Liver cyst – causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

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A cyst on the liver is a focal lesion that usually does not pose a serious threat to the patient’s health. This disease is usually asymptomatic, therefore the cyst is most often detected by accident during other diagnostic tests. What determines the formation of a cyst in the liver and how is this lesion treated?

What is a cyst on the liver?

A cyst on the liver is a structural change in the liver parenchyma that is filled with fluid. On the diagnostic picture, the cyst resembles a cavity that is clearly demarcated from other tissues. The size and shape of cysts change over time and occur singly or in clusters. Rupture of the hepatic cyst is a condition that threatens the patient’s health. There are several types of cysts in the liver, and this division depends on the causes of the lesion and their nature. The types of cysts on the liver include:

  1. simple liver cyst,
  2. traumatic liver cyst,
  3. hepatic echinococcal cyst,
  4. liver cystadenoma,
  5. cystic adenocarcinoma of the liver.
  6. polycystic liver degeneration,
  7. amoebic abscess of the liver.

The causes of cysts on the liver

The most common cysts in the liver are congenital lesions. Congenital changes occur in the liver as a result of disturbances in the development of the bile ducts in utero. There are also other causes of the appearance of cysts on the liver, including:

  1. genetic conditions – contribute to polycystic disease of the liver and kidneys,
  2. blunt abdominal injuries – contribute to the development of traumatic cysts, also called pseudo-cysts,
  3. liver tumors – primary tumors, as well as metastases,
  4. parasite infections – contribute to the formation of echinococcosis cysts,
  5. diseases of the intrahepatic bile ducts.

Cyst on the liver – symptoms

At the very beginning of the development of a cyst in the liver, the disease is asymptomatic. Symptoms do not appear until the cyst in the liver has reached a considerable size. The most common symptoms of a cyst are gastrointestinal and include:

  1. feeling pain in the upper abdomen,
  2. nausea,
  3. flatulence
  4. repeated vomiting
  5. feeling of pressure in the abdomen,
  6. feeling of a full belly
  7. pain in the lower part of the chest,
  8. recurrent diarrhea
  9. lack of appetite.

If the cyst in the liver is cancerous, in addition, the patient feels tired and weak, notices weight loss, suffers from severe abdominal pain and loses the desire to eat.

Diagnosis of cysts on the liver

Diagnostics in the case of cysts in the liver is largely based on imaging studies. Liver cysts are diagnosed by ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. These tests, outside of diagnostic purposes, are performed to assess the location, size, and structure of the cysts in the liver. In diagnostics, serological tests, chest X-rays and histopathological examinations are also used, especially in the case of suspicion of a neoplastic disease.

Cyst on the liver – treatment

Treatment of a cyst in the liver depends on the cause of its appearance. Congenital cysts that have become large are usually removed with surgery. Part of the lesion is submitted for histopathological examination, while the fluid present in the cyst is submitted for bacteriological examination. Very rarely, but sometimes there is a need for liver transplantation.

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  1. бауырда бирдеме бардит 6см кестама

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