nibble bream

Fishing is a favorite hobby for many, but trophies come across far from always and not for everyone. Certain knowledge will help to please yourself and brag to others; you won’t learn to set the bite of a bream according to the seasons without them. Where, how and when it is better to catch this representative of cyprinids, we will further find out in detail.

Biting features

The bream, like other representatives of the aquatic fauna, is affected by weather conditions, it is also affected by the seasons and the accompanying changes in nature. The bream fishing calendar is compiled by many, while taking into account:

  • the relief of a single reservoir;
  • region location of the water area;
  • weather;
  • the season of the intended fishing;
  • capture time.

Important indicators are pressure, the phase of the moon, the strength and direction of the wind, a lot also depends on these indicators.

Only taking into account all of the above factors, you can calculate the time and place where you can definitely get a real trophy.

Next, we will dwell in more detail on the most important factors necessary for catching fish.

Catching time

When a bream pecks, anglers with experience will answer without hesitation, but it will be difficult for a beginner to navigate this issue. It’s good if there is a more experienced mentor who will prompt, direct, reveal at least some secrets of capture. When this is not lucky, it remains to learn from your own mistakes. However, social networks and fishing sites now have a large amount of information, having studied which you can gain experience much faster and more efficiently. We consider ourselves to be such, we hope that we will be able to get the necessary information for both a beginner and an experienced angler.

nibble bream

So, let’s find out in more detail what time is best to catch bream. Anglers and not only distinguish several periods in which cyprinids actively feed. During these periods of time, the fish will actively take almost any bait offered to it, but you should not refuse bait. The time of biting bream can be represented in the form of the following table:

spring, early March – mid Aprila representative of carp flocks goes to spawn, during this period he eats everything in his path
first half of summerthe time when the bream’s zhor in the summer has not yet ended due to spawning, it takes almost any bait
end of July-beginning of Octobera decrease in water temperature contributes to the activation of carp representatives, more often fish begin to come out in the morning and in the evening
winter, freezing seasonno sleep, however activity can fluctuate greatly due to weather conditions

But, with proper preparation and some experience, you can catch this cunning ichthy-dweller without problems throughout the year. It is important to take into account the weather conditions and time indicators for a particular region.

The time of day also plays an important role in catching, the outcome of fishing often depends on the correctly chosen interval. The features are:

  • With cool water, the bream feels great throughout the daylight hours. In early spring, he often goes out to the shallows to bask, and it will not be difficult to catch him from lunch until the sun hides.
  • High temperatures in the air, above 25 Celsius, will warm the water enough. During this period, it makes no sense to look for a representative of cyprinids during the day. It is necessary to gather for fishing at night, the cooled water will lure the fish to feed at this particular time.

However, there are exceptions to the rule, sometimes in the heat a bream splashes with pleasure near the reeds, but it will be very difficult to catch it.


It is not difficult to find out what weather the bream bites in, many beginners are aware that for that representative of the cyprinids, the weather is well-established, without strong wind and precipitation.

A cunning ichthyozhitel in bad weather will simply go to the depths and almost completely refuse food. So it can hold out for a sufficient amount of time, when normal conditions are established, the bream will begin to actively feed on the second day.

Make passive bream can:

  • strong wind;
  • pouring rain;
  • snowfall;
  • crackling frosts;
  • hurricanes.

Places of capture

Having studied the main factors influencing the behavior of a representative of cyprinids, one should not forget about promising places for fishing. This ichthyoger has its own preferences, which should be considered when going fishing. Shallows, territories near reed thickets are considered the most favorite in early spring, the rest of the time it is necessary to look for a cunning representative of cyprinids:

  • deep pools;
  • factories;
  • coves;
  • bays.

In this case, the bottom topography should be with a minimum layer of silt, it is preferable for bream:

  • sandy or clay bottom;
  • a small amount of aquatic vegetation;
  • the presence of small stones.

It will stay at considerable depths all year round, while for feeding it will rise a couple of meters from a permanent parking lot. In the spring, immediately after the ice melts, it can be found on the shallows, where the water has already warmed up enough.

Feeds and baits

Having found out the time of biting a bream, it is not always possible to return home with a trophy; for a cunning ichthy-dweller, there is another secret of catching. Bait and bait play an equally important role, without sufficient food, fishing will be zero, any fisherman will say that.

nibble bream

Bait is selected depending on the season and the degree of water heating:

  • for cool use mixtures with minimal addition of attractants, mainly animal type;
  • spices, fruits, caramel work great in warm water.

Cinnamon and coriander are considered to be a universal option; bream loves these smells always and everywhere.

Bait is also treated carefully, its particles must be in bait options. Depending on the temperature of the water, plants are used in the summer, but animals work better when cool.

The biting of a bream depends on many factors, only by comparing them all you can find out the most suitable period for catching a real trophy.

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