
If I am a coach, I need to understand the difference between male and female audiences. This difference exists, and it must be taken into account in order to choose the most effective style of conducting training — both for conveying information and for developing skills.

According to my observations, there is no particular difference between the male and female audience at “business” trainings. However, the audience perceives better first a male coach. A female coach is being tested «for a tooth». And in this case, the coach must prove his authority and show that he knows a lot and she has something to teach the audience. At business trainings, I myself perceived a male trainer with great confidence.

At trainings for training volunteers, where the audience is students, aged 20-25, we try to put men as the lead trainer. The logic is simple: girls fall in love, are fascinated and listen. However, among the trainers there are Women who lead the trainings in such a way that the audience is fascinated and amazed. How? Knowledge, experience, the ability to «deliciously» present information. The appearance of these trainers is not attractive at all. They are met with wisdom.

It becomes clear that this topic is extensive, you need to take a certain cut. We take the age of 18-27, a motivated audience, the subject of the training is mainly business.

The specificity of the female audience lies in the fact that such an audience reacts sharply to negative phenomena of the material and everyday plan, concretely imaginative thinking prevails there, there is a high emotionality of perception, the audience prefers to perceive information by ear, is usually characterized by a lack of interest in economic, scientific, technical and sports topics, is more willing to attend various lectures and speeches, is less informed on all issues.

Requirements for speaking in a female audience:

  • desirable inductive presentation of the material: from the particular to the general;
  • high emotionality of presentation is preferable: emotional expressiveness, brightness of speech and catchy illustrations;
  • maximum use of visibility and appeal to everyday examples, cases from everyday life, family problems;
  • address only one issue.

The male audience is different. It is better informed on all issues, has the latest information gleaned from newspapers and news releases, in such an audience dominated by interests related to work and politics. The audience is impatient for long lines, does not like too detailed chewing of the material.

Requirements for speaking in a male audience:

  • the deductive presentation of the material is well perceived, a consistent story from the general to the particular;
  • emotionality should be moderate, you can use a more abstract presentation;
  • no need to draw too obvious conclusions for the audience;
  • in a speech, 2-3 questions can be considered, giving the obligatory argumentation of the theses put forward;
  • emotions are welcome, but only under the condition of a rational construction of the performance as a whole.

To put it simply, a man is a mind, a woman is a feeling. Probably, it is necessary to clarify according to N.I. Kozlov: “A woman, if she lives like a woman, lives with feelings. A man, if it is a man, is guided by the mind. We remember that there are women with a male gender and men with a female gender: and then we will meet those exceptions when women prefer a logical presentation. However, the general rule remains valid:

In the case of a female audience, we work on feelings, in the case of a male audience, on logic.

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