Italian diet, 12 days, -6 kg

Losing weight up to 6 kg in 12 days.

The average daily calorie content is 810 Kcal.

The surprise of many people is that Italians, eating pizza, pasta and other flour and high-calorie sweets, as a rule, remain slim. It turns out that the Italian diet helps them with this. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the various versions of this technique, which many celebrities adhere to, successfully maintaining the attractiveness of their external forms.

Italian diet requirements

Popular with many people around the world (not only in this country), the Italian weight loss technique is based on three main steps.

The first stage lasts 7 days. It is considered preparatory. At this time, the body is cleansed of the accumulated harmful substances, toxins and slags. There is also a normalization of metabolism, which, as we know, if not properly worked, very often leads to weight gain. At the second stage, which lasts three days, the weight is actively lost and the figure is normalized. But the third final stage of the methodology lasts two days. It is considered restorative and helps to maintain the results obtained.

For the entire diet course, you can lose up to 5-6 kilograms of excess weight. At the first stage, you need to eat low-fat yogurt, fruits and berries, boiled rice, and vegetables. At the second and third stages, meals are supplemented with lean chicken, durum wheat pasta and cheese. In more detail, the diet of the Italian diet for weight loss is described in the menu.

As for liquids, it is recommended to drink sugar-free herbal teas and clear still water in abundance. It is highly advisable not to forget to play sports, especially in the first 7 days of diet and nutrition. Try to exercise at least half an hour every day. This will help the body to more actively get rid of unnecessary things and lose weight.

Getting rid of even more kilograms (and in less time) is promised by the Italian diet with the winged name Butterfly. With its help, you can lose up to 6 kilograms of excess weight in 8 days. You need to eat three times a day. The basis of the diet is popular Italian foods: hard pasta, lean fish and meat (chicken fillet), rice, asparagus, pineapples, apples and other healthy fruits and berries.

Although Italians do not neglect their favorite food, as a rule, the amount of food they consume is not large. So in this case, it is recommended to limit yourself to eating a maximum of 250 g in one food approach. Then the diet will certainly be effective.

Often, the popular actress Sophia Loren also resorted to transforming her figure with the help of a three-day variation of the Italian diet. This technique helps to unnoticeably lose up to two kilograms. If you also want to try out the stellar method of transformation, you should have breakfast with a chicken egg, dine with lean meat and vegetables, and dinner means eating purely fruits. In essence, this option is a short, low-calorie diet that helps you lose a little burdening weight.

No matter what method of losing weight from Italy you are sitting on, it is important to note that in order to preserve its results, you need to adjust the nutrition after. Otherwise, saving the obtained result can be very problematic. It is recommended to compose your post-dietary diet from food that is part of the food pyramid of many Italians: fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, various cereals, beans, dairy and sour-milk low-fat products, nuts, seeds. It is recommended to dress salads and cook dishes in olive oil. Among liquids in high esteem, in addition to pure water, unsweetened tea (mostly herbal) and freshly squeezed fruit, vegetable, berry juices and fresh juices.

Now let’s look at the Italian diet for weight gain. It is known that not everyone wants to lose weight. Some people, for one reason or another, need to gain weight. In this case, the Italian version comes to the rescue, which allows you to round the body to the desired shapes in a leisurely manner, so as not to stress the body and in no way harm it. A five-day weight gain meal usually helps you stick up to 2 pounds of your coveted weight. If you need to get better, just repeat the course again. The Italian diet for weight gain is based on three main meals and an afternoon snack. It is worth eating such products as cornflakes, yogurt and other fermented milk and dairy products, various meat products, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, berries and other usefulness.

A distinctive characteristic of the Italians’ nutrition (which is also recommended to pay attention to all people who want to help the body and figure) is the habit of eating slowly, chewing food thoroughly, and not overeating. Late supper is also not typical for this nation. Italians also respect physical activity very much.

Italian diet menu

Diet on the Italian diet for weight loss

Menu for the first stage

Breakfast: a fruit cocktail made from 100-150 ml of low-fat yogurt and up to 0,5 kg of any fruits and berries (you just need to beat them in a blender).

Lunch: 120 g of boiled rice (preferably brown or brown) and 60 g of pumpkin or applesauce.

Dinner: boiled or stewed non-starchy vegetables (up to 500 g).

Menu for the second stage

Breakfast: a small amount of cereal or oatmeal, mixed with a 100-gram mix of berries and nuts (you can fill everything with low-fat yogurt without sugar).

Lunch: 100 g of boiled pasta mixed with a small amount of chicken breast, a few cherry tomatoes, 1 tbsp. l. corn (peas), a raw egg, seasonings to taste and shabby hard cheese of minimum fat content (send all this beauty to the oven and use after baking).

Dinner: salad of 100 g of canned pineapple, 50-60 g of hard cheese, several sweet peppers and low-fat sour cream or yogurt.

Menu for the third stage

Breakfast: a bowl of your favorite berries.

Lunch: skinless chicken breast baked with onions; boiled two medium-sized potatoes and a company of steamed or baked non-starchy vegetables.

Dinner: pineapple-cheese salad (as in the second stage).

Butterfly Italian diet menu

Breakfast (use of your choice):

– 2 medium oranges and a glass of any berries (you can mix from these products);

– a bunch of grapes and a glass of natural yogurt plus a couple of nuts (preferably almonds).

Dinner (you also need to choose one of the options):

– a portion of boiled rice and a boiled or fried chicken egg;

– beef fillet stewed in the company of non-starchy vegetables;

– chicken breast baked with hard cheese, sweet peppers, lettuce and various herbs;

– boiled asparagus and olives;

– a portion of any fruit salad;

– spaghetti made from permitted pasta with a little tomato sauce.


– half a fresh pineapple and one apple;

– 100 gram portion of lean fish fillet, boiled or baked.

Sophia Loren’s Italian diet menu

Breakfast: boiled chicken egg and a glass of freshly squeezed citrus juice (preferably orange). If you don’t like this food combination, you can eat a few tablespoons of unsweetened cereals / muesli with the addition of low-fat milk or natural yogurt.

Lunch: a portion of vegetable salad made from non-starchy products, which can be seasoned with a small amount of olive oil, with a slice of lean chicken fillet in boiled or baked form (turkey fillet can be used). It is allowed to supplement lunch with 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of berries or fruits.

Dinner: one apple or pear (or 2-3 peaches).

Italian diet menu for weight gain

Day 1

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs; a handful of raisins; a portion of vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil; coffee (can be with sugar or honey).

Lunch: ravioli; chicken soup with vegetables; salad of bell pepper and fresh cucumber.

Afternoon snack: a glass of cocktail, for the preparation of which use fruits, berries, natural yogurt.

Dinner: dumplings (200 g); a glass of natural tomato juice; several oatmeal cookies with a cup of tea or coffee.

Day 2

Breakfast: cornflakes seasoned with milk; a handful of nuts that can be mixed with natural yogurt; a cup of coffee.

Lunch: meat soup with the addition of solid noodles; some beef stew with beans; 2-3 tangerines.

Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir or natural yogurt plus a handful of raisins.

Dinner: 2-3 sandwiches with whole grain bread, chicken fillet and hard cheese; a few pieces of chocolate; tea.

Day 3

Breakfast: an omelet made from two chicken eggs and several tomatoes; a slice of bread with a layer of butter and ham; a cup of coffee.

Lunch: baked or fried chicken fillet; a portion of meat noodle soup; slice of bread; pear.

Afternoon snack: a glass of natural yogurt in the company of a few prunes and a handful of nuts.

Dinner: beef cutlet; mashed potatoes; a couple of sandwiches with sprats and a fresh cucumber; fruit juice or compote.

Day 4

Breakfast: ravioli; vegetable salad with olive oil; several plums.

Lunch: cutlet from any meat; soup noodles; green vegetable salad; for dessert an apple and a few marmalade.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with banana, berries and nuts, you can also season it with honey or jam and add some ground cookies.

Dinner: a sandwich with a meat cutlet or a slice of pizza with any composition; A glass of tomato juice.

Day 5

Breakfast: spaghetti with beef stew; a cup of coffee.

Lunch: a couple of slices of pizza; salad of carrots, apples, dried apricots, which can be seasoned with honey or sugar; some curd with a cup of tea.

Afternoon snack: kefir or yogurt with a handful of walnuts.

Dinner: spaghetti with fried or stewed turkey; a slice of whole grain bread and a glass of tomato juice; You can eat an apple.

Contraindications to the Italian diet

In general, almost everyone can sit on various variations of the Italian diet. You should not turn to them for help only if you have diseases that require a special diet.

Advantages of the Italian diet

  1. Since the Italian technique is based on healthy and correct products, following its rules helps not only to lose weight (or, if necessary, gain), but also has a beneficial effect on the state of the body and the appearance of a person.
  2. Unlike many other diets, this one does not provoke weakness and other negative manifestations.
  3. Losing weight will also be pleased with the fact that you can eat tasty, varied, not wait for bouts of hunger and at the same time enjoy the pleasant changes that are taking place in the figure day after day.

Disadvantages of the Italian diet

  • Perhaps those who want to lose weight rapidly may be confused by the fact that the weight goes away slowly, albeit confidently. Often we want faster changes, which is not always possible.
  • Not all the products recommended for consumption can be easily found on our counters, and the prices for them are not the lowest. Therefore, the Italian diet can be a daunting challenge for your wallet.
  • It will take time to prepare the necessary meals. So if you are a busy person, this can become another complication.

Re-conducting the Italian diet

Despite the fact that the diet of various options for the Italian diet is quite loyal, and such nutrition should not become stress for the body, it is recommended that if you want to sit on this technique again, wait at least a month. This does not apply to the weight gain diet. To her help, if there are no contraindications, you can resort to regularly until you see the desired result on the scales.

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