Measures for the weight of products
You can weigh products without scales using a glass or spoon. Let’s figure out how many different ingredients are placed in these containers

To prepare any dish, you need to know not only its recipe, but also to correctly observe the proportions of the ingredients.

Since scales are not always at hand at home, other measures for determining mass can come to the rescue: a teaspoon, a tablespoon and a glass.

The ratio of mass and volume of products in the tables

How many grams of the product fits in one spoon or glass depends on its type, size and individual properties. Dry ingredients differ from each other in terms of grinding, granularity and density, and therefore have different weights. Each liquid product has a certain concentration, viscosity and density, which also affects their mass.

In order to properly weigh the ingredients without the use of special scales and measuring utensils, it is important to follow a few rules.

  • Fill spoons and glasses with liquid ingredients to the limit, that is, to the very brim.
  • Bulk products should be collected in containers with a slide, without tamping or loosening them. The fact is that changes in temperature, humidity and other characteristics affect the weight of food. For example, when sifting, the volume of flour increases, and when the humidity increases, salt and sugar become heavier.

Below are tables of the most commonly used products in the kitchen, which clearly show the weight of each ingredient in various containers.

Measuring table of dry products, grams

ProductTea spoonTablespoonFaceted glass (200 ml)Tea glass (250 ml)
Cocoa powder412120148
Ground coffee618100125
Dry tea3
Rice cereal727180240
Buckwheat grain627165210
dried mushrooms41080100
Peanut peeled825140175
Almonds (kernel)1030130160
fresh Raspberries520110140
Fresh strawberries525120150
Fresh cherries530150190

Measured table of liquid products, grams

ProductTea spoonTablespoonFaceted glass (200 ml)Tea glass (250 ml)
Vegetable oil417190230
Cream thick515210250
Soy sauce515200250
Vanilla syrup515200250
Condensed milk1230250300

Measured table of soft products, grams

ProductTea spoonTablespoonFaceted glass (200 ml)Tea glass (250 ml)
Cottage cheese415200250
Tomato paste1125250300

How to weigh food without a scale at home

– Measuring products at home without scales has a significant error, but it’s better than nothing. In order to weigh products at home, you can use two methods: do it with kitchen utensils or buy a product with a known weight and visually divide it into equal parts. For example, buying 800 grams of chicken fillet and cutting it into 4 equal pieces, we get a serving of 200 grams. These manipulations can be done with almost any solid food: meat, fish, cheese, bread. It is worth clarifying that in the case of meat products, it is better to use fillets, since it is extremely difficult to calculate the weight of the bones.

For weighing bulk products or liquids, this option is less suitable, so you can use kitchen utensils in the form of spoons, glasses, stacks, and so on. For example, an ordinary faceted glass has a volume of 250 ml to the rim or 200 ml to the rim, a tablespoon is 20 ml, and a teaspoon is 5 ml. In measuring products in this way, it is important to consider the following rules: we pour all liquids into a glass or spoon, completely filling them, viscous and dry products are scooped up with a small slide. Bulk products must be weighed before sifting, as they are heavier when packed.

You should also not ignore portioned products, for example, already sliced ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbcheese in equal plates, portioned packages of cereals, cold cuts.

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Popular questions and answers

Answers frequently asked questions Christy Lessing, fitness trainer, nutritionist and nutritionist:

How are grams and milliliters related?

In measuring the weight of products, it is important to remember that the same volume will always weigh differently. Therefore, we will figure out how grams and milliliters correlate.

First, it is important to define these two terms. A gram is a unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a kilogram. A liter is a unit of volume equal to one cubic decimeter. Liter is a non-systemic unit. In cooking, milliliters are usually used, one milliliter is equal to one thousandth of a liter or one cubic centimeter.

It is impossible to answer the question of how these values ​​u1bu1bare related, and how many milliliters are in one gram from a scientific point of view. Everything depends on the density of the substance, since the volume is equal to the mass divided by the density. That is why 1 gram of water occupies a volume of 0,97 milliliter, 1 gram of milk – 1,75 milliliters, and XNUMX gram of flour – XNUMX milliliters.

What determines the weight of the product?

There is one very important rule in weighing any products: we carry out all measurements in raw, thawed and unprepared form. Because during the cooking process, the weight can vary greatly due to the water absorbed by the product or, conversely, its evaporation.

You can disassemble this on the example of any cereal. Some cook thicker porridge, and someone adds a large amount of water, and from this the weight changes upwards. It follows that we can no longer adequately weigh the finished product. However, it should be remembered that the calorie content of the finished product does not change. The same thing happens with meat / fish, only in the process of cooking they give off water, and the weight after cooking becomes less.

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