Mother’s revelations: I hate pregnancy

You can really love children, you can be a wonderful mother, but at the same time you strongly dislike the process of carrying a baby.

Scary Mommy has a story told by a mother of two Christine Burke… Both her pregnancies were proceeding completely normal – no pathologies, everything was within normal limits. But Christine didn’t like it anyway. According to her, it was just disgusting. And that’s why.

I remember the day I found out I was pregnant. I sat in the toilet and stared in disbelief at the pregnancy test I held in my hand. Two faint pink lines meant that now I was not alone in my body. And I panicked.

The pregnancy was planned: my husband and I were deliberately making a baby. But for some reason, the news did not make me happy. I wandered around the house all day, touching my stomach from time to time and asking myself: “Lord, what have I done?”

I told myself that I would love being pregnant. They say this condition makes women glow. I was looking forward to this. But no, gentlemen, I did not start to glow.

Moreover, I hated every minute of my pregnancy. I tried to think that the birth of a child is a miracle. But the fear that I will have varicose veins, melon-sized breasts that cannot be touched, nausea from one sight (and smell) of my husband killed all the magic for all 9 months. I just didn’t like living with someone who kicked me in the bladder. And after another date with a faience friend, I could not even hear about guacamole – and I loved guacamole so much!

Friends told me: “Oh, pregnancy flies by so soon! You will not remember any of this trouble when you hold your baby in your arms. ” Of course, they sympathized with swollen breasts and XNUMX/XNUMX nausea. But I had no one to complain to about how I didn’t like what life inside of me was doing to my hips and stomach.

The mood swings – they were just epic. There was no appetite due to constant nausea and vomiting. I was terribly tired of never being able to sit comfortably on the couch with my huge belly and swollen legs.

Worst of all, I had to deal with it all without a drop of alcohol. I survived the pregnancy, I deserved to drink! But I had to be content with ice at parties, while everyone around was sipping wine.

What do I want to say with all this? That you can be a great mother and still hate pregnancy. I love my children, but I don’t like the very process of their birth.

I read every book about pregnancy I could reach. But there is no book that prepares you for what your body looks like three days before giving birth. I know that there are women who are willing to give their left hand just to get pregnant. But I won’t apologize for hating pregnancy. I really wanted to enjoy her. But it didn’t work out for me. There is nothing glamorous about pregnancy. And I don’t understand women who liked how their body turns into a huge piece of jelly. No, I know that many people genuinely enjoy being pregnant. But I didn’t like carrying a couple of dozen extra pounds in the middle of the body. I looked like a swollen sausage.

And that’s not to mention what happens to your vagina when this tiny creature makes its way out through a lemon-sized hole.

But the fact that I was counting the minutes until the moment when my bodymate went on an independent journey does not make me unworthy of motherhood. It makes me honest.

And thank God that these trimesters are really passing quickly.

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