Natalia Gulkina showed her apartment and talked about her personal life: interview 2016

The singer, host of the program “I’m losing weight” lives in two houses. In one she has an apartment, in the next – a creative workshop.

April 16 2016

– How many times have moved, do not count. Changed husbands, and then apartments. When she broke up with her fourth spouse, for a whole year she could not find a three-ruble note of her dreams. She lived on Leninsky Prospekt, 20 minutes from her mother. I wanted to settle in the same or a neighboring house, because Yana is going to school soon, and I am on tour all the time. Who will take her, help with the lessons, if not her own grandmother? I was looking for a good three-room apartment. What if I marry again, and my beloved will not have his own home? I will call to myself. I am not one of those women who choose a man according to his wallet, the main thing is to suit his heart.

When I finally found the perfect option, it didn’t work out, because the owners recognized me. Apparently, they thought, since the artist, then she has a lot of money. Raised the price by $ 20. And there were no extra funds. She was so upset that she even cried. I had to refuse. And then the realtor picked me up a two-room apartment in the area. Now I understand that I was in a hurry, I had to somehow twist, borrow, but still buy more housing. But what can you do.

At first there was enough space, but then my stage costumes and the six-person ballet so occupied the closet that I could not find ordinary clothes. You climb for a T-shirt, and you get sequins and rhinestones! I began to fold the dresses into the sofa, and still did not fit. At this rate, I would soon have nowhere to live, and then a three-room apartment in the next house turned up. She turned into my workshop.

In the kitchen I cook and paint, in the corridor I keep awards and my collection of shoes, in the large room there is a room for filming and interviews, and in the little ones – my suits, shoes, archival photographs and documents. Here’s an office. In it and at home, I thought through everything myself. It’s probably not good to say that, but a talented person is really talented in everything. There is a designer vein in me. I remember how my first husband, Kolya Gulkin, lived in a Khrushchev, where the kitchen was two by two meters with an old refrigerator, which was inherited. Terrible guard! So I pasted over it with double-sided tape, and on top with blue plush. Everyone came and gasped. Plush fridge! Since then, I have been constantly inventing something and changing the interior.

In my bedroom I laid out a panel of stones on the wall – I pasted over the drawing on the wallpaper with stones, but I can’t finish it. There is simply not enough time. After I was invited to host the show “I’m losing weight,” I just sleep at home. Getting into such a program after dropping 25 kg is very symbolic. After all, like all women, I also seized grudges. You eat the fatter cake, and you seem to feel good. She recovered greatly in 2011, when she left the Mirage group. I was then poured mud at all the shows. Wildly worried and ate. She imperceptibly grew out of all her dresses and even shoes. When I saw myself on TV, I was shocked. Two years ago, fate brought me together with nutritionist Mikhail Gavrilov. He turned out to be my fan and said: “Natasha, I will do everything to make you love yourself again.” Work began on myself: massages, wraps, acupuncture, proper nutrition. Probably that is why I was invited to be the host. Itself has gone through everything and I do not give myself a descent. Now I will start cycling again, I drive so hard that Yana’s daughter lags behind me. It’s good that we live next to a park area, there is an opportunity to ride until winter.

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