Moneyron Method – What is it?

Moneyron Method – What is it?

What is the Moneyron method?

The Moneyron method is a form of holistic manual therapy based on the stimulation of reflex points. 

The Moneyron method is one of the most recent so-called “gentle” manual therapies. It is defined as a treatment of re-harmonization of the structure of the body which takes into account the whole of the organism and seeks to restore a global balance. What characterizes it in particular is that the patient almost always remains in a standing position (sometimes sitting). We thus hear treating “the man who suffers from standing upright”, both literally and figuratively. Treating the patient in his normal posture – called his “gravity field” – would facilitate the integration of the therapeutic message.

In this sheet, you will discover this method of physiotherapy in more detail, its principles, its history, its benefits, who practices it, how a session takes place, what are the existing training courses and finally, the contraindications.

The main principles

This method is based on the stimulation of different “target points” located in the connective tissues. Although it is similar in this sense to the Bowen technique, reflexology and acupuncture, the method is based on an original mapping developed by the one who gave it its name, Jean Moneyron.

Practitioners of the Moneyron method place great emphasis on the “quality” of touch, both on its intensity and on the precision of the place to be touched. This quality would depend above all on the accuracy of the therapist’s perception, which is why the Moneyron method is associated with an art as much as a science.

The benefits of the Moneyron method

No scientific research on the effectiveness of the Moneyron method has been published. However, according to its practitioners, it would be indicated for:

  • Fight stress and anxiety
  • Alleviate chronic pain
  • Treat certain acute or chronic conditions: this technique would be effective in cases of sprain, periarthritis, capsulitis, sciatica, low back pain, osteoarthritis of the hip.

The Moneyron method in practice

The specialist

Many specialists are trained in this practice, particularly osteopaths and physiotherapists.

Course of a session

The meeting begins with a brief discussion between the patient and the therapist. The latter tries to clearly define the problem in order to adapt his treatment: the pain appeared as a result of what? Since when? What prior treatment did the patient take?

During the treatment, the patient is dressed lightly and remains standing (he sits down to allow knee and foot work). The therapist stimulates different reflex points by pressing lightly with his fingers. Depending on the case, he will insist more on certain parts of the body such as the feet, cervical or lower back, for example. Touching it can sometimes cause a strange sensation, but it shouldn’t cause pain in any way. The Moneyron method is for everyone, from newborns to seniors. The therapist modifies the intensity of his gesture according to the condition of the tissues and the age of the patients. Whatever the variants specific to each therapist, the basis of treatment always remains the same: the mapping of reflex points established by Moneyron.

A session lasts 10 to 45 minutes. The duration of the treatment obviously varies according to the particularities of each one, but the average is 3 to 4 sessions.

Become a practitioner of the Moneyron method

The training is aimed at health professionals, in particular osteopaths and physiotherapists. Only the French organization Learning and Development of the Moneyron Method (ADMM), which continues the founder’s work, offers this training. It is not attached to any accredited school.

The initial training includes 3 seminars of 3 weekends, at a rate of 6 hours of work per day. An improvement seminar is given the following month. Three months later, students can also register for an in-depth seminar. An annual meeting is scheduled each summer.

Contraindications of the Moneyron method

There are no contraindications to the Moneyron method since it does not require manipulations. This technique can even be used on babies and the elderly.

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