
One of the conditions for the success of the exercises is the effective organization of group work. Since this exercise is used in leadership training (although it is great for communication training as well!), one of the trainer’s tasks is to see how group work will be organized and by whom. Do not interfere in the element of determining or self-promotion of leaders. The coach remains an observer who only occasionally spurs the action on with a reminder that the show’s deadline is approaching. Sometimes a coach can also be a creative consultant — pay attention to the construction of the mise-en-scene, the details of clothing or props, etc. But he does not interfere in the organization of the rehearsal process.

When discussing the course of the exercise, the trainer can use materials from his observations of the group. I would like to draw his attention to the following points:

Who owns the initiative in the group?

— Whose creative ideas are supported by other team members, and whose are not? Why?

— How is the leader determined — by self-appointment or does the group give one of the participants the authority of the leader? Are there attempts to introduce collegial leadership or is a sole leader determined?

How does the group react to the emergence of a leader? Are there hotbeds of tension, competition, or are they all grouped around an emerging leader?

— Which team members are trying to push the ideas and actions of others to the periphery of group action? Who takes the initiative in establishing a partnership, who demonstrates aggressiveness, who remains in the position of a follower?

— Who showed independence of judgment and action, and who preferred to follow the ideas of the leader or the majority? How productive was such a tactic given * teamwork on a common task in a limited period of time?

— Have the tools of the leader’s influence on the group changed in the course of work? Has the attitude of the group changed towards him? What is the style of interaction between the leader and the team?

— Was the interaction of the participants chaotic or had a certain structure?

Evaluation of the listed elements of the work of the group will allow discussing with the team the features of the interaction of participants, the presence of intra-group alliances and tensions, communication styles and the roles of individual players.

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