Modular houses from block containers: construction options, layout, photos

The speed of construction, convenience and comfort for life, the mobility of the house and the ability to realize a cool design idea are the key factors due to which modular houses and even block-container buildings have become popular in the modern world. Russia was no exception, where requests for the rapid construction of inexpensive houses are only increasing every year.

Building variant of 18 blocks

The trend is understandable: a mobile house made of blocks is easy to transport and assemble in a specified place, and if necessary, it can be disassembled and transported to a new one at any time. To increase living space and turn a small house into a spacious cottage for a large family, you just need to add one or more blocks.

Use cases for block containers

Modular technology is suitable for the construction of any low-rise structures. In addition, in any regions from the far north and Siberia to the southern regions. It can be:

  1. small stalls;
  2. country houses;
  3. modular offices;
  4. security posts;
  5. industrial buildings;
  6. warehouses of any size;
  7. small workshops;
  8. cottages for year-round use.

Buildings made of blocks are characterized by a high level of thermal insulation, strength and reliability. By installing all communications in advance, when assembling into a single whole, a minimum of money and time is spent.

What are modular blocks

In fact, a block container is a metal or wooden module in the shape of a rectangle, equipped with a flat roof. The latter can always be improved, including making a classic gable roof. But this is not at all necessary: ​​the design withstands snow perfectly, without sagging over time.

Buildings made of containers are equipped with an entrance group, windows, a well-thought-out heating system (economical “smart floor” or a conventional radiator), and all household amenities.

Modular houses win over capital buildings with ease of construction, the ability to make the house of your dreams – both inside and out. Here you can install standard windows, attractive porthole windows or panoramic windows. It all depends on the imagination and wishes for the future home.

The frame of the block container is represented by two types – prefabricated and welded. Both are easily transported and quickly erected. The difference is represented by the possibilities for the development of the project: the welded body is limited by the shape of a rectangle, and prefabricated structures allow you to design houses of any complexity.

Even 10 years ago, container-type buildings were used only in construction conditions, as mobile offices and houses for temporary residence of workers. However, yesterday’s change houses have reached a qualitatively new level: more and more often multi-level cottages and country houses are being built from them – for seasonal and permanent residence.

Types of modular houses

Mobile structures are erected in all climatic zones, since properly installed roofing and high-quality insulation are the key to keeping warm in winter, and protecting against moisture and heat in summer.

There are 3 types of buildings from block containers:

  1. Modules with metal frame.
  2. With a wooden frame.
  3. Sea containers (cargo).

Each of the options has its own characteristics. For example, sea containers are distinguished by the maximum tightness of the hull, because the original purpose of such modules is to transport goods by water. In order for goods not to be affected by external factors during transportation, sea containers must meet high requirements. Anticorrosive processing of metal and excellent quality of a design excludes hit inside of dust and moisture. In the context of a dwelling, a sea container can only be considered as a “blank” – one body and nothing more. Sheathing, insulation, electrical wiring and communications will require separate professional work.

Device of a separate block

On the contrary, a structure made of metal or wood, which did not serve as the basis for sea freight, is easier to work with. Such block containers are already produced with the expectation of living. The manufacturer offers houses or modular offices from block containers in full readiness: insulation, wall cladding, mounted windows, doors.

Which container house to choose

The choice depends on the application, how the block containers will be used – seasonally as a country house or a full-fledged dwelling for year-round use. Therefore, it is important to look at the features of metal and wood.

The metal hermetic module perfectly retains heat inside the room, creating something like a “thermos”. But for the comfort of the residents and the durability of the house itself, it is advisable to install a well-designed ventilation system.

Module from sea container 20 feet

Wooden modules win in this part without requiring a productive ventilation system. However, it is necessary to carefully approach the insulation so that in winter it does not blow into small cracks and does not “blow out” heat outward – this is especially true for northern latitudes.

In standard sizes, modular buildings from ready-made cargo and sea containers are identical – the length is 3, 6, 9 or 12 meters. Width 2.5 meters, height 2.4 meters.

Features of assembly of modular houses

Despite the relative lightness (weight is about 3 tons), it is necessary to lay the foundation for the block container. This will avoid flooding, heat loss at home and increase its life.

In comparison with capital construction, the cost item will be half as much, since a columnar or pile foundation is laid under the modules. Using reinforced concrete piles, a modular house can be installed even in difficult natural conditions – in marshy or rocky areas, where leveling the site is either impossible or financially unprofitable.

Building a house is done in 4 steps:

  1. Foundation preparation.
  2. Installation of the module on the foundation.
  3. Assembling a house from blocks, finishing.
  4. Making communications.

A dacha or cottage for permanent residence can be made from one or more modules. There are many geometric combinations of the installation. A modular building can be ennobled with a frame extension or a gable roof with access to the attic.

A small house from one module is a great option for giving

Pros and cons of modular houses

It is profitable to build a cottage from block containers, and it will be comfortable to live in it with a well-thought-out layout. However, it would be a mistake to believe that a prefabricated “fairy tale” has only advantages.

Let’s start with the pros:

  • Low cost of construction without compromising on quality. A profitable solution for modern people who know the value of money.
  • Quick, easy installation. Making a module from scratch takes 14 days. In a matter of hours, it is installed on the foundation. The perfect combination when you need to build a house in a short time.
  • Mobility. Easily transported by lifting equipment directly to the customer’s site. At any time, if necessary, even in winter, such a house can be moved to another place.
  • Tightness, strength. The metal module is resistant to wear, with proper operation it lasts a long time, regardless of the climatic zone. A similar story with wooden modules with the only caveat – in terms of fire safety, they are more vulnerable.
  • Compactness and the ability to modernize the home. Dismantling a container house is as easy as installing it, so the layout of the modules can always be improved, additional rooms can be added – the buildings can be freely “built up” up or in any direction.
  • Good isolation. The block container retains heat, perfectly protects against extraneous noise from the street.
  • Exterior variety. The block container can be made in a unique style and design, or it can be “disguised” as a classic cottage, using standard brick cladding, for example.
  • A large house made of block containers according to individual drawings with an original design fits into the amount of 1.5-2 million rubles.

Let’s move on to the minuses, 90% of which are claims against block container manufacturers. When choosing a mobile home, give preference to companies with an impeccable reputation. The level of comfort in your home directly depends on this.

Cons of modular houses:

  • High heat loss during the assembly of the structure “on the knee”. For the southern regions of the country, this is not critical, but if a house is being built in the north, it is important to insulate it “in good faith”.
  • Poor installation of the foundation risks reducing the life of the container. Lack of ventilation will cause metal to rust and wood to rot.
  • The geographical distance between the seller and the buyer. In some cases, a block container will cost several times cheaper than its transportation to the site. The house runs the risk of becoming uneconomical if the nearest module manufacturer is located in the neighboring area.

The demand for modular designs continues to grow, so direct manufacturers can be found in almost all major cities. More than 40 manufacturing plants operate in the regions of Russia.

Layout options

By itself, the assembled container is outwardly unattractive, but with the help of a designer, you can get quite attractive and beautiful houses. This also applies to interior design. Even with limited interior space, you can find a compromise and create a comfortable living block. The most difficult in this regard is a house of 1 module, but even in this case, all issues of convenience can be solved. The photo below shows the layout of the houses from the container:

Modular home options

The development of a design project in the case of block containers directly depends on its parameters, which creates a certain complexity in the work. It is not so easy to make the interior space as functional and attractive as possible from the outside. But if a real pro in his field takes up the construction of a house, the flaws in planning will come to naught – this is confirmed by practice.

Residential building from one block

House from a single container with an average area of ​​15 m2 quietly accommodates a complete set of everything necessary for life. The room can be divided into separate zones – a bathroom, a kitchen and a bedroom.

Complete house from one block

Such a house cannot be classified as spacious, but in order to create a compact living space, this is the best option. Still single modules are often used as hotels or hostels – both economically and comfortably.

House of two containers

By connecting a couple of modules, you can get a more spacious room, in terms of quadrature, it is quite comparable to a small apartment. Here, in addition to the sleeping area and the bathroom, you can equip a decent-sized kitchen-living room.

There is an option with the placement of 2 containers, standing parallel to each other at a distance of 3-5 meters. The free space between them is built up with a frame, and the result is a rather spacious cottage.

In addition, advanced architects today make completely non-trivial house designs by combining two containers. For example, one block is installed on another – both clearly along the boundaries and with a vertical offset. For such projects, containers of large sizes are more often used.

House of three modules of blocks

The three-block house is a full-fledged country cottage, where a large family can easily fit. More design ideas here. For example, in the center you can equip a frame living room. It will turn out a roomy and spacious room for cozy gatherings with a panoramic view of the garden.

3 block house option

House of four block containers

Meets the requirement of increased comfort on all fronts – there is definitely where to turn around. Such houses are made in one or two floors, often placing blocks in a single row to create a square layout. If you want to make your house different from the rest, the blocks can be combined in the most unusual variations.

To sum up

The popularity of modular buildings in our country, although in demand, is still viewed with suspicion. The habit of building “for life”, so that great-grandchildren get it, is not easy to eradicate in oneself – this is the experience of generations. However, the most advanced private developers, who are not afraid to experiment with a technological novelty, remain the winners. Thanks to their experience, modular homes have proven to be efficient, economical and durable, which we strive for.

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