Montessori: activities to make with your child

Montessori activities to develop autonomy

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As Maria Montessori said, each child is unique. It develops through more or less sensitive periods, with its own identity, personality and its own qualities and difficulties. Delphine Gilles Cotte specifies on this subject that “the different activities presented in the book are voluntarily not allocated for a particular age. Each child develops at his own pace, some will do such and such an activity at such age, while others will not ”. For her, each parent generally knows at what stage of development their child is and is therefore able to offer him a game in line with it. Another tip: arranging a bedroom inspired by the Montessori method allows the child to have conveniently stored objects and games close at hand.

The Montessori method allows the child a gentle learning of autonomy, such as knowing how to carry a tray, help yourself to drink, cut a piece of cake, dress yourself. So many ideas that can be found in the Montessori educational trunk created by Delphine Gilles Cotte and easy to achieve thanks to everyday recycled materials. For the educator ” the child must be able to choose his activity himself, he knows what he is capable of. If he asks for a new activity, the parent must make sure that he will be able to carry out it without being unsuccessful ”.

Montessori educational games: we make the material at home!


“Teach me to do it alone” is one of the leitmotifs of Maria Montessori pedagogy. For Delphine Gilles Cotte, Montessori educator, this message is addressed to any child, in difficulty or not, from the age of the nursery. Parents who want to learn about the Montessori method, while having fun with their child, can suggest making certain activities at home. Delphine Gilles Cotte explains: “after my training as a Montessori specialist educator, I started to create my own material, as a real challenge at the start. In fact, very quickly, we realize that some games are easily achievable ”. Essentially recovered in everyday life, the supplies range from paper to scrap wood, cardboard or fabric. For the specialist “the fact of making his material with his child will involve him and bring him to respect it”. The only constraint to keep in mind: the homemade is not subject to safety standards, so it is advisable to be vigilant, especially with small parts.

Delphine Gilles Cotte’s advice for starting an activity with her child:


  • Choose a quiet time and place for you and the child
  • Choose a place suitable for children, on a carpet or a small table at their height
  • Present the activity with very few words and slow gestures
  • Take the necessary time without forgetting the safety measures. Once the child is familiar with the material, he can use it for as long as he wants or needs.
  • Intervene only if the child requests you
  • Take the time to observe it
  • If he drops water or seeds, put a small sponge or broom at his disposal so that he can repair it alone or with your help.
  • When finished, the child should put away the material, usually presented on a tray. He can resume the activity as soon as he wishes.

Selection of 4 games taken from the book “Montessori at home, 80 educational games to make yourself” by Delphine Gilles Cotte.

“Laundry basin” activity


This activity allows the child to imitate the adult when washing laundry : hand wash, soak, rub, wring out and hang out clothes like real life.

Home : 2 basins, laundry baskets, small doll clothes, a small drying rack, tongs.

Activity: “The button box”


This game allows the child to become familiar with the notion of sorting and developing visual discrimination.

Home : a tray, three sets of different buttons, a box with dividing compartments, a photo of the buttons arranged so that the child can find his way around and evolve independently.

Educational game: “Pour with two decanters”


In this activity, the child will develop his psychomotor skills, in particular by strengthening his right and left hands. Other strengths: coordination and precision of gestures, the notions of emptying and filling.

Home : a small tray, two glass decanters and water.

Trick : when the child has mastered the activity with water, offer him sand or seeds (chickpeas, lentils, beans) instead of water.

Activity: “The mystery bag”


This game allows the child to test his tactile sense and wonder what’s in the bag.

Material: a box, a small cloth bag or a child’s T-shirt, small items

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