Old things that spoil the interior: photo

Gone are the days when people lived in caves using skins instead of beds. And if your apartment has not been updated since your grandmother’s youth, then it’s time to finally change that.

Do you look young and catch admiring glances? What about your interior? Have you ever thought about the fact that one detail can spoil the overall impression and show that your tastes are out of date. We will tell you what things need to be removed to make the interior look more stylish and modern.

Pink tiles in the bathroom and similar textiles

Especially if the house was built in the 1920s and 1950s, then you are probably familiar with this trend in the bathroom. And it is imperative that the textiles also be in harmony with the color of the tiles and do not stand out from the general style.

Bathroom rugs

Undoubtedly, this room should look cozy and tune in a certain way. But, you must admit, this is too much, when there is a special rug of an incomprehensible coloring near the toilet, the same mat is near the bathroom and one more must be on the toilet cistern! Yes Yes! For some reason, many believe that this part of the toilet should also be covered with something fluffy, synthetic and cheap.

Cute Toilet Paper Holders

Crocheted and crafted from the same weird pink thread to blend in with bathroom rugs and curtains. Many go even further and knit similar napkins, which are laid out wherever possible (on a mirror, under a TV, on a coffee table, on kitchen furniture, etc.).

Wall carpet

Such a fashionable innovation was in almost every Soviet apartment. It was believed that carpets on the walls are incredibly fashionable and prestigious. The most expensive were original carpets – Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Kyrgyz. They were not ashamed to take them out into the yard to knock out the dust.

In the distant 90s, people used carpets for soundproofing, and some loved to arrange family photo sessions near them. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the album.

Plastic jug

And certainly orange! This jug usually held drinking water, sweet tea, lemonade, or another cool drink that could refresh on a hot day. We think there is no need to remind about the unhygienic nature of such plastic inventions.

Crystal service

Whole collections were usually kept in our grandmothers’ closets. They were rarely used and mostly served only so that guests could admire them. Only on special occasions – a wedding or the birth of a child – could they be taken out of the sideboard, and then put back in place so that they could dust it off once a year.

Heavy bedspreads

These bedspreads were used to cover the bed to give the room even more solemnity and formality. Now there is no need to keep such textiles, which, moreover, collect a lot of dust and are difficult to clean. But these, by the way, can still be found in shops that offer cheap bedding, or in the markets.

Covers / special coating for upholstered furniture

Fearing to spoil or damage the upholstery of upholstered furniture, many covered it with ordinary capes that looked unstable and did not paint the interior at all. Some went further and purchased special plastic / vinyl coverings that, like a cover, were put on top of furniture. It looked terrible, but if something got dirty, then it could be dealt with in no time. Modern furniture is made of fabrics that, for example, are not afraid of dirt.

Shelf / Paper / Cloth Shelf Pads

It looks especially “harmonious” in an open display cabinet or sideboard. But scraps of fabric with a cheerful ornamentation, which were neatly covered with shelves so as not to damage, could even bring some zest and give the interior a mischievous and frivolous look.

Tiered curtains

Even now, these complex structures can easily be found in kitchens or even in the bathroom. The ones that are made of tulle have a lot of frills and are good at letting in sunlight. But, alas, they are long and hopelessly outdated.

Knitted motives

We have nothing against creativity! But multi-colored covers on pillows or napkins, crocheted rugs in the days of your grandmother have long lost their charm and functionality.

Flower patterns

Flowers on the walls / upholstery / textiles and kitchen utensils are overkill and tiring. You should not turn the apartment into a florist’s dream, but rather confine yourself to indoor plants or fresh flowers.

Decorative plates

The abundance of decorative plates, which for some reason many consider it their duty to hang on the walls or place on special shelves, makes the decor cheaper and clutters up the apartment. Besides, why do you need so many plates if you can’t eat out of them anyway?

Svetlana Ivanova, Yulia Ionina

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