Beware of sugar!

Natural sugars are a large group of substances needed in human nutrition. In the absence of sugars in the diet, hypoglycemia occurs after 2-2,5 weeks. But among all sugars (these are mainly natural sugars fructose and glucose), the use of sucrose is unacceptable. Sucrose (artificially derived sugar) is an effective immunosuppressant. When given to a healthy dog, even in a very small amount after 2-3 hours, it causes festering of the eyes and ears. A person is much more resistant to taking sucrose, and the consequences are more delayed. (This was not observed with the supply of alcohol and tobacco.) On May 13, 1920, at a conference of dentists in Manchester, sucrose was first named as the main cause of dental disease. Subsequently, other multiple negative consequences emerged. 1. Helps reduce immunity (effective immunosuppressant). 2. May cause mineral metabolism disorders. 3. Able to lead to irritability, excitement, impaired attention, children’s whims. 4. Reduces the functional activity of enzymes. 5. Helps reduce resistance to bacterial infections. 6. May cause kidney damage. 7. Reduces the level of high density lipoproteins. 8. Leads to a deficiency of the trace element chromium. 9. Contributes to the occurrence of cancer of the breast, ovaries, intestines, prostate, rectum. 10 Increases glucose and insulin levels. 11 Causes a deficiency of the trace element copper. 12 Violates the absorption of calcium and magnesium. 13 Impairs vision. 14 Increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter serotonin. 15 May cause hypoglycemia (low glucose levels). 16 Helps to increase the acidity of digested food. 17 May increase adrenaline levels in children. 18 Causes malabsorption of nutrients. 19 Accelerates the onset of age-related changes. 20 Contributes to the development of alcoholism. 21 Causes caries. 22 Promotes obesity. 23 Increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis. 24 Leads to exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. 25 May lead to arthritis. 26 It provokes attacks of bronchial asthma. 27 Promotes the occurrence of fungal diseases. 28 It can cause the formation of stones in the gallbladder. 29 Increases the risk of coronary heart disease. 30 Provokes exacerbation of chronic appendicitis. 31 Promotes the appearance of hemorrhoids. 32 Increases the likelihood of varicose veins. 33 May lead to an increase in glucose and insulin levels in women using hormonal birth control pills. 34 Contributes to the occurrence of periodontal disease. 35 Increases the risk of developing osteoporosis. 36 Increases acidity. 37 May impair insulin sensitivity. 38 Leads to decreased glucose tolerance. 39 May reduce growth hormone production. 40 Can increase cholesterol levels. 41 Promotes an increase in systolic pressure. 42 Causes drowsiness in children. 43 May cause multiple sclerosis. 44 Causes a headache. 45 Violates the absorption of proteins. 46 Causes food allergies. 47 Promotes the development of diabetes. 48 In pregnant women, it can cause toxicosis. 49 Causes eczema in children. 50 Predisposes to the development of cardiovascular diseases. 51 Can disrupt DNA structure. 52 Causes a violation of the structure of proteins. 53 By changing the structure of collagen, it contributes to the early appearance of wrinkles. 54 Predisposes to the development of cataracts. 55 May cause vascular damage. 56 Leads to the appearance of free radicals. 57 It provokes the development of atherosclerosis. 58 Contributes to the occurrence of emphysema. The organism of mammals (and humans) cannot perceive sucrose, therefore, in the presence of water, it first decomposes its molecule with enzymes (natural catalysts) into natural sugars glucose and fructose (isomers having the same composition of C6H12O6, but differing in structure): С12H22O11 + H20 (+ enzyme ) = C6H12O6 (glucose) + C6H12O6 (fructose). At the moment of decomposition of sucrose, it is precisely such free radicals (“molecular ions”) that are massively formed, which actively block the action of antibodies that protect the body from infections. And the body becomes almost defenseless. It was only in the 1950s that mass industrial production of sugar was established in the USSR, which made it one of the cheapest products available in the daily diet of the entire population, including the poorest. Under the onslaught of an industrial competitor, the production of honey and sweet dried fruits in the country has sharply decreased, their prices have increased. Honey and sweet dried fruits on the tables of Russians have turned from the main daily source of natural sugars (fructose and glucose) into rather rare and expensive “refreshments for pampering”. As the production of sucrose increased, the health of the population (and the condition of the teeth) began to deteriorate rapidly, becoming worse and worse for each subsequent generation of “sugar sweet tooth”. What kind of health can be expected in people when their mothers ate sucrose without restriction during pregnancy and lactation, and who themselves are fed sucrose from the first year of life?! The negative impact of sucrose on health has been known for a long time, therefore, in the USSR at the turn of the 1950s and 60s, a program was even developed to exclude sucrose from the diet of Soviet people and use it only for further processing into fructose and glucose, which were supposed to be sold in stores. Unfortunately, this program, like many others, was only partially implemented – to feed the Soviet party elite and their families. Now the food industry has established mass production of fructose, which is sold in grocery stores. A large number of various confectionery products are now produced on fructose – jams, marmalades, cakes, cookies, chocolate, sweets, etc. These products are necessarily provided with the inscription “Cooked on fructose.” Replace harmful sucrose in your sugar bowls with healthy and tasty fructose. However, its use as additives to various foods and tea should not exceed 2 teaspoons per day – after all, a refined product.

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