Naturally in Blu Ray

Antoine made a series of 3 DVDs in super Blu-Ray quality to make us meet in the most magical way possible, the different continents and their priceless treasures, during nearly 4 hours of atmosphere, without words.

His images in HD filmed around the world are staged with modern, very “lounge” music, rather relaxing by Christophe Jacquelin and many other composers.

The different themes:

Wonders of the world : a selection of the most beautiful landscapes, points of view, architectural lines, the richness and the diversity of the world brought together in a film against a background of music.

Animals : emotion flirts with life in a ballet of penguins, lemurs, kangaroos, aquatic dances with belugas or brightly colored fish, etc. An atmosphere so cozy, so nature set to music with finesse.

Plants: if nature was told in images and in music… a film presenting the vegetation at the same time, surprising and luxuriant but also so distant and so close at the same time in a palette of colors more intense than the others.

Auteur: Antoine

Publisher: Warner Home Video

Age range : 10-12 years

Editor’s Note: 9

Editor’s opinion: Superb images to discover quietly installed in his sofa with his little family. we enjoy a very pleasant trip to the four corners of the world, all in music and in the company of an outstanding sailor, Antoine! The course is set on the islands and the treasures of the fauna and flora, we take full eyes!

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