LDL cholesterol: Definition, Analysis, Interpretation of results

LDL cholesterol: Definition, Analysis, Interpretation of results

The LDL cholesterol level is a parameter measured during a lipid balance. Responsible for transporting cholesterol within the body, LDL cholesterol is a lipoprotein known as “bad cholesterol” because its excess constitutes a cardiovascular risk factor.


What is LDL cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol, sometimes written LDL-cholesterol, is a low-density lipoprotein that helps transport cholesterol throughout the body. Although it has been heavily criticized in recent years, cholesterol is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the human body. This lipid participates in the structure of cell membranes, in the synthesis of numerous molecules and in the production of bile salts necessary for the digestion of lipids. By participating in the distribution of cholesterol in different tissues, LDL cholesterol thus plays an important role within the body.

Why is it called “bad cholesterol”?

While LDL cholesterol is one of the carriers of cholesterol in the body, there are others including HDL cholesterol. The latter is able to capture excess cholesterol in the body and then transport it to the liver for elimination. The transport function of HDL cholesterol is all the more important as excess cholesterol in the blood constitutes a cardiovascular risk factor. It is for this reason that HDL cholesterol is referred to as “good cholesterol” while LDL cholesterol is referred to as “bad cholesterol”.

What are the normal values ​​for LDL cholesterol?

An LDL cholesterol level is generally considered normal when it is between 0,9 and 1,6 g / L in adults.


However, these reference values ​​may vary depending on the medical analysis laboratories and many parameters including gender, age and medical history. To find out more, you should seek advice from your doctor.

What is the analysis for?

The level of LDL cholesterol in the blood is one of the values ​​measured to analyze the level of total cholesterol in the body.

The interpretation of the LDL cholesterol level is used for the prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of two dyslipidemias:

  • hypocholesterolemia, which corresponds to a deficiency in cholesterol;
  • hypercholesterolemia, which refers to excess cholesterol.

How is the analysis carried out?

The determination of LDL cholesterol is carried out by a medical analysis laboratory. It requires a blood test, which is usually done at the bend of the elbow.

The blood sample is then used to do a lipid profile. The latter consists of measuring the blood levels of various lipids including:

  • LDL cholesterol;
  • HDL cholesterol;
  • triglycerides.

What are the factors of variation?

The LDL cholesterol level is a value that varies according to lipid intake. It is for this reason that the blood test should be taken on an empty stomach, and preferably for at least 12 hours. It is also recommended not to drink alcohol 48 hours before the lipid assessment.

How to interpret the results?

Interpretation of LDL cholesterol levels contributes to cholesterol analysis. However, this result must be studied with regard to the other values ​​obtained during a lipid balance. The latter is generally considered normal when:

  • the total cholesterol level is less than 2 g / L;
  • LDL cholesterol is less than 1,6 g / L;
  • HDL cholesterol level is greater than 0,4 g / L;
  • the triglyceride level is less than 1,5 g / L.

These reference values ​​are given for information only. They can vary depending on different parameters including gender, age and medical history. It is advisable to approach your doctor to interpret the results of a lipid assessment.

Interpretation of low LDL cholesterol

A low LDL cholesterol level, less than 0,9 g / L, may be a sign of hypocholesterolemia, that is to say of cholesterol deficiency. However, this phenomenon is rare. It can be linked to:

  • a genetic abnormality;
  • undernutrition;
  • cholesterol malabsorption;
  • a pathology such as cancer;
  • a depressive state.

Interpretation of high LDL cholesterol

Too high an LDL cholesterol level, greater than 1,6 g / L, should be interpreted as a warning signal. This is a sign of hypercholesterolemia, that is to say of excess cholesterol in the blood. The body can no longer regulate the total cholesterol level, which results in an accumulation of lipids in the arteries. This progressive deposition of fat can lead to the formation of atheromatous plaque, the consequences for health of which can be serious. Blood circulation is disturbed, which increases the risk of high blood pressure. Ruptured atheromatous plaque can also be the cause of myocardial infarction, stroke, or arteritis obliterans of the lower extremities (PADI).

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