Language disorders: should my child go to the speech therapist?

The speech therapist is a communication specialist. 

It helps patients who have difficulty expressing themselves orally and in writing.

Discover the main signs of language disorders that require consultation.

Language disorders: the cases that should put you on the alert

At 3 years old. He hardly speaks, or on the contrary a lot, but he grazes the words so much that no one understands him, neither his parents, nor his teacher and he suffers from it.

At 4 years old. A child who distorts words, does not make sentences, uses verbs in the infinitive and uses poor vocabulary. Or a child who stutters, can’t start sentences, finish words, or just speak without putting in great effort.

At 5-6 years old. If he continues to emit a phoneme badly (eg: ch, j, l) in large section, it is necessary to consult so that the child enters the CP by pronouncing correctly, otherwise he risks writing as he speaks. On the other hand, all babies born with deafness or a significant handicap such as trisomy 21 benefit from early treatment.

How are the sessions with the speech therapist?

First, this language rehabilitation specialist will take stock of your child’s abilities and difficulties. During this first meeting, most often in your presence, the speech therapist will submit your child to various tests of articulation, comprehension, sentence structures, restitution of a story, etc. Depending on the results of these tests, he will write a report, offer you appropriate support and then establish a request for prior agreement with the Health Insurance.

Language disorders: adapted rehabilitation

It all depends of course on the child’s difficulties. The one who speaks easily and confuses only the sounds “che” and “I” (the most difficult) will be cured in a few sessions. Likewise, the child who “licks” will quickly learn to put his tongue down and no longer to slip it between his teeth, as soon as he accepts to give up his thumb or his pacifier. For other children, rehabilitation may take longer, but one thing is certain: the sooner these disorders are detected, the faster the results will be.

Speech therapist: reimbursement of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation sessions with a speech therapist are covered by Health Insurance on the basis of 60% of the Social Security tariff, the remaining 40% are generally covered by mutual funds. Social Security will therefore reimburse € 36 for a balance sheet of € 60.

The rehabilitation session lasts half an hour.

Language disorders: 5 tips to help it

  1. Don’t make fun of him, do not ridicule him in front of others, do not criticize his way of speaking, and never make him repeat it.
  2. Just speak. Just rephrase her sentence correctly and avoid “baby” language, even if you find that cute.
  3. Offer him games to encourage him to express himself and exchange. The animal or trade lottery, for example, will allow him to comment on what he sees on his card, where he places it, etc. Tell him stories over and over, from different worlds, to enrich his vocabulary. 
  4. Pmiss indirect reading. When you read him a story, cut the phrase “into small slices” and have him repeat it after you. Only one sentence per image is sufficient.
  5. Play construction games together or invent sketches with small characters and suggest that they pass them “under”, put them “on top”, put “in”, and so on.

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