
What is important for men is not the fact of the case, but the assessment of its significance. Try to formulate the characteristics of female thinking yourself.

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The film «Woman. Man»

A man perceives logic and integrity, a woman perceives specifics and details.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​When “just thinking” is described, what is actually being described is usually male thinking.

A woman, if she lives like a woman, lives with feelings. A man, if it is a man, is guided by the mind. A man is more often ready to consider what is happening objectively, in a woman everything is saturated with feelings and subjectivity. A man often relies on logic, a woman — on her intuition, feelings and sensations.

In the zero position of perception, men and women are the same. There is no one in the fourth position with an approximately equal difference. For women, the first and second positions of perception are characteristic, for men, the first and third. A woman either thinks about herself, about her interests, or feels the interests of another person, and a man either thinks about his own interests, or looks at the situation objectively, from the outside. He perceives the situations of a person next to him quite abstractly. Accordingly, a woman poorly understands the third position, a position from the outside, and men poorly understand the second position. It is on this point that the male and female seem to be radically different.

The male mind (sometimes simply called the mind) is the habit of thinking for yourself, looking for a solution without evasions and cunning. The female mind is different, women, given the opportunity to choose, often prefer to turn on the trick and solve the problem without racking their own brains. Cunning is the female mind. Women are no more stupid than men, they just use their minds less often, finding opportunities to solve life’s problems in other ways.

Features of male and female thinking

The thinking of men and women (meaning gender, not biology) has its own characteristics …

A man perceives logic and integrity, a woman perceives specifics and details.

A man thinks according to the rules, a woman is guided by an inner feeling. A woman does not feel obliged to follow formal logic, she is closer to the logic of feelings. If a woman feels the connection of someone and something with her body and soul, for her this is the surest connection. If a woman’s state or mood changes, her attitude towards a person changes, she will have a different logic and other conclusions. This is the basis of women’s logic.

Men’s thinking is digital, women’s is analog. The thinking of a man is characterized by certainty and often excessive abstraction, the artificiality of the framework of his thinking, for a woman — vagueness, great concreteness and natural fluidity. Men’s thinking is more reminiscent of a digital approach: «Yes — no», women’s — analog processes: one thing flows into something else.

For a man to look and draw a conclusion is easy, like: “Platoon, stop! — One-two. A woman can only have an instant impression, in order to come to something, she needs time to talk about it↑.

A man thinks first, then speaks. Women’s thinking occurs in the process of speaking. It is difficult for a woman to first think and then speak: in order to think, a woman begins to speak. A woman thinks when she speaks, the process of speaking is her way of thinking. In the process of a monologue, or rather a dialogue, something begins to clear up, a woman begins to better understand what she wanted to say. See →

Traditional female mistakes in thinking: a long eyeliner, does not define the context, lack of a clear thesis, lack of a clear conclusion. Communication errors in the discussion:

  • Long talk, when a woman goes from thought to thought, forgetting to take an interest in the opinion of a man;
  • Categorical intonation,
  • In principle, the rare use of the question «What do you think?».
  • The usual response to criticism is justification and objection. If the criticism continues, change the subject and fire accusations.
  • Jumping from topic to topic. A woman usually does not notice how she changes the subject, accordingly she does not warn the interlocutor about this and does not agree with the interlocutor about changing the topic.
  • Insistence and arbitrariness in determining the topic of discussion. Misunderstanding of subordination: a woman does not agree on whether we will discuss a topic of interest to her — she will discuss it, and it does not matter that a man plans to discuss something else. And it does not even matter that the man is the head of the family and therefore the leader of the discussion. Hence the many conflicts.

A man thinks alone. This is not always clear to a woman, for whom it is natural to think together with the interlocutor, out loud. And then they spoke — and he fell silent, the woman suddenly does not see any back reaction to her words. However, this does not mean at all that he pulled away or left the conversation, he just thinks and therefore is silent. What should a woman do in this situation? Relax and wait. If, nevertheless, she really needs to talk, then go up to the man and say that I will just talk now, I just need to listen, without giving any advice. I’ll just sit there and talk. If you say that to men, they understand it.

In the TV series House M.D., the doctor was solving a difficult problem with a patient. What did he do? He took and just sat, took the ball and for 15 minutes or half an hour, threw — threw, but no eyes, threw — threw. This creates a background of excitement that physiologically contributes to the process of thinking. Instead of a ball, there may be a woman here, there will be this la — la — la. A little noise, feminine la-la is good for masculine thinking.

Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov

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