvil, stirrup), labyrinthine windows and the eustachian tube;
  • internal, or cochlea, which is the organ of hearing, made up of several semicircular canals.

Otology focuses in particular on correcting hearing disorders. This can be sudden or progressive, of “transmission” (damage to the outer or middle ear) or “perception” (damage to the inner ear).

When to consult an otologist?

The otologist is involved in the treatment of many diseases. Here is a non-exhaustive list of problems that can affect the ears in particular:

  • hearing loss or deafness;
  • earache (ear pain);
  • balance disturbances, dizziness;
  • tinnitus.

With a multitude of possible causes:

  • recurrent ear infections (including cholesteatoma, tympanosclerosis, etc.);
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • otosclerosis (ossification of the internal elements of the ear);
  • Meniere’s disease ;
  • neurinome ;
  • occupational and “toxic” deafness;
  • traumatic pathologies.

Pathologies of the ENT sphere can affect anyone, but there are certain recognized risk factors, among others, young age because children are more prone to ear infections and other ENT infections than adults.

What does the otologist do?

To arrive at a diagnosis and identify the origin of the disorders, the otologist:

  • questions his patient to find out the nature of the disorders, their date of onset and their mode of triggering, the degree of discomfort felt;
  • documents the sudden or progressive nature of deafness, which helps guide the diagnosis;
  • perform a clinical examination of the outer ear and eardrum, using an otoscope;
  • may need additional tests (to assess hearing loss or dizziness):
  • acumetry (Weber’s and Rinne’s tests);
  • audiometry (listening through headphones in a soundproof cabin, among others);
  • impedancemetry (exploration of the middle ear and the eardrum);
  • exploration of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in case of dizziness;
  • vestibular examination maneuvers (for example, changing the patient’s position quickly to test their ability to withstand movement).

Once the diagnosis is made, treatment will be offered. It can be surgical, medicinal or involve prostheses or implants.

Depending on its intensity, we distinguish:

  • mild deafness if the deficit is less than 30 dB;
  • average deafness, if it is between 30 and 60 dB;
  • severe deafness, if it is between 70 and 90 dB;
  • profound deafness if it is greater than 90 dB.

Depending on the type of deafness (perception or transmission) and its severity, the otologist will suggest suitable hearing aids or surgery.

How to become an otologist?

Become an otologist in France

To become an otolaryngologist, the student must obtain a diploma of specialized studies (DES) in ENT and head and neck surgery:

  • he must first follow, after his baccalaureate, a common first year in health studies. Note that an average of less than 20% of students manages to cross this milestone.
  • the 4th, 5th and 6th years at the Faculty of Medicine constitute the clerkship
  • at the end of the 6th year, students take the national classifying tests to enter the boarding school. Depending on their classification, they will be able to choose their specialty and their place of practice. The otolaryngology internship lasts 5 years.

Become an otologist in Quebec

After college studies, the student must pursue a doctorate in medicine. This first stage lasts 1 or 4 years (with or without a preparatory year for medicine for students admitted with college or university training deemed insufficient in basic biological sciences.

Then, the student will have to specialize by following a residency in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery (5 years).

Prepare your visit

Before going to the appointment with an ENT, it is important to take any imaging or biology exams already carried out.

It is important to note the characteristics of the pains and symptoms (duration, onset, frequency, etc.), to inquire about your family history and to bring the various prescriptions.

To find an ENT doctor:

  • in Quebec, you can consult the website of the Association d’oto-rhino-laryngologie et deirurgie cervico-faciale du Quebec3, which offers a directory of their members.
  • in France, via the website of the National Council of the Order of Physicians4 or of the National Syndicate of Physicians Specializing in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery5, which has a directory.

The consultation with the otolaryngologist is covered by the Health Insurance (France) or the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.

Record created : July 2016

Author : Marion Spée



¹ DOCTOR PROFILE. http://www.profilmedecin.fr/contenu/chiffres-cles-oto-rhino-laryngologue/

² FEDERATION OF SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS OF QUEBEC. https://www.fmsq.org/fr/profession/repartition-des-effectifs-medicales


4 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE ORDER OF PHYSICIANS. https://www.conseil-national.medecin.fr/annuaire



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