Mussels: calorie content and benefits. Video

Mussels are one of the types of shellfish, which in most of the planet belongs to delicacies. And those lucky ones who can enjoy the taste of mussels directly caught from the sea, and not frozen and have come a long way from their natural habitat to store shelves, know that the benefits of this product are enormous, although mussels still have their drawbacks.

Mussel composition

In terms of its content, mussels are almost pure protein, unlike the same chicken meat, they also have the most delicate taste. An additional advantage of these mollusks is that the calorie content of mussels barely reaches 80 calories per 100 g of product, that is, those who watch their figure can also buy and eat them.

Mussels should not be overused as a source of pure protein only for those who have kidney problems, so as not to put additional stress on them.

It is a source of iodine, mineral salts, iron, phosphorus and the less abundant cobalt. It is believed that this product not only replenishes the body’s needs for protein and other useful substances, but is also a natural aphrodisiac, therefore, those who want to cook dinner for the second half of such products should not forget about mussels. Mussels also contain about 20 special saturated acids, which makes them very healthy.

It is most useful to use mussels either in pure form or as part of salads with vegetable and other protein components, but without fatty dressing.

Mussel harm

The difficulty lies in the fact that mussels can be compared to a natural sponge, despite the shells in which they live. Their initial function is to absorb and absorb contaminants from the reservoir in which they live, so they can store poisons and toxins in their composition, impacting the digestive organs. This is why seafood is not recommended for children at an early age. It is possible to avoid such dangers if you purchase mussels from responsible and well-established manufacturers, who, in accordance with the requirements of technology, must, before packing and freezing the shellfish, keep them alive in clean and running water for at least a month. During this time, they completely get rid of everything accumulated.

How mussels are eaten

There are a lot of recipes here, the most classic of which is the use of freshly caught mussels, when they are fried in a pan right in the shells or steamed before opening. All that remains is to sprinkle the meat with lemon juice and enjoy its taste. Cutlery is not needed, mussels are eaten by hand. Boiled shellfish are just as delicious. Pre-peeled and thawed mussels make excellent salads, with no less success they can be used as ingredients for paella, various sauces, and can also be eaten live. But at the same time, one must not forget that shellfish are perishable goods, therefore mussel dishes cannot be stored for a long time.

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