Nausea in question

Why do we have nausea when we are pregnant?

Several factors are probably involved. But we mainly suspect thehormone hCG (the one that allows you to know that you are pregnant when you take a test). Produced by the placenta, it contributes to the increase of acidity in the stomach and to the slowing down of the digestive system: it is this physiological upheaval that causes most of the nausea.

Nausea: is it systematic in early pregnancy?

No, but it’s common. In the first trimester, 70% of pregnant women say they suffer from nausea and / or vomiting. After the first three months, 20% of them still support them somehow.

Pregnancy nausea: when does it appear and when does it go away?

This inconvenience appears at the beginning of pregnancy, between the 4th and the 6th week of pregnancy and lasts until the 14th or 16th week. This is the period when the level of hCG increases very rapidly (it doubles every 2-3 days), peaking around the 12th week of pregnancy, before dropping back down two or three weeks later.

Pregnancy nausea: why is it more frequent in the morning?

Difficult to say because the phenomenon is very variable from one woman to another and even from one pregnancy to another. Nausea is however more frequent in the morning, upon getting up, as soon as the metabolism is activated. No doubt this “start-up” is partly responsible.

Pregnancy: can we prevent morning sickness?

There is no miracle solution. But there are some little tips that work for some women. So crunching a few dry biscuits or rusks – prepared the day before – can relieve some women. Just like having breakfast served in bed. But unfortunately, it is without guarantee. The same goes for ginger herbal teas, but it costs nothing to try, because some are expensive, it works!

Nausea in pregnant women: what to do if it lasts all day?

Here again, the miracle solution does not exist. But you can provide cereal bars, bananas or small pieces of bread to snack on when you feel sick. Split meals throughout the day, rather drink without meals and eat only what you really want, all of this can help you feel better.

Pregnancy nausea: why do some women vomit?

This may be due to an interaction between the thyroid and the hCG hormone. When the levels of the pregnancy hormone are particularly high, those of TSH (or thyroid stimulating hormone) may be lower than normal: it is then a dysregulation of the thyroid. According to another recent theory, it is a region of the brain, responsible for vomiting, which is disturbed and confuses pregnancy hormones with toxins, which would cause reflex vomiting.

Should you be concerned if you vomit often during pregnancy?

It all depends on how much vomiting is, and it is best to discuss it with your doctor or midwife. It may be a disorder called “hyperemesis of pregnancy (or hyperemesis gravidarum) affecting 1% of pregnant women (like Kate Middleton). The intensity and frequency of vomiting prevents them from eating properly. The risks of dehydration, weight loss or anemia are such that they can lead to hospitalization.

Are there foods that calm this nausea of ​​pregnancy?

The main thing is to have a stomach that is neither too empty nor too full. Must therefore favor slow sugars at each meal (bread, rice or pasta) and vegetables, sources of vitamins, must be able to digest easily. Our grandmothers favored citrus fruits in case of nausea (lemon juice, for example). In addition, the interest of Ginger in reducing symptoms has been recognized by WHO, if consumed in moderation. Finally, sparkling water aids digestion.

Nausea and pregnancy: should certain foods be avoided?

Better to put a cross on the fat or fries and foods that are difficult to digest (eg cabbage). The acidic foods can also be irritating to the digestive system. Finally, it is preferable to replace stimulants, such as coffee or tea, with sweet herbal teas, more digestible, and whose natural properties can contribute to well-being.

Nausea and pregnancy: can we take medication?

If symptoms persist despite these daily precautions, you may be offered medical treatment. The classic anti-vomiting drugs, Motilium type, Primperan, or Vogalene are frequently prescribed, but their effectiveness is not always proven when it comes to morning sickness. Not to be taken in self-medication, however!

In case of vomiting, a TSH assay by blood test can also be useful in detecting a possible thyroid disorder. In some women, Largactil, a powerful anti-psychotic drug, is sometimes effective. It seems to work on the area of ​​the brain that causes reflex vomiting.

Can homeopathy be used against nausea of ​​pregnancy?

Yes. The most common remedies used for morning sickness are Ipecac (in the case of constant nausea), Ignatia (when emotion gets involved) and Sepia (when the condition improves with eating). There is also Nux vomica when the nausea is calmed by vomiting and the tongue is white.

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